I played it when it came out but didn't finish it. Was it really that bad? Is it worth a replay?

I played it when it came out but didn't finish it. Was it really that bad? Is it worth a replay?

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Really only good for the OST. But you really could get away with mashing while switching between ravagers and commandos if you wanted to speed through the "plot".

The music is great, and the visuals are still pretty damn good, considering it's 10 years old now. That said, the characters are almost all terrible, and it suffers the same issue as FFXV where you seem to just be existing on the periphery of the real story, and happening across the aftermath of stuff happening. You only get the story through throwaway lines, and have to piece it together through summaries in the menu. Linear as shit too, and it doesn't really open up until way late in the story, and even then, there's no towns, and sidequest consist of "Go here, kill that" from talking stones. It popularized the term "It gets good 20 hours in". Luckily, the sequels ironed out some of these issues.

tl'dr Presentation is great, but characters and story are terrible.

Honestly, FF7Remake is the game FFXIII was trying to be but failed in every way.

>was it really that bad?
No, and I played it years late.

>worth a replay
The sequels are far superior games tho'

if FF7-Demake was even half of what XIII is, it would be actually pretty decent.

Explain in depth your reasoning.

He's got no argument, he just desperately wants to fit in by shitting on the Flavor of the Week.

I know, but I wanted to give him a chance.

XIII has great, sharp visuals with good, colorful directing.
The soundtrack is easily some of the best in the entire series, and SFX are impactful.
The combat system, no matter its controversial nature, is extremely fun and engaging, without steering too far from the ATB design.
The cast is varied, likable, and most importantly: go through a hefty amount of development in the story.

Seriously, just take XIII, add in the XIII-2's QOL improvements,maybe borrowing some LR's original ideas, and you'd got a great base for a FF7 remake.

You explained nothing in depth, you glossed over every aspect with generic positive adjectives.


You mean pic related? Or you don't know what a demake is you memeing faggot?

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If I would go any more in-depth, we'd be here all day and you'd be stuck reading a dozen wall-o-texts.
Besides, each major category should be pretty self-explanatory to anyone who has played video games more than a few days.

De-make is exactly the term to a downgrade calling itself a "remake". The fact that it triggers Plebbitors is just a nice bonus.

Here's your last (You) from me bud.

ta m8.

I quit 13 when it got to "Lightning gets KO'd you lose" which is a fucking RETARDED CONCEPT

It has been my favorite Final Fantasy since it released. It is more of a spiritual FF7 successor game play wise than the current Action rpg remake. I can understand why some may dislike the cast or the lack of open world for the majority of the time, but it is a very good game.

Wasn't that just if the leader fainted?

A demake is a remake made with inferior technology like remaking a PS1 game for a SNES. It's not for a remake that you are simply butthurt about. Stop misusing terminology like a faggot

Every xiii shitpost since release is encapsulated by this post

>Was it really that bad?
Mechanically? Yes. It gets... a little better as it goes along, but it's still very much hands-off.
Character wise? Also yes. Although, you know, Watanabe. What're you gonna do.

>Is it worth a replay?
Sure. Even if the game is kinda trash, the world-building eventually makes up for it.

It got rightfully trashed at the time and had a very troubled dev cycle, but it's got its merits.

>Was it really that bad?
Guy who played and enjoyed almost every other Final Fantasy game here III and IV:TAY excluded. XIII sucks ass from a straw and no, it isn't worth a play, much less a replay.

XIII-2 and LR:XIII are good though, sadly.

>world building

Lol what? You the tell-dont-show encyclopedia?

I should've mentioned I'm the sort of fag that actually read the Mass Effect Codex/Morrowind books, my bad.

>I played it when it came out but didn't finish it. Was it really that bad? Is it worth a replay?
It definitely has it's problem. I bought the game at launch and played through about half of it twice. Wasn't till my 3rd attempt at playing it I finally finished it. Unfortunately it's the embodiment of "it's gets good 30 hours in". The combat system is really good with a fast pace once they finally take the training wheels off and typical of Final Fantasy has a very good OST.

t: people with no imagination or curiosity for that matter.

user, the world they describe is not the world of the game you play. It pretends it is, but it's not.

Also it's hard to defend story telling like that when they literally threw out the whole setting and lore in the sequels.

Nah, you just literally don't listen and watch what's going on.

Sure bud. Sure.

Honestly just takes forever to get to the more enjoyable parts. It seriously takes twenty hours to get to Gran Pulse. The game is fully on rails until that point with no sidequests and constant tutorials. The combat system also takes a long time to develop, slowly introducing you to roles by using two characters at a time until around the sixteenth hour you have three characters at once for then onward.

Even Gran Pulse which I consider to be more fun than the rest of the game is lacking. It's broken up into about four zones and one large field connecting each of them. All of your quests are given by Cieth stones and all 64 require you to kill a target to complete them. The only other things you can do in the game are level your characters to the point where they have their ultimate ability or you maximise their crystarium, upgrade their weapons by basically shoving materials into them at a floating shop vendor and you will have to farm for rare trap components beforehand and unlock chocobos. None of it is really worthwhile content. I guess I like Gran Pulse more from a character development point as that's where it basically all occurs after twenty hours of being miserable cunts.

After you leave Pulse the game is back to being linear for the last part but you can unlock portals before the final boss so you can go back to Pulse eventually.

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If it had more enemy variety and a hard mode it would've been a decent game
LR is basically the only okay game in the whole trilogy and it's basically just because the hard mode in that game is so fun