Why does she want Cloud's dick so much?

Why does she want Cloud's dick so much?

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Have you SEEN him?

Because he's the autistic faggot self-insert, she's supposed to pander to (You). Appreciate it.

Imagine the feeling of her sweet lips sucking off your neck like a thirsty vampire she is, with a little extra tongue thrown in.

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this. its to keep the typical person who would actually buy this game emotionally interested

They want the player to get super attached to her so it's super shocking when she dies

What an idiotic explanation. First you gotta ask the question, is Cloud a self-insert sort of character? The answer is fuck no. When I see that sweet ass Jessie hitting up on Cloud, I'm looking at sweet ass Jessie hitting up on Cloud - NOT ME. And that's when I grab my dick and pump it, work it, cum it, it's all over the keyboard, FUCK YEAH.


There wasn’t much competition

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>Why does she want Cloud's dick so much?
She doesn't, did you even listen to Wedge.

Its just a game to her, attention.

She enjoys the chase, but as soon as something happens. Expect her to drop Cloud like a hot potato for someone else.

better question is why cloud keeps rejecting her advances

Because Nomura wanted to give Yuffie's character to somoene else. Who knows what the hell he has in store for Yuffie…

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There's a scene when she actually asked Cloud if he could come over for some pizza and sex, WHICH IS HOT.

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She doesn't, he's just fun to tease. The instant he reciprocated she would lose interest in him.

>She enjoys the chase, but as soon as something happens. Expect her to drop Cloud like a hot potato for someone else.

Hi Biggs.

Because she is in a cult that performs violent acts of terrorism. She is playing a role to make Cloud stick around and help them do things like build bombs and blow up factories. This is indoctrination 101

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Areith is for Cloud only.

Who wouldn't?

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>Why does she want Cloud's dick so much?
Don't you?

>tfw this has happened to me twice

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She knows Tifa would leave him to rot so might as well take the opportunity.

Where's the "No way, fag" edit?

too real...

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Artificial attraction, they did the same thing with aerith in the original. Essentially they push a character on the MC hard as shit to make the player feel attracted to them as quickly as possible. Typically because said character is destined to die fairly early in the game. That way their death hits harder. It's the very reason why all of aerith's love stats were the highest for romantic events.

It's really getting old how every fag on the internet is obsessing over him when he just looks like your typical edgy anime protagonist.

you think girls don't get horny when they see chads?

wedge literally warns Cloud about this, it's why he basically No Way Fag's her

she knows he's the star, so she wants him, she was an actress