your isekai'd into Minecraft
what's your next move
Your isekai'd into Minecraft
killing myself and hopefully waking up in a better game.
Holy crap!
punch a tree
Loise I think we get stuck in Fornite!
Porn mods
If I can punch trees without being injured and can build like in Minecraft then I'm good, if not then I'm 100% boned.
make a petition of equality rights for women.
That depends; do I get infinite life and respawn abilities?
Yes but you still experience pain and that
make a dirt house with the green top
that will be nothing compared to living an eternity inside a random seed
Hope she sees this bro.
invent the next corona virus but this time initial spread of the virus will take place in Squares Enix main headquarters.
Get destroyed!
I guess I punch a tree?
Am I allowed to isekai into a vidya that allows me to get a bf or gf?
Kill myself, fuck isekai.
Assuming I have Minecraft capabilities, probably punch some trees, try to find some sheep and punch them to death, make a bed, dig a little dirt hole and sleep all the time.
Based answer
Isekai me into Alter Ego. I don't care if i will never be able to play vidya again, i just want to be with Es
Then I will use redstone to build a massive computer (let's say ram and processing power within the world are infinitely large, so all chunks are constantly loaded)
I'll recreate entirety of earth within minecraft.
I'll do a race around the entirety of the world.
I'd terraform the entirety of the nether.
And finally, after a few million years of work, create a system that kills me all the time, maybe after a few weeks my brain will completely disconnect and I will lose consciousness, finally able to "die".
What the fuck is it with you and this fucking character
what is this place everything is blocks??? you can punch a tree??? oh my god.......
Floating islands don't work because of light levels being tied to mob spawning.
talkng about it to spin the wheels of the Yas Forums hivemind so more people play it andi have people to talk about it
You can punch a tree IRL if you wanted
talking about it the way you do is just making sure future threads of the game will get shit up by people who have been annoyed by you
Rape my minecraft maids.
OP, do we have an inventory and crafting menu we can access?
this, that guys a shiteatinng retard
Chop down trees
Mine cobble
Rush to floor 16 and look for diamonds, building an iron pickaxe along the way
Automate mining with turtles
Attempt to bugfix the game using world anchors
tl;dr business as usual
Not him, but:
Have i've heard a lot of people who started playing Pathfinder Kingmaker because of wifeanon or wathever was his name.
And i never saw a thread being shat at because of wifescholar.
I even miss him sometimes.
ok, then i will stop
Think about how many times you’ve died in Minecraft. I’d be terrified