Was deviating from the original's traditional anime artstyle to pseudo realism a good choice for Final Fantasy 7 Remake?

Was deviating from the original's traditional anime artstyle to pseudo realism a good choice for Final Fantasy 7 Remake?

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I just hate that Cloud looks like he's 14 instead of looking like the tough looking goof on the left.

Even the whole "lol gotta dress up to enter Corneos" the main line the fucking tailor says is "A dress? For a tough looking dude like that?" In the remake, everyone treats cloud as an effeminate pussy, it's grating.

The change itself is not inherently bad, but the individual character changes are for quite a number of things.
Cloud looks like a stick man with airbrushed muscles, Tifa looks like a stick woman without any muscles at all, and they're still continuing to make Sephiroth a generic smirking evil pretty boy instead of the older, more disillusioned look of the original.

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The change isn't bad, i certainly wouldn't want FF to be taken in the direction of the Xenoblade remaster.

what kind of 14 year olds do you hang around?

I hope someone writes something or makes a youtube expressing how I feel about the character changes. I don't really like any of them.

I think Tifa looks okay though at least in her face, mods will fix her body.

He meants to say 16. In any case he looks young. Almost everyone looks too skinny too.

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>the direction of the Xenoblade remaster.
...by making it look more like the original illustrations and concept art? i think most people would've wanted that for FF7R

The less anime the better; anime is a cancer on the industry at this point


how old does nu-cloud look and act to you? The constant sighing and brooding tells me he's not 21, but rather still in his teens

basically what I'm thinking, he reminds me of the Cloud from Crisis Core where he's overly weak and flimsy instead of a mako infused death machine that he was during the first disk.

Realism is souless

They just had to buff him up a lil and it wouldn’t have been as irritating. Honestly, I enjoy the remake but some of this shit is like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.

the only thing i hate than bleak realism is UGUU ANIMU so yes its a great choice

>graphics abandon anime bullshit for a more grounded approach
>story abandons more grounded approach (relatively speaking obviously) for more anime bullshit

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They made could too skinny. His arms and Jesse's arms are essentially the dame size. I know that Cloud is has been made into a Visual Kei twink, but the original has always made me feel that he was medium build but jacked.

Sephiroth is too much a bishonen. I remember his as stoic and somber outwardly, while just plain old nutty on the inside. Here he is a beautiful homosexual, slowly seducing Cloud with charismatic mystique. I like that that they made Jesse wet as fuck for Cloud, too bad about her. I always thought that she was best girl.

BASED. And no.

Game would literally look much better and have more content if it looked liked Street Fighter V for example. If you painted Zangief black you practically have a perfect looking Barret with the original aesthetic. Same with Cammy and Cloud face.

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It was a mistake because Cloud still has stupid anime hair and now he and other party members stick out like a soar thumb against "realistic" townsfolk.

anime is for children

>time jannies

You should be more concerned with the Kingdom Hearts ending than the visuals, which are fine by the way, except for Tifa's stiff white shirt.

The remake should have went with KH graphics but with voice acting and the gameplay of the original left intact.

But it was anime in the original? WTF?

Yeah, because if they're going to turn the story into a dumpster fire, it's better to distance it from the original as much as possible.
But not if it was an otherwise good remake. They just trashed the original designs and then trashed even the concept art for VIIR itself (judging by the artbook) in favor of the generic modern squeenix "art" style that looks like shit. Fucking cancer of a company.

I hate final fantasy faggots.


I don't care, I was expecting 60fps on my Pro, if they patch it I'm going to buy it, otherwise they can fuck off, I'm not going to play it at 30fps, it hurted me when I played the demo.
I want a 1080p 60fps mode, move it ya fags.

It's a good change if you're a Gackt fanboy like a certain someone.

it's not just artstyle, 7R looks washed out/dull relative to the original.

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Now post Wall Market

I hope we get a game just dedicated to Zack like CC for the flash back portion.

>it hurted me
>complaining about 30fps on a console
so this is a zoomer

FF7 was never meant to look realistic. You fight a fucking HOUSE in the slums. There is no way to take that seriously. Low poly count was the only way it could have and should have been done.

>why doesn't he look sick? hes supposed to be sick? in the demo he at least looked sick
>why is there all of a sudden daylight in the slums there never was in the original. it was always night.
>why is 04 and 08 reactor off?

Hey it was pretty rad in the remake

I'm 31 you can suck my dick, also most games have a 1080p 60fps mode you cocksucker, God of War just to make an example, cocksucker.

>31 year old retard who uses the word "hurted", talks like a 13 year old, and lies about his plastic toy

>Thinking anyone gives a fuck about your age

Yep, under 18, you'll be banned soon