Are we really supposed to feel sorry for terrorists who killed thousands of innocents civilians in Mako reactor attack?

Are we really supposed to feel sorry for terrorists who killed thousands of innocents civilians in Mako reactor attack?

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No BIGOT, it was the evil capitalist-patriarchical Corporation Shinra who did it. Get with the times, racist, fascist homophobe.

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The options are thousands now or tens of millions later once WEAPON wakes up and decides to take care of the mako reactors personally.

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>killed thousands of innocents civilians
not anymore ;3

It was Google who killed them, not us patriots

it was Shinra bruh.

the game actually does a good job of making the whole ecoterrorism thing grey, so no I don't think you're meant to feel sorry for them. You're just supposed to grow attached to them because the game is through their perspective.

>Privileged first-world fucks literally living off the pain and suffering of the lower classes
They deserved it.
Remember that their taxes literally go to fund Shinra's military and R&D budgets which commit inhumane acts on the regular. Every single 'civilian' has blood on their hands because they go along with this system and thus they have no innocence to hide behind when the 'terrorists' finally judge them.

you know I'm not sure if this is ever brought up, but what do they use for power after FF7? Like in Advent Children they still have electronics, lights, and their bikes and shit. Did they just move on to renewables like solar or go back to coal?

Based Jessie is helping Barrett kill people who are essentially the same as her parents

Invisible plot ghosts turning turbines.

Shinra "Electric" Power Company. I'm guessing that they just used electricity before they discovered mako.

mako generates electricity too, they just burn some souls to spin some turbines

Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus both confirm they switch to oil, the Shera is an oil-powered airship in particular.
They're probably gonna switch to renewables as soon as it's viable, but as it is the mako dependency needed to be shaken off first.

oh neat, glad they addressed that. It would be kind of weird if they continued burning soul juice after Meteor.

They had electricity and coal technology before mako. Barret was from a coal-mining community.

Barret is a cult leader. You hear his little speech about bearing the responsibilities of their crimes? He is no christ. He can not bear their sins. They are terrorists who build bombs and kill people. Jessi's little flirt game is brainwashing 101 in getting new recruits. God bless Shinra

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TFW Im a communist millenial because of a video game from 1997

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>being this retarded
The lower plate works for shinra too. Just because they're not permanently employed, doesn't mean they're not on the company's payroll. The only area that's their own is wall market.

Well, thanks to nomura you don't need to worry about that anymore! your heroes are pure and everything is black and white.

The heroes didn’t do that anymore it was shinra. So good thing avalanche is stopping them!

It's kind of a product of it's time too. I dunno about Japan, but in the US ecoterrorism was in vogue all through the 90's. You had groups spiking trees and sabotaging logging equipment and shit and they had a pretty healthy level of support.

Do you remember what happened in Barret's past to make him like that?

When you think about it, the slum dwellers were really just squatting under the Sector 7 plate. Maybe if they didn't violate the NAP and respected Shinra's private property rights, they wouldn't have been squashed during a planned urban renewal program.

Don't worry, because this time in THIS game, in THIS TIMELINE, Avalanche dindu nuffin. It was all the big evil corporation thus taking all the weight and investment in the very opening of the game away from the player.

Does it matter? He says shit like that because he needs followers to plant bombs in suicide missions to be killed or captured for him. All terrorist cult leaders are the same.

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I really liked how in Before Crisis Avalanche was the most horrifying cult in the franchise. Eat shit other games, you were infants in comparison.

It was implied in the original that Shinra actually made the explosion larger.
You can find Jessie baffled as to how the explosion was that big when she followed the directions perfectly. They just made that event clearer in the remake.

WTF i love al Qaeda now

Jessie still feels responsible though and admits that her dying was karmic, she even went through the trouble of making the explosive stronger than it needed to be. Intent matters.

No you retard, the implication was that her calculations were mistaken because of her inexperience. Cait Sith literally tells them it was them in the original game.

. میں نے حال ہی میں اپنے میدان ڈیک میں بمباروں کی کمی محسوس کیا ہے . یہ بالکل حرام ہیں اور اللہ کی توہین ہے . آپ ثقافتی تنوع کے بارے میں سب سے اوپر پرواہ ہے آپ کو آپ کے ڈیک کے سب آگے بڑھنے کے لئے ان کارڈز شامل کریں گے! دوسری صورت میں ہم آپ کو کچھ "گھڑیوں" بھیجنے کے لئے مجبور کیا جائے گا . میں تمہیں دھمکی گے لیکن یہ میری خوبصورت اونٹ کی بیوی سے محبت کرنے کا وقت ہے . الوداعی ، Shinra

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>Cait Sith literally tells them it was them in the original game.
Where does he say that?

It's a retcon. That line is just a further characterization of Jessie being a screwupl ike the fake ID thing later. It was not intended in VII. They had leeway to make the Remake different and tonally appropriate for the times amidst all the other changes in the game. The Remake has no bearing on the story of the original and shouldn't need its blessing and parity to be legitimate on its own merits. The Remake however is just awful, so you are trying to justify it and you should stop. Leave the original alone.

Not the guy,but on the Highwind towards the end when he confronts Barret right before Diamond Weapon attacks Midga, because Barret was only concerned about Marlene. Italso justifies Cait Sith being a traitor and his distrust of the group.

It was before 9/11, so unironically yes.