Engaging, mature story

>Engaging, mature story
>Best implemented class system
>Good balance of exploration and side quests to linearty and main story content
>Varied yet cohesive setting

Let's be real, this is the best Final Fantasy game.

Attached: final-fantasy-xii-the-zodiac-age-508703.5.jpg (1500x1500, 426K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Engaging, mature story
Star Wars is neither engaging or mature. And to make matters worse, it also follows the same formula as FF2 and FF4.
>Best implemented class system
Not true at all. Do you have a loisense for that?! By the time you can unlock what you want to do with your characters, you're so bored of the game that you don't care anymore and move on to something else.
>Good balance of exploration and side quests to linearty and main story content
The side quests were terrible. It doesn't even add anything to the main storyline at all besides some shitty lore that means absolutely nothing to either Vayne, or Ashe.
>Varied yet cohesive setting
It's ivalice, it's a hodgepoge of random races and shit jammed together. That said:
>6 unique races
>All humans and 1 sexy bunny

What the fuck? Where's my Seeq? My Baanga? My NuMou? My Gira? For crying out loud they didn't even give me a MOOGLE! Fuck this stupid ass star wars game.

>>Engaging, mature story
stopped reading here

To make matters more infuriating. In Tactics Advance 2. I remember that each race had their own seperate classes and skills too. So even you can have a caster Seeq or Baanga. HOLY FUCK the more I'm thinking and typing this out makes me even more angry at FFXII.

FFXII is complete utter garbage and shit. No wonder why they got rid of Matsuno, he probably put in 5 humans and 1 viera because he's a dumbshit that couldn't think of how to incorporate the other 6 races besides being NPCs. And the guest party members were ALSO ALL HUMANS


you have such shit taste im genuinely mad

If only XIV was as good as XII.


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filtered and assblasted LMAO

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XII is great but is unfortunately too based and bigbrained for the FF fanbase. It needs more gay emo shit like Squall and Cloud.

You're right and you should say it.
May I add one thing: best Final Fantasy girl asses in the entire series by far

Based and enlightened

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fucking boring version of star wars.
the only good part was the new wolf designs shame the alligator wolves weren't used again

I wish zoomers would shut the fuck up about Star Wars just because it's the only movies they've seen. Literally worse than the Harry Potter fanboys.

How the fuck is that filtered when I beat FFXII. If anything, it showcases how terrible FFXII really is. In other words, it's for littlebrained zoomers like you that is easily impressed by shit story, shit characters, shit setting, shit direction, shit everything.

12's story is actually one of the best of the main series. It should have been an SRPG though.

The main character was almost completely irrelevant to the story except for some things he did at the beginning of the game. I don't think I ever seen another story where the protagonist could be removed completely and everything would still happen.

>he keeps going

Attached: 1585695029893.jpg (398x376, 36.95K)

>Let's be real, this is the best Final Fantasy game.
No, that's Tactics. This is 1/2 of a game whose later half was sold on a completely different platform and with a bad gameplay. It being an Ivalice game is the best thing about it.

you forgot the most crucial part. it's FUCKING BORING.

The main character is Ashe. Anyone who played it would understand something as easy as this.

I don't know why people pretend it wasn't good. I had played every FF from 4 to 10 by that point back in 2006 and when I played FF12 in release day I thought that was the tightest shit I had ever played.
>You start the game with Rabanastre being so huge you could spend two hours just talking to people and being lost roaming around.
>That city alone was bigger than every area combined of the first 10 hours of FF10.
>Then you would walk into the desert and just explore for hours and hours just figuring out how deep that would go.
I had never experienced this in a FF to the point that I was scared of going too far and never be able to come back. Remember the previous single-player mainline FF was a game that you could beat by holding up in the joystick 95% of the time and backtracking was actively discouraged.

Also that game was finally the first challenging mainline FF in the entire history of the series. Bosses actually made you think about your setup, and then endgame bosses had gimmicks to them that forced you to change your gambits. You actually had to use buffs and debuffs, status ailments actually mattered, getting a better weapon made a huge difference, and even if you messed up hard you had access to three reserve party members to save yourself from a bad spot instead of having an instant game over the moment your current party died.

That shit was dope as fuck. I don't know why people pretend it wasn't. FF10 wasn't even a game, you could spend 200 hours in FF12 and still have to do actual content you have never seen before. By that time in FF10 you're capturing every enemy 10 times in a row and convincing yourself it's fun. And the fucking music bros...that shit had so much soul


Attached: Trickster.jpg (1920x1080, 275.17K)

I'm playing Zodiac now. Last time I played was my first and only playthrough of the PS2 version in 2006. It's mostly as good as I remembered, but I didn't remember the economy being so fucking stingy. It's so hard to get gil and every weapon/armor/spell costs so much. Plus, you don't really find much gear in treasure chests like in other RPGs, so you're basically forced to scrounge for money to buy each piece of equipment whenever you need to upgrade.

Stealing is pretty much mandatory in this game. It's the most useful command. Steal everything, and when you get poach: poach everything after stealing. You'll get some fat stacks in no time.

>Fuji bait MC Squeenix shoehorned in at the last second
>Direct Star Wars plot ripoff
>Worst FF setting Ivalice

I still completed it but I was forcing myself through the first half of the game.

No, Vaan is the intended main character. The story is just fucked up enough that he literally doesn't matter at all. Originally, Basch was supposed to be the protagonist, but they threw in Vaan because they thought the game wouldn't appeal to teenagers with an older man as the main character. This obviously had adverse effects on the game as a whole.

I've been ignoring stealing because in every other RPG ever, stealing is basically useless and gets you nothing of value, so I don't even think about it anymore. I'll give it a shot.

Vaan is not the intended main character and he never was. Vaan wasn't thrown in considering he was always a character even in the concept phase, they just changed his importance in the story. Ashe was always going to be the main character of the story.
Everything from illustrations to trailers back in the day put much more focus on Ashe than they did on Vaan. It's her story, even a complete moron could see that.

Looking back on XII, most of the party's adventures were driven by Ashe's pursuit of power. She also goes through the stereotypical heroes journey of being the chosen one, only to subvert that trope in the end.

Based thread, i like FF12 for it's more tradiotional JRPG approach while still maintaining a sense of grandiose and high production values, it's story departs from the series personal, emotional and character centric storylines that started since the FF6 for a more political-drama approach that may not appeal to everyone, the good news is that FF16 is supposed to be a return to a high fantasy setting, so there might be chance we get something like FF12 once again.

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Name a single good FF game.
You can't.

It is. One of my favorite games ever made, but I won't argue with anyone here about it. I understand why people don't like it.

Dumb namefag with shit opinion. Big surprise.

>Engaging, mature story
I'm Captain Basch.

Based opinion.


Balthier was really cool and an enjoyable character throughout.


When I say he was thrown in last minute, I don't mean the name Vaan was. The character was. He was not originally an upbeat effeminate bishonen character, and they scrapped a lot of Vaan / Penelo's back story. The changes were large enough that functionally he was a new character even though he still had the name of a character that was planned from the beginning.

I just think the biggest flaw is the story is super basic and heavy handed. The narrative theme is doing ones duty vs doing what is right, as exemplified by most of the main cast, but the game ever only shows one way. Making the morality question as black and white as this means the game doesn’t think much of the player and treats the subject matter as if the players can’t catch the nuances of both sides. This makes the language choice all the more jarring, as the imitation of high English combined with the simple narrative theme makes the game out to be like a child pretending to use a vocabulary above itself in order to seem smart. Overall, the game is good, but it falls short of the narrative and character brilliance of Final Fantasy 13 and Final Fantasy 10.

I always liked the voice acting. They really put a lot of effort into the little things. People from different parts of the world have different accents, people wearing masks have muffled voices, etc.

But they also distinguish the class of the characters by how they speak. Vaan and Penelo speak like we would, while the more "noble" characters speak in a flowery, pseudo-archaic speech. I think it's really tough to strike the right balance with that, because if you go too far with it, your characters quickly sound like pretentious asswipes. But the characters in 12 don't, they sound believable. I always liked that. It's not something you see much of in games, and it never seems to get much credit for it.

Not only it is one of my fav game ever, it is the best Final Fantasy alongside FF Tactics. I spent over 600 hours and I feel like I'm one step away from doing it all over again. There's so much to do and the game is so chill.
The story really resonated with me too. It's all about people who lost something and have to come to terms with their past. They're not friends but they're people who are in this together because of the things they lost, so I felt they shared a stronger connection than if they just shared a simple friendship. Great game

I couldn't get over the shitty MMO style combat.

god I fucking WISH there was a MMO combat like it. I'd play it every day of my life but instead I have to deal with truly SHITTY MMO combat.
FFXII was much better than any MMO and it was better than any FF in the gameplay department by far.
Full control over your characters and their AI, that's the fucking dream. Now I keep playing RPGs like Xenoblade where the AI is the fucking dumbest thing known to man when FFXII solved AI 15 years ago

It was super weird that they kept trying to make her out to be power hungry when really she just wanted her country to not be subjugated by the empire. It's like they tried to make some moral dilemma in the story but only got as far as her mildly thinking about if she should listen to some ghosts and obliterate another country or just be peaceful about it.

It's for the best that it stays overshadowed by other entries of the series. Just look at the state of every other game around here. Just don't be so smug about it or you will attract many zoom zooms.

Basch was never meant to be the protagonist and the character that Vaan took over for was just a point of view character.

It's less thrown in last minute and more after they had his voice work done, they adjusted him.

>solved AI
>enemy casts reflect and your mage nukes your part with flare

And how do you propose that you prevent a kingdom from being subjugated to an entire Empire with the biggest army in the entire world and seven fleet worth of airships that will level Dalmasca so fucking hard it will be wiped out of every history book?
Ashe needed power because that was the only way to have a bargaining chip on the table to reclaim Dalmasca's independence. Please think.

except the worst combat system ever made for a single player game. it's like part MMO, part boolean logic that does it all for you. for the amount of combat you have to engage in, it's just not fun after a while imo.

The one who pushed Vaan and Penelo isn't Matsuno, he probably tried to include other races but they denied him.

Yes? You actually have to pay attention? You actually have to put gambits higher on the list to dispel the reflect?
You're not playing the game if the game solves every case for you. The point is that the player has to account for every situation that spawns, and the player learn the more they play. Gambit becomes a resource they have to juggle alongside EXP, job points and equipment.

She didn't really want power, she wanted a free country, and she thought she needed power to accomplish that. Actually, she didn't really need power at all, she just needed to smash a crystal at the top of a light house.

I think user is saying that Ashe IS justified in wanting power for the exact reason you laid out: she needs power to preserve Dalmasca. It's perfectly reasonable to want power in her situation, but the game keeps throwing "uh oh, power hungry!" at her and it just feels asinine because it isn't justified.

They exist, but not for a good game. Granado Espada is very much like it. A lot of phone online games have fully automated customized combat as well.

>Not setting an if Foe = Reflect then Dispel/Attack on every mage as a priority gambit

Matsuno has never featured a race other than humans or humanoids in any of his games. Why would he have done that now?

>>Engaging, mature story
What's next?
Well developed and deep characters?

>enemy status: reflect -> dispel
>opal rings
Sounds like you're just retarded.

the story was the worst part. the world and characters were great, but the combat was a bit of a chore, literally a menu sound effects simulator. and Im not too sure about the classes being the best. tactics was amazing with that.