Why haven't you played Ghost Trick?
Why haven't you played Ghost Trick?
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i have played the first 4 chapters but i don't like the puzzle's (2 much time wasting for trial error)
story seems good,i'll finish it one day
i have no ds. also i am not into vn/puzzles
literally everyone on Yas Forums who has taste and who isn't a Reddit tourist, newfag or underaged child has already beat it and enjoyed it, what's the point of this thread?
Because I pirated it pre launch. Not a lot of replay value.
It's good but overrated.
Gay cuckolding nigger game. Everyone I’ve ever seen play this game was black and into anime so I automatically know it’s shit
I have. I played it on an iPad actually. It was a surprisingly good port, but apparently you can't get it anymore? Maybe my info is out of date on that.
I already played it ages ago. I still cant believe Capcom never bothered to port it to PC, it's just DS and iPhone only.
This. I finally played it after picking my DS back up last year, and it was enjoyable but not really a "must play". Art style was cool, character designs are cool, dialogue is occasionally funny. As an adventure game it was above average.
>muh replay value
Biggest meme of all time. Yeah sure it's good when it's there (e.g. Super Metroid) but the lack of it isn't a deal breaker if it's a well designed game, I'd definitely rather have one excellent concise experience and not worry about replaying it because I have dozens of other good games to play rather than sink 200 hours playing the same game.
and it's a puzzle game, none of them are immune to this save for maybe problem-solving programming games like Zachtronics and even there you can reuse solutions
Glorious Anglo-Teutonic here. I think it's good.
But I have.
Ghost Trick was a perfect game for me.
>excellent pacing
>creative gameplay concept
>amazing artstyle
>smooth, soulful animation
>great music
>absolutely fantastic story that has tons of foreshadowing and is expertly constructed
>very, VERY satisfying ending that exceeds expectations and provides perfect closure
>leaves you wanting more but you know that a sequel would ruin it
I also found it worth replaying after a couple years because the foreshadowing makes it a different experience.
I'm glad Yas Forums recommended it to me and it's in my top 5 games of all time. Wish it was more known outside of here.
The phone version doesn't fucking work. I've tried and tried but it softlocks in the tutorial where you first try and rewind time. Has anyone solved this?
I already beat it OP
MC is the cat saved you 4 hours.
This. Ghost Trick is a mandatory game for browsing Yas Forums next to Deus Ex, God Hand, Super Metroid, etc.
I did. It was good. No real need to revisit it, though.
I already did and loved it.
>he thinks that’s all there is to the game
Still need to play Dude Sex and God Hand. They are in my backlog, though.
I have, like 3 times. It's good, but I've memorized all the puzzles now, so I only have the plot to enjoy.
Working on picking it up, I will after I sell some stuff. Still wish I bought it when it came out like I meant to but KSSU was pretty worth it
Best character with best theme
I did, but didn't really have fun with it.
Dude Sex is okay, God Hand is great, but the tank controls take a bit getting used to.
You should seriously just be playing Deus Ex right now.
Post more Ghost Trick memes, please. I need more to add to my collection.
>Not a lot of replay value.
>Story driven game
>Puzzle game
Well no shit, not everything needs to be replayable in order to be good. Ace Attorney also doesn't have replay value, so?
You should, the first real twist hits in Chapter 5.
also each puzzle is like 2 minutes long and has checkpoints, and none of it is really *hard*, you'd have to be a giga brainlet to get frustrated by Ghost Trick's puzzles
Huh, just realized this was downsized and a jpg for some reason. Here's the properly sized png.
>tfw I will never play it for the first time again
why was it so good bros.....
>Best friend tells me about Time Hollow and about how great it is
>Play it
>Kinda boring and mediocre, at no point got invested with any of the charachters
>"Yeah it was okay I guess"
>Time passes, find out about Ghost Trick
>Holy shit it's so good, can't wait to play it again every time I stop for the day
>"Hey best friend, I played this amazing game called Ghost Trick, is a lot like Time Hollow [except it's not shit] with the time travel and going back to see the consequences of your decisions, you should really, REALLY check it out"
>He hasn't. It's been like 5 years already
If only he knew. Have to try again one of these days to make him play it.
Fucking 35 on ebay is the cheapest it goes, and I'm a collectorfag.
I have and fucking loved it. Top three of the DS for me, along with TWEWY and Elite Beat Agents.