So I'm thinking about buying that Xbox One pack with both games, OR Origins only.
I already know Origins is a good game, but the question is: is Odyssey worth it too? Or is it just a repetitive grindfest?
So I'm thinking about buying that Xbox One pack with both games, OR Origins only.
I already know Origins is a good game, but the question is: is Odyssey worth it too? Or is it just a repetitive grindfest?
Odyssey is incredible. Beautiful vistas, gorgeous water, silky smooth animation. It's not just a great Assassin's Creed game, it's a great game and the best immersive representation of Ancient Greece ever.
I played as Kassandra to be honest.
Odyssey is not an “assassin’s creed” game
I liked Odyssey more than Origins. I thought Origins was the repetitive grindfest. I put over 70 hours into Odyssey and didn't feel like I had to grind at all. Loved it.
> origins is about the formation of the assassins
> odyssey takes place hundreds of years before origins
> it's still assassin's creed
> ???
Can I get a quick rundown on this as someone who never played either one
I liked odyssey but liked origins more just for the region and time period. Origin’s map is probably one of if not my favorite map in any vidya.
And thats a good thing
Kassandra has a baby that turns out to be the ancestor of Bayek's wife that starts the assassin order in Origins. There are no assassins YET, but Kassandra needed to get the Staff of Hermes so she could give it to Girl Desmond
Both games are way too long and you should spend your time playing something else.
The payoff of playing them is less than zero because at the end you keep thinking "why did I waste all this time on those side quests?" and "why did the ending suck dick, who gives a fuck about assassin's creed story after 2 anyways?" and the sort.
Honestly Fuck ubisoft games, all of them, fuck em.
Play pong, or waste your money investing in turd. Anything is a more worthwhile use of your money than giving money to ubishit.
kino gigachad wojak coom frog pepe.png LOL lmao cringe cope based seethe fpbp
How are Rogue and Unity?
Honestly felt like they just wanted to make a witcher 3 style game with self contained stories in sidequests and whatnot in odyssey, but had to use the asscreed name
I’m mad that odyssey wasn’t a game that was about the origin’s of the Templar/the order of the ancients like I thought it was going to be. Would have been cool.
Odyssey is the only Ass creed game that is good
Haven't played Rogue, but Unity aged surprisingly well.
Rogue took the best parts of 3 (comfy forest setting, better versions of Boston, New York) and added an interesting Arctic setting, and also added the best part of 4 (sailing), it's a good game and the main protagonist is charming.
Unity is good and the best city in any AC game to date. All the bugs that people bitched about when it was released are long fixed. After 3 and 4, Rogue, Unity really makes it feel like you are in a BIG city, the way the Ezio trilogy did.
How exactly is the gameplay of Odyssey?
There is no magic despite there being mythological creatures in the game, right?
Doesn't it get old fast, is it just swords + bow?
Imagine Dark Souls combat with even less depth.
I prefer Odyssey because I love the sailing
AC lore has been shit since Revelations. Just treat the games as somewhat entertaining action-adventures in neat historical periods.
Less depth than ds3? Unlikely.
Oh yes.
Don’t get either. Origins and Odyssey are literally the worst games in the franchise.
Not just less depth, imagine DS3 but everything is worse down to the animation and physics
Except not. Even odyssey has more than roll and r1
I loved the fuck out of Odyssey. It’s really underrated because if the brand it’s associated with. IMO I believe Origins was just a tech demo for Odyssey.
At this point, just don’t associate Odyssey with AC. It’s a cool adventure game sold under the AC brand.
Odyssey is okay but holy fuck the side quests are garbage
It's absolutely awful. Go for Origins
Odyssey is very worth it BUT it is a super fucking long game, my first and only playthrough, which was fairly completionist, took 200 hours
Do not get Odyssey if you are not willing to deal with a near overwhelming amount of content and New Vegas-tier questline lockout autism
Why? Everything was better in Origins, except maybe the half assed attempt at slapping some RPG elements to it
unironically best games Ubisoft put out in years but Origins is BIT better than Odyssey