I defeated BassBX. Ask me anything

I defeated BassBX. Ask me anything.

Attached: Mega Man Battle Network 6 - Cybeast Gregar (USA) 2020-04-13 11.27.25.png (1612x982, 52.96K)

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>Ask me anything.
Why don't you play the good megaman games instead?

how big

The Battle Network games are some of the best action turn based RPG card battler games ever to exist!
They are good Megan games too!

can you explain to me the entire context of that as someone who has only ever played megaman legends?

I've played Mega Man 1 to 6. Haven't played the others, though.

how do I git gud at these games?

I defeated Bass BX, the strongest superboss of Mega Man Battle Network 6, which is the final entry so far in the Mega Man Battle Network series.

ok and what exactly makes him so difficult and what does defeating him entail in terms of strategy?

Watch some tutorial videos to get the gist of your tactics and the enemy's AI. Don't forget to practice, though. Your body needs to remember what to do.

His attacks consist of the following:
>randomized machine gun attack that strikes your entire area
>double rolling razorblade attack that requires perfect timing to dodge
>a sword that sweeps two of the three defalt rows of tiles given to you
>a t-shape tornado attack that ignores invincibility frames
Not to mention that he's invulnerable when moving and only stops briefly. His 3,400 hit points makes it a bit of a endurance run, too.
Still, other than the first one, his attacks are only done in set areas, and that can be exploited.

Do they have tight platformer gameplay too?

i was under the impression the combat in those games was turn based on a grid or something.
is that not how it is?

Did you have fun

Post folder.

>350 HP left

git gud

Because he'd rather play great ones instead.

it's real time action, but it still technically has turns. You have a deck of 30 single use attacks and you get a hand of 5 at the start of battle and at the beginning of each turn. You can take as many as you want that have matching letter codes to fight with for 1 turn. The turn lasts a minimum of ~10 seconds, but it only ends when you hit the button to look at a new hand, which contains the cards you didn't take and new ones to make a hand of 5 again. You lose all attacks that you didn't use, so generally you only end the turns when you've used all of your attacks. Again though, it's all real time action except for the pause when choosing what to take from your hand.

Here's what the combat looks like. As a bonus, it's a battle against said boss.


No but they don't need it!

Memes aside, BN could have been an entirely new franchise. It's like they had the idea for the gameplay and the setting but didn't want to go through the effort of making up original characters. At least these games have legit one of the best combat systems in an RPG and a comfy setting, but they are kind of the odd ones out compared to Megaman in general.

Post folder.

I did that too when I was 13

Stopped reading right there, if Capcom doesn't release X9 or ZX3 soonish I might give it a shot though, if they release a convenient BN/SF collection I'll definitely play them.
boy did I butcher that post

>ZX3 will never get released
>Master Thomas will literally get away with everything

It's not fair.

>No ZX3
>No MML3
>No VJ3
Why Capcom?

>Escape from Eden is soulless roguelite garbage
>Capcom still utterly refuses to release a Battle Network collection

Attached: 1586545065862.jpg (895x772, 170.53K)

call me back when you beat Sirius Sigma or The dumb Rogue version where you have to beat Le mu Xa before hand.

Here it is.
>git gud
Post folder.

Attached: BugDFldrV2.png (972x3816, 67.35K)

does he get embarrased when gets defeatd haha

>call me back when you beat Sirius Sigma
not him, but I did that fight and it's utter horseshit.
SF3 was still extremely satisfying and fun to 100% though.

Nice. Falzar I'm guessing?


I was just fucking with you, user.

>The dumb Rogue version where you have to beat Le mu Xa before hand.

Fuck everything about both of those bosses.

It's Gregar, actually.
Sure, sure.

How were you using Static? Bass seems kinda fast to try to hit with that.