This is your average nu-doom fan

This is your average nu-doom fan.
Any questions?

Attached: nudoomfan.png (593x914, 897.03K)

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Do Americans really purchase and play with toys? Even as adults?

Doom was a mistake and it ruined the industry. Its an overrated piece of shit made for manchildren who have no concept of what a good videogame is.

yeah, they aren't poor you see

dos game that should a stayed on dos

>twitter screencap thread

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seething because your zoomerino game is being called out

is he even still involved in the production of doom games?

Read this book, it was really interesting and hard to put down.

Attached: Masters_of_doom-Book_cover.jpg (261x400, 55.18K)


The real John Romero passed away years ago.

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>Isn't even the father of the last three Doom games.
>Calls himself dad
Literally a fucking cuck.

I hope whoever did this was taking the piss

nice phonepost, have an upboat

Looks like Romero is a little Romeo, ha ha!

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Cringe but it’s the original maker so I dunno still cringe but that makes it slightly less I thought it was just some random neckbeard

I'd take retard with passion like Romero over code monkey backstabber like Carmack any day

>mmmmmm I’m losing control of my faculties
Was Carmack an autist?

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Cat is interfering with my productivity. I will take it to the shelter.
>John, you know they're going to kill it, right
Not my problem.

I wish we had a spy camera for the day he got rid of the cat.
I can only imagine his face, the reaction etc, as well as the rest of the dev team

He's John fucking Romero, dude.

Lmao this retard looks like he works at a gas station

>John Carmack is a gym nut and knows martial arts
This is funnier to me than the cat thing

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post body

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breddy based if you ask me

lmao little bitch

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>all the "zoom eternal" and other cringe shit posters are literal trannies
cant say im shocked


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can i achieve this natty?

Unless this is b8.
>Imagine not knowing who John Fucking Romero is

It's John Romero, he probably got all that merch gifted to him. Because he's John Romero.

so if I handed eternal to him, would he write the same?

He got fired from id by Carmack after Quake 1 was completed. He has continued making Doom wads the whole time and released a "mega"wad a year or so ago called Sigil.

>look at this image I got off google
No thnaks

So the average DOOM fan is just as bad ass as the creator of the series?

Oh wow, I didn't know he never married Stevie Case. That bitch ruined his life.
He's never admitted being diagnosed, but he does show many of the symptoms of asperger's syndrome.


Of course. We have plenty of disposable income to spend as we please.
Don't tell me you're...poor, user.

>Was Carmack an autist?
If you've got some time to kill watch his interview with Joe Rogan.

The man is 100% an autist.

Yay mental illnesses

I'd get a cacodemon plush if they were in stock because
1. It is cute
2 I'm not poor

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I fucking hate Yuropoors