Konami comes to you to put Castlevania back on the map in video games

Konami comes to you to put Castlevania back on the map in video games.

You are given full creative control, meaning it could be 2D or 3D. How do you do it?

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2.5D non-metroidvania.
A sequel or remake of Castlevania 4 using a character model similar to Simon's Smash Bros appearance.

This is what I wanted them to do for the Switch.

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I have a thousand ideas for VR so I make it a first person VR game and help pioneer that format.

I hate metroidvania games. I love Castlevania 3, 4 and nothing else.

>You are given full creative control, meaning it could be 2D or 3D. How do you do it?
Copy Dark Souls.

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Play Rondo of Blood

3D, make it somewhat like Dark Souls/Bloodborne but has a slightly bigger focus on platforming. I like the original Castlevanias more than the Metroidvanias so I want to focus on whip combat and sub weapons again. Don't make it a hack and slash, make it have more technical combat where you have to time your moves and when to use certain sub weapons.


i'll check it out

whats wrong with that? It would be like Donkey Kong Country Returns.

Just redo Lord's of Shadow but actually make it Castlevania related and not by name alone. Remove the fucking QTE and shadow of the colossus climbing. Combat was actually pretty good. Make it less rpg and pre sotn.

Sure there can be weapon variations, sub weapons. 3D or 2D still not sure but maybe there can be segments that switch back and forth.

Lord's of Shadow 2 NEVER existed.

3D Metroidvania with Dark Souls-esque combat and platforming. Adjust the map to work like in LttP so it spans multiple floors.

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2D remake of Simon's Quest.
2D Metroidvania that's set in Castle Frankenstein, and integrates the novel into Castlevania's universe.

>dark souls on anything not dark souls

You're part of the problem

Dark Souls didn't invent hack & slash combat. Would it make you feel better if that's what I referred to it as instead?

I'm a SotN secondary. What games would you recommend for me?

Simon’s Quest is a great candidate for a 2.5D remake.

More small budget spiritual revivals like adventure rebirth. Or just more Iga-tier metroidvanias.

Dark souls combat is not hack and slash. It would make me feel better if you werent a retard.

>Dark souls combat is not hack and slash
lmao this guy

Call up from soft to shit out another souls clone but with a castlevania coat of paint. Call up iga and tell him to make another 2d game

From Software is good at a lot of things but making a platformer with tight controls definitely isn’t one of those things.

Not him but you literally have no idea of what you’re talking about. It’s pretty obvious you don’t play a lot of games.

I'm not asking them to make a playformer, I'm asking them to make a souls game with castlevania paint.

I don't think you understand how broad a term hack and slash is, or at least the way I've seen it used. Anyway, still waiting for a valid argument from you two.

Also forgot to add: Wikipedia literally lists Dark Souls in the hack and slash RPG category. Make of that what you will.

As a Castlevania fan, you’ve got to have platforming. It’s an integral part of the series. From + Platinum could potentially make a god tier 3D CV title.

I'd either do a Quincy Morris game based on the original Dracula novel, a third Sorrow game, a post Lament of Innocence game where you play as Mathias with Aria of Sorrow gameplay or this one's crazy, a Castlevania set in Galamoth's timeline with Dracula/Soma as the protagonist.

Hack and slash is shit loke bayonetta and DMC. both have similar combat. you can go in without a strategy and just jump above enemies and just aoe or air juggle em to keep the others out if range.

Dark souls never throws a shit ton of enemies at you in endless waves, there it no combos aside fron stunlocking. If you take on more than one strong enemy your asking to get fukt or have rng win the battle for you. You need to pick your fights.

If you still cant tell the difference, you really are stupid.

I play both classicvanias and metroidvanias and I'm wondering why classicvania fans are autistic elitists.

> I use wikipedia to win online arguments as my only source and have no knowledge of the subject aside from what others say

Get the fuck out of here.

HOD is real Castlevania IV

>copy dark soul
Before 2006-2008, Fromsoftware did patch Castlevania games for Konami at one point.

Zeldavania CD-I reboot
Autistic elitist? Like in vr?


It is one, you mega retard.

Gut all RPG mechanics.

Gut all free roam bullshit.

Make it about platforming in dank-ass creepy environments along a 2D side-scrolling environment with lots of action and simple but depthful combat system, and make it a pixel-art game.

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I take LOS2 than Dark Soul dick rider

Remake either Symphony of The Night or Aria of Sorrow.

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2d, more linear instead of stupid exploration, make it like ninja gaiden, less boss fights, more platforming

"Hack and slash" as a term is much older than any of those games you absolute fucking mongoloid. And then this nigger tells me I don't play games. How hard is it for you to google a simple term? Are you genuinely special or something?

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>Hack and slash is shit loke bayonetta and DMC.

Imagine being a zoomer in the year 2020