Why haven't you played Ghost Trick?

Why haven't you played Ghost Trick?

Attached: Ghost_Trick_Phantom_Detective_cover_art.jpg (220x198, 15.78K)

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i have played the first 4 chapters but i don't like the puzzle's (2 much time wasting for trial error)
story seems good,i'll finish it one day

i have no ds. also i am not into vn/puzzles

literally everyone on Yas Forums who has taste and who isn't a Reddit tourist, newfag or underaged child has already beat it and enjoyed it, what's the point of this thread?

Because I pirated it pre launch. Not a lot of replay value.

It's good but overrated.

Gay cuckolding nigger game. Everyone I’ve ever seen play this game was black and into anime so I automatically know it’s shit

I have. I played it on an iPad actually. It was a surprisingly good port, but apparently you can't get it anymore? Maybe my info is out of date on that.

I already played it ages ago. I still cant believe Capcom never bothered to port it to PC, it's just DS and iPhone only.

This. I finally played it after picking my DS back up last year, and it was enjoyable but not really a "must play". Art style was cool, character designs are cool, dialogue is occasionally funny. As an adventure game it was above average.

>muh replay value
Biggest meme of all time. Yeah sure it's good when it's there (e.g. Super Metroid) but the lack of it isn't a deal breaker if it's a well designed game, I'd definitely rather have one excellent concise experience and not worry about replaying it because I have dozens of other good games to play rather than sink 200 hours playing the same game.

and it's a puzzle game, none of them are immune to this save for maybe problem-solving programming games like Zachtronics and even there you can reuse solutions

Glorious Anglo-Teutonic here. I think it's good.

But I have.

Ghost Trick was a perfect game for me.
>excellent pacing
>creative gameplay concept
>amazing artstyle
>smooth, soulful animation
>great music
>absolutely fantastic story that has tons of foreshadowing and is expertly constructed
>very, VERY satisfying ending that exceeds expectations and provides perfect closure
>leaves you wanting more but you know that a sequel would ruin it
I also found it worth replaying after a couple years because the foreshadowing makes it a different experience.

I'm glad Yas Forums recommended it to me and it's in my top 5 games of all time. Wish it was more known outside of here.

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The phone version doesn't fucking work. I've tried and tried but it softlocks in the tutorial where you first try and rewind time. Has anyone solved this?

I already beat it OP

Attached: 1300080616169.png (500x335, 115.52K)

MC is the cat saved you 4 hours.

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This. Ghost Trick is a mandatory game for browsing Yas Forums next to Deus Ex, God Hand, Super Metroid, etc.

I did. It was good. No real need to revisit it, though.

I already did and loved it.
>he thinks that’s all there is to the game

Attached: EC5mDNtU0AA598i.jpg (1200x860, 154.7K)

Still need to play Dude Sex and God Hand. They are in my backlog, though.

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I have, like 3 times. It's good, but I've memorized all the puzzles now, so I only have the plot to enjoy.

Working on picking it up, I will after I sell some stuff. Still wish I bought it when it came out like I meant to but KSSU was pretty worth it

Best character with best theme

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I did, but didn't really have fun with it.

Dude Sex is okay, God Hand is great, but the tank controls take a bit getting used to.

You should seriously just be playing Deus Ex right now.

Post more Ghost Trick memes, please. I need more to add to my collection.

Attached: the Ghost Trick experience.png (741x592, 105.27K)

Attached: ghost trick.jpg (242x1200, 161.54K)

>Not a lot of replay value.
>Story driven game
>Puzzle game
Well no shit, not everything needs to be replayable in order to be good. Ace Attorney also doesn't have replay value, so?


Attached: what the fuck lynne.png (512x384, 112.27K)

You should, the first real twist hits in Chapter 5.
also each puzzle is like 2 minutes long and has checkpoints, and none of it is really *hard*, you'd have to be a giga brainlet to get frustrated by Ghost Trick's puzzles

Huh, just realized this was downsized and a jpg for some reason. Here's the properly sized png.

Attached: ghost trick.png (356x1768, 33.24K)

Attached: 1300666842899.jpg (791x1200, 202.23K)

>tfw I will never play it for the first time again
why was it so good bros.....

Attached: ghost trick.jpg (567x437, 142.27K)

>Best friend tells me about Time Hollow and about how great it is
>Play it
>Kinda boring and mediocre, at no point got invested with any of the charachters
>"Yeah it was okay I guess"
>Time passes, find out about Ghost Trick
>Holy shit it's so good, can't wait to play it again every time I stop for the day
>"Hey best friend, I played this amazing game called Ghost Trick, is a lot like Time Hollow [except it's not shit] with the time travel and going back to see the consequences of your decisions, you should really, REALLY check it out"
>He hasn't. It's been like 5 years already
If only he knew. Have to try again one of these days to make him play it.

Fucking 35 on ebay is the cheapest it goes, and I'm a collectorfag.

I have and fucking loved it. Top three of the DS for me, along with TWEWY and Elite Beat Agents.