Thoughts on the Halo series Yas Forums?

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Bad, but fun. The story is contrived and gets exponentially worse with each entry, the time to kill everything is obscene. Have fun emptying 3 full clips into a single elite on legendary!

The 343 Shill Checklist:
>Halo needs to evolve
>Halo CE, 2, and 3 were successful only because they had no competition
>Halo needs sprint to stay relevant
>343 did a better job than Bungie
>what about Bungie
>what about Reach
>what about Destiny
>the golden triangle is still relevant in Halo 5
>automatics aren't overpowered
>an 18m radar is balanced
>Halo 5 sold more than Halo 3
>Halo 5 sold more than any other Halo (doesn't link source)
>deflects from Halo 4's failure
>The population in Halo 5 is healthy
>Halo 5 doesn't have ADS
And their personal favorite:
>I've been playing since CE
If you think you're arguing with a 343 shill, simply resort to this checklist, call him a 343 shill, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.

Good pasta.

automatics are only overpowered in 4 and 5. the SAW being the biggest offender, and the recent buffs to the AR and storm rifle in 5 make them a bit suspect too

5 has the weakest campaign
343 butchered the lore

>Halo needs to evolve
I mean if they want it to keep selling it clearly does because it's been downhill since 3. I'm of the opinion that it should just die though.

The Bungiefag checklist

>Halo should have stopped in time after halo 3
>Halo 4 and 5 is trash, halo reach was totally not trying to be them
>Hates halo now because 343

yea as someone who plays halo i can't take a bungiefag seriously

It's great, 343 kinda shat on the campaign of halo 5, especially after the hype of #huntthetruth

But they redeemed themselves after halo wars 2, if they do a story with the same tier of halo wars 2 on halo infinite, it will be easily a strong contender for GOTY

they need to nail the style too. the armor looks fantastic so far, the rest of the aesthetic just needs to follow suit

Halo 5 MP is a masterpiece

Halo 2 already did that way back

I think it's one of the dullest franchises in the history of FPS franchises. Seriously each episode following the space marine and his pals from the UNSC as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the slow gameplay, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of mechanics, all to make movement molasses, to make bullets seem magnetic.

Perhaps the die was cast when Bungie vetoed the idea of Apple funding the series; they made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for directx. The Halo series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Perfect Dark series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to with 343i.

>a-at least the single player was good though
The level design is dreadful; the single player was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I went for a walk, the designer instead put an un-involved corridor in my path.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time a corridor was encountered. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Bungie's mind is so governed by cliches and flat topography that they have no other style of gameplay. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Halo by the same Jason West. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Halo at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Call of Duty." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Halo” you are, in fact, trained to play Call of Duty.

"I wanted to make a party game with shooter mechanics...I really wanted it to be as simple as possible, I wanted it to be as accessible as possible"
-Hardy LeBel, lead designer of halo CE

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What? What the fuck is good about HW2's story? It was generic, had no interesting characters and was full of plot holes. I legitimately want to know what was good about it, seriously please explain.

Ideally they would just stop making them or at the very least leave Master Chief retired since there's absolutely no creative or artistic reason to do otherwise but that's obviously not going to happen when there's money to be made so I guess I reluctantly agree. It's still pretty scummy what they're doing tho. I really hope they don't ever get Marty O'Donell back. I'd like to believe he has enough self respect and integrity to never do that.

343 halo is fanfic and should be treated as such.


This. Casuals left for Call of Duty long ago which is "realistic" and has a much simpler carrot on a stick system motivating braindead normalfags to play every day. They tried assfucking this system into Halo 4, didn't take. They tried assfucking CoD/Titanfall into mechanics into Halo 5. Didn't take. And if people at large still wanted to play 3 or 2 or 1 there are several avenues for them to do so. No amount of scapegoating MCC blunders will change the fact that the population just isn't fucking there.

The world moved on. Halo has long since had one foot in a grave next to Quake, Unreal, and Tribes. We are the boomers now boys. It's time to let go.


>stretched his legs

>what about bungie
Proved his point retard

Halo 5 sold so much that Microsoft hides its sales. Halo 5 is winning so much that games that came before it are ahead in player count. Halo 5 has so many players that to this day 343 refuses to show the population

Halo Wars 2 was good, because 343 weren't the only ones making it.

Halo veterans didn't like Reach. Nice try, Waypoint shill.

Reach is good but it's the worst of the original games. Bungie really bungled some basic design choices for no good reason. Vehicle health, the DMR and map design are pretty bad.

based. 5 is the worst in the series for the story (4 worst overall), but 2 is the most overrated

I disagree with everything you said, the story was original and unique, the characters was incredibly well done and had literally no plot holes, halo wars 2 is based on a spartan called jerome and how he discovered an AI that had knowledge about promethean technology

also, that scene on the ship where he took down an entire squad of brutes and used it to attack the planet just to force it's defenses to destroy the ship was one of the most impressive cutscenes i saw on gaming, it was simply god tier

Is the MCC worth getting on steam? Do many people play multiplayer? Is it mod friendly?

>343 did a better job than Bungie

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Okay well I don't remember shit about the characters. Here's some plot holes for you: how did the Spirit of Fire get to the Ark? It had no FTL drive, no way to access slipspace and was just drifting. If it managed to drift all the way back to Earth, someone would have noticed before it flew through the Ark portal. Or are there more than one portals leading to the Ark? If so, that devalues the entire battle over Earth, the beginning of Halo 2, the entirety of ODST and the beginning of Halo 3 revolve around the Covenant trying to access the portal.
So either they slipped past all the security surrounding the solar system or they somehow accidentally flew through another portal somewhere else. The Banished would also run into this exact same scenario. Then you have the Human presence on the Ark, why is there not a massive army and scientific effort there? It seemed like a relatively small team.
As for the Ark itself, Cortana said it was damaged at the end of 3, yet it seems to be in perfect condition. I understand it may have been repaired and we never actually got a full report on how bad the damage was but there's no indication of anything by the time of HW2.
Also, I do seem to recall seeing some birds flying around the Ark, which is a bit odd considering it got blasted by a HALO. So was there genetic material stored safely somewhere on the Ark that the sentinels used to grow some new animals or some shit?
Also, I never played the DLC but I know the Flood is in it. That shit better not be canon because that would render Halo 3 fucking pointless.

Now then, that AI glassing that base? That would be great, if I was given a reason to care about her. I could see it being a very powerful and cathartic scene but as it is I barely even know anything about this AI lady other than that all her friends are dead.

Halo 2 & 3 were best babies-first fps, everything else is trash.

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Additionally, that scene is clearly supposed to be HW2's version of Forge's duel with the Arbiter but it's inferior as there's not the same level of build up between the AI lady and the base she's glassing. The Spartan part of the fight sucks too because too much of it is cut out with quick blinking flashes.

To be fair I played through the campaign only once so if there's any explanations that I'm not aware of please educate me.

I love it.

Go back to /hg/, faggot.

They're 3fags, what did you expect.

Correct, but also it’s not like bungie were perfect either.
After all,
Imo it started downhill since 2. I liked 3’d multiplayer for the most part, the campaign was disappointing
Reach... fuck. I had some good times but things definitely changed for the worse. And the campaign sucked.
As much as 343 made mistakes, and as much as their story was a trainwreck, in some ways H4’s campaign was better than H3’s. It still sucked for plenty of reasons though. But 3’s campaign felt so short and anticlimactic, especially with the covenant.
H4 had a lame QTE boss and introduced aggravating teleporting enemies.

This guy is right, the time to kill fucking blows. Teleporting enemies combined with that really sucks.

If they want the next game to be good, they should take a look at Halo 1, Halo 2, and Doom 2016.

I'm of the opinion that Halo and Gears need a full reboot. They've both ran their course and have gone into the ground, especially Gears. 343 needs the freedom to not be tied down by the direction Bungie set the series in because 343 simply can't replicate that magic.

A Quakefag should keep his mouth shut, CE's repetitive and dated, 2's a buggy mess with one of the most disappointing campaigns of 2004 starting the whole half-assed game development cycle of games, Doom 2016 is a repetitive mess in a different way from Halo 1.