Fallout 76

admit that you're gonna buy it because you're a retard

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i was already a retard who bought it on launch, so i get it for free on steam through the account link promotion. i havent played it since 2 weeks into launch, im a tad curious to see the game 1 and a half years later

I didn't buy FO4 so why would I buy this?

>Need to make a bethesda net account still
Ya, no. Remove that and I may buy it for like 5$ to test it out. I'll stick with TF2.


>buy a fallout game even though there hasn't been a good one since 2
no way fag

I didn't even finish FO4, have no interest in 76

why would I wanna play a laggy multiplayer version of a clunky buggy game?

Imagine being so retarded even after all the bad press this release got, buying it for full price on steam.

>buying anything bethesda develops


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Times are bad in case you haven't noticed, I don't have 40 bucks to spend on garbage.

I didn't even buy 4 why would I buy this shite?

I might pick t up when it's under $5 assuming it has single player, if it's MP only I have no interest.

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I already bought it for that price over a year ago, and steam version is free if you link your Beth account.

But yeah, you'd have to be a retard to buy it at this price now. It regularly goes for

>buying a buggy singleplayer game with a buggy multiplayer layer on top

Is there a comprehensive list of every fuck up this game had? I was trying to explain it to my little brother but I literally couldn't remember all the scandalous shit that went on with it

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Not a god damn chance.

I thought it came out a long time ago.

My favorite fuck up was them leaving dev test areas in the game with all of the end game weapons that players accessed.

>it's just outside of the top 10 best sellers list right now
What the everloving fuck is wrong with people? This is one of the highest profile AAA failures of the last decade, everybody should be aware of how fucking dogshit it is. Yet people are still buying it.

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the last time i played it there were so few people online that it was just me and one other dude on the server, and he was way over on the other end of the map. it is essentially a singleplayer game where occassionaly a dude walking by helps you down a bullet sponge

As usual, my answer is, "wait and see"

I THOUGHT THIS SHITTY FUCKING MESS OF A GAME CAME OUT ALREADY WHY ARE THEY CHARGING 40$ PRE ORDER FOR IT??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Fuck no, I don't care if a game improves over time, the only thing that matters is what the devs thought was suitable to release initially. If it's a good game at release, i'll buy in, maybe it gets even better. If they release something shit, it will never, EVER be worth the money you spent on it.

Nvm I spoonfed myself. What a shit show. Poor steamtards that don't understand what they're purchasing...

Just like Internet Historians video or hell, while he's a fat obnoxious faggot, Jim Sterling has a video on almost every single mess that involved Fallout 76.

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Mine was probably the bag fiasco because of they
>advertised a canvas bag
>canvas bag in discription
>gave special editons with it early to promoters and ethots
>day after they came out and everyone bitched they changed the description on the website with a *nylon not even bothering to change the picture
>gave 5 dollars of their shitty micro transactions that could only buy a houseplant and not even the bag in game

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I haven't even bothered picking up 4.

do i need to play fallout 1-75 to understand fallout 76?

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they then gathered the info of every person who ordered a bag to send them a replacement, but accidentally leaked all of their info

Just 30

No I won't, since I still have yet to play its 75 prequels

Nah m8, played the free weekend a while back shit ran like complete dog shit on a 2080super & i7-9700k.

I won't ever buy this game unless it comes offline. I don't play always online games. and I certainly would never play some half-assed game crapped out by Todd™.

further, there would have to be ALL of the content packaged in the sale. No dlc removed, no items removed, all items that were in the atomic shop available. So, in other words, I'll never buy it, I'll never play it.

I am going to buy it because I am a slave to Todd Howard.

I already got the Beth Launcher version a while back as a gift. How do I get the Steam version?

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paypigs will buy this and subscribe for another 100 bucks a year

your post didn't specify whether or not you would pay for a Fallout First subscription :^)

i had to check because i genuinely didn't fucking believe you
what the fuck
how the fuck
whats going on i feel like i'm slipping into the twilight zone

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just...just leave me alone, todd.

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>they reset the review score
holy shit this is beyond pathetic lmaol

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I ain't paying you a penny over $3.50 for this turd Todd.

why would I wanna play this garbage though

Hell the fuck NO.

why would anyone pay money for some F2P garbage?

i'm having a proper fucking giggle at the steam forum comments

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Buy it again

>but the game is terrible
>yes, but its a shit game
that's all it takes. any dumpster fire game will sell.

>Within a minute reply to defend
Damn they are fast

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>he didn't already make one to play battlemode

People less in the know might assume the steam release is somehow a sign they fixed it

these people are inhuman

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Look at no man's sky. People literally have peabrains. They don't think about anything beyond the last and the next 5 fucking minutes. Advertise something to them and they'll forget if that same thing was literally responsible for the death of 8,000 babies a week ago.

You're foolish for thinking everybody knows about the games failure. They don't, and because this game is (((launching))) tomorrow, they think it's brand new. Literally targeted to clueless normies and children.