Who is the last League of Legends character released that's been actually good?
For me is Taliyah, everything after it has been a clusterfuck.
Who is the last League of Legends character released that's been actually good?
None of them. The originals were all shit, dota 2 copies, or stolen from fan made champions on a dota 2 fan forum and the rest are fucking awful design wise.
lee sin the blind monk
Which one would be "the least bad" for you then?
Gangplank back when he could deny
I only pick it back up to play occasionally but I guess Kindred is probably the last one I really liked? I don't remember the release order very clearly though. Riot really lost my interest when they decided every champion needed to be reworked and none of them are allowed to just be have a simple role anymore. Won't ever forgive those fuckers for the Shen rework.
draven is good
the support that can go invisible and pull people.
opinion disregarded
>uuh uuh uh uh uuh uuh uh but uuh dneying and crpee stckackakckackacking iz gdoo mchenanics!!!!11!1!
>u-u just a lolllplyaer
HOTSchad actually, but out of two steaming piles of shit LoL is less stinky.
League of Legends is a shit game that makes me hate myself, my friends, and people in general ESPECIALLY WOMEN
Why would anyone give a shit about your opinion lmao you play a literal fucking abortion
Aphelios was unironically a good release. Senna and Sett were shit though. Qiyana also busted as shit, Yuumi a braindead egirl character.
True facts
Opinion discarded. I do like that they have the balls to make weird stuff like Cho'Gall though
>She licked the mask
What an animal
>the most casual option with a playerbase of 7 people
lore wise? sett, he's got some neat character.
gameplay wise? maybe sylas or zoe.
Not as broken as people think he is, to lane against anyway. The key is to take short trades so as not to build up his grit which will lead to a W that takes 2/3rds your health. He's anti all-in. The PROBLEM is they gave him true damage which makes him a teamfight God since he is going to ult the tank into the squishies, every pile damage on him, then he W's 3 of you in a straight line and basically wins the teamfight. so I say he's fair in lane, broken in teamfights.
Unironically a difficult champ. Mastering him takes skill. He's most balanced they've had ain a while too.
Broken as all hell is. Giving someone free crit/attack range for basically doing nothing is NOT okay. Not to mention free healing in a straightline. Very unbalanced at her core.
Balanced ad assassin. Is basically a teamfighting assassin with her ult. Can be broken af though if ahead, but the same can be said of all assassins.
Absolutely disgraceful champ design. Literally afk- the champ. Insane healing, insane ult, full mejais insane damage. Just fucked from top to bottom.
Very unique and original champ on release, he was basically an AP, teamfight bruiser akin to morde but with a more interesting and engaging playstyle. Sadly, pro play has GUTTED the fuck out of him. He is basically an AP assassin with long cooldowns even at 40% cdr and no waveclear.
balanced AP control mage. She is basically the Lux designed and targeted at mestizo e-girls.
Balanced ADC
Broken af if you know what ur doing
Broken damage for building pure tank.
No way fag.
>Gameplay wise
How can anyone play her and still feel clean is beyond my comprehension
Agreed. Zoe has a decent learning curve (20 or so games) but once you know what you're doing she's broken as fuck.
>dedicated playerbase even when blizzavision went full retard and abandoned the game
>varied heroes with unique mechanics, some utterly fucking bizarre
>more maps in standard rotation than rito and doto combined
>macro-, objective- and skill-reliant gameplay rather than Autistic Woodpecker Simulator 20XX
>"ids nod bobular so ibs bad hurr" EVER being an argument
When was the last time a released champ got a damage over time spell? Might literally be Udyr lol.
it's a dead game but I confess it is fun.
Kayn because I finally got my edgy scythe champ
>Autistic Woodpecker Simulator 20XX
Thats how online vidya works
Maybe he's talking about the amount of time League invests in the laning phase?
>Who is the last League of Legends character released that's been actually good?