Video game and enlightenment

Holy shit, so I understand the role of vidya all along.

It's the virtual Hero's Journey, the virtual Alchemy, the virtual steps to attain enlightenment.

I'm having my mind blown by this, it's basically created by the subconscious/estoric minds to guide the young into Occultism/Illuminati.

Attached: Silent Hill occult.jpg (1280x720, 127.79K)

Are Guenonfags from /lit/ and esoteric cryptidfags from /x/ about to invade?

Yes, the holy trinity, the sacred masculine/feminine energy, order from chaos, turning from lead into gold.

It's coming.

Even the Hegelian dialetic is Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis is alchemy.

More like a bunch of fags that want to summon a succubus or succ guenon's peepee

That's Sorcery.

Magic is about the betterment of mankind, not for petty desires.

This is why the Cult is evil in Silent Hill.

>It's coming.
I came.

Attached: id.jpg (1337x1369, 737.42K)

Masonfags have been involved in gaming from the start

It's amazing, I think it's because of the interactivity.

You can't do this in books and movies. Those can only teach, but vidya let you act it out.

Video games let you ACTUALLY do stuff, with INTENTION, which is how you do "cast spell and ritual".

You cannot cast spell and ritual without ACTION and INTENTION.

In theory maybe, most video game writers have the most surface level understanding of metaphysics possible.

I'm not seeing Silent Hill or Dies Irae, but it's alright.

Alchemy is so prominent in vidya, even in stuff like Legend of Zelda.

It's not about CONSCIOUSLY writing, it's about the SUBCONSCIOUS.

The writers don't know what they are writing, things come out by themselves and just fit, no need for coincidences.

Bloodborne is also huge about this.

Occultism/enlightenement to become god/understand god.

Boys, alchemy isn't real and you can't cast spells

No offenses to the westeners but goddamn there is something about japs and occultism, specifically the brand of renaissance of occultism (tarot card fortune telling, alchemy, white/black magic).

It's just crazy.

Alchemy on the outside is the transmutation of materials, this isn't possible yet, it can be in the future.

Alchemy on the inside is the self-development, that we ascend from a base material (lead) into a superior/higher material (gold), this happens all the times.

And spells are words, when you write words and turns thought (the immaterial) into words/letters (the material), you are turning nothing into something, which is casting spell/magic.

it's the inevitable result of your ancient emperor cult being shattered overnight by unknown superweapons from a distant land

No, this renaissance occultist ultimately comes from Egypt, which is where both East and West meet back then.

But the fact the japs inherit this occultist symbols from the germans/french is crazy.

They are making games that are so laden with estoric teachings that are basically modern grimoire/magic books.

That's a common misconception about Hegel's dialectic. He never uses these terms. He even argues against understanding dialectic in these terms.

The seven steps of alchemy is also very symbolic to the hero's journey (i.e. self-development).

But this is what is happening in nature and the mind, so this is bigger than Hegel.

The four elements/forces of life in a less scientific perspective
The seven yadada
The divine feminine/holyspirit/Sophia
The Demiurge/Lucifer/Ahriman/Ancient instinctual/reptilian evil
The magical flute from OoT MM
The castle of illusions/dimensions in Mario 64, star power, save the female, kill the old lizard

I think this is an /x/ guy. /lit/ esotericists are more into Sufism, Advaita Vedanta, etc. rather than western style esotericism and Yas Forums esotericists only like Evola's brand of spiritual racism autism and the occasional panics about Saturn cults eating children to please the demiurge.

You have to understand that alchemy isn't just physical transmutation, this is the outside layer, the face, the Hollywood interpretation.

Alchemists in the Middle ages believe that if they have the philosopher's stone, they can transmute themselves into higher beings, just like they can do with lead.

Die in your delusions, we laugh at your feeble attempts to mimic our magick

The science is just the outside of things.

Obviously, the western tradition is very focus on the left side/masculine energy, so it's imbalanced right now.

But I believe as quantum science develops, the masculine/analytical science will run into questions that cannot be solved by maths.

ah yes, another schizo thread

I'm a Yas Forums, Hero's Journey guy.

Seriously, I believe vidya is about virtual alchemy/self-development.

Remember that checkered floor when (Sephiroth) kills Aerith (lets him) in the original, for one or two frames? Then holy and her body enter another body of water?
It wasn't an error

There is nothing schizo about this.

So the Evangelicals were right when they said video games secretly initiate children into occultism?

This game's pretty cute.

Attached: magicquest.jpg (1500x1350, 256.01K)

These are the rules of a game. Let it be played upon an infinite two-dimensional grid of flowers.

Rule One. A living flower with less than two living neighbors is cut off. It dies.

Rule Two. A living flower with two or three living neighbors is connected. It lives.

Rule Three. A living flower with more than three living neighbors is starved and overcrowded. It dies.

Rule Four. A dead flower with exactly three living neighbors is reborn. It springs back to life.

The only play permitted in the game is the arrangement of the initial flowers.

This game fascinates kings. This game occupies the very emperors of thought. Though it has only four rules, and the board is a flat featureless grid, in it you will find changeless blocks, stoic as iron, and beacons and whirling pulsars, as well as gliders that soar out to infinity, and patterns that lay eggs and spawn other patterns, and living cells that replicate themselves wholly. In it, you may construct a universal computer with the power to simulate, very slowly, any other computer imaginable and thus simulate whole realities, including nested copies of the flower game itself. And the game is undecidable. No one can predict exactly how the game will play out except by playing it.

And yet this game is nothing compared to the game played by the gardener and the winnower. It resembles that game as a seed does a flower—no, as a seed resembles the star that fed the flower and all the life that made it.

In their game, the gardener and the winnower discovered shapes of possibility. They foresaw bodies and civilizations, minds and cognitions, qualia and suffering. They learned the rules that governed which patterns would flourish in the game, and which would dwindle.

They learned those rules, because they were those rules.

And in time the gardener became vexed.

It could be a coincidence, but this stuff is SUBSCONCIOUSLY laden into the human mind.

Our sense of aesthetics is not a coincidence.

FFVII is also very occult by itself, considering the fight between Cloud vs Sephiroth which is alchemy/buddhism.