Aeris is for Cloud

Aeris is for Cloud

Tifa is for the trashcan

Aeris won't die in FF7R, how does that make you feel?

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>how does that make you feel?
i'll let you know in 2028 when the game is finished.

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>Tifa not looking like a chinese whore
Why even live?

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wait im out of the loop on the remake if you can believe that, if it's a "remake" why are really important things being retconned?

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dissapointed, would be pissed off if I actually bought a game labelled "remake" when it'a actually a veiled sequel. Glad I don't play games made for homos and women.

Hold up I thought the remake goes to the end of midgard. Do they seriously stop before Aerith's death?

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aeris dies at like the end of disc 1 well after midgar you fucking asshole retard

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Are we gonna have to deal with tifaposting til 2025?

You are correct, OP.

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I wonder how many times Zack will bang her behind Cloud's back

Tifaposter is still really angry from getting btfo in last thread, huh?

tifa is eternal

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As a Aerisbro, I am disgusted how other Aerisbros are treating their Tifabros. Aeris would not approve.

I haven't read shit all on the game. I assumed it at least encompassed disc 1. Haven't played the original since 2000 could have sworn they were under midgard or some shit.

>tfw a cute girl will never help you break out of your shell while you slowly fall in love with her despite thinking it's too good to be true

End me now, bros.

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None because Zack is dead forever and Aerith always preferred Cloud. Zack will have to watch Cloud bang Aerith from the Lifestream.

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Why does the asian one have bigger tits?

fuck off bro....

>Aerisposter is really angry from getting btfo in their own thread, huh?

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>Zack is dead forever

even as an impossible dream it helps me feel better


We had two very nice threads discussing Aerith, tho. Then you showed up and threw a tantrum and everyone made fun of you. I hope you keep spamming and sperging out in Aerith threads, I want to laugh some more.

Zack is alive in Remake due to some currently unexplained bullshit. But that's actually good, since Aerith will put the cuckpost garbage to bed once and for all when she tells him she moved on.

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don't tell him

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Aerith is for Cloud now. Sorry, Zacksu. You should have been more loyal.

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>you showed up and threw a tantrum
Yas Forums is more than one person my guy

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I honestly don't think he is alive, but I don't care even if he is. He won't be a huge focus, and if he does show up Aerith will just reject him again like you said. I almost hope he does so another argument will get btfo.

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Let’s be honest, OP was asking for it

k have fun I will laugh at you no matter who it is throwing the tantrum and spamming like an angry autist

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he's literally dumping his entire tifa folder as fast as the website will let him

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Yes, a small solace of a dream in this cruel world.

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Let's be honest, Tifaspergs were asking for it after they tried to derail the last Aerith threads and threw a tantrum. Wouldn't be surprised if they created this thread so they could have an excuse to pretend they are "stickig it" to Aerith posters. Pretty pathetic behavior from them either way.

I took her virginity.

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I hope he keeps doing it so Tifafags lose even more credibility.