My PlayStation Corner

My PlayStation Corner

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My Playstation corner

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Here's mine

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no PS4 games?

Holy Based


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Still more games than XBOX has.

ps4 games?

That shelf looks absolutely awful.

Hey, same here
Haven't gotten around to PS3 yet

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That's in my movies folder.

I'd rather shove shards of glass down my urethra than hang out with whoever owns this shelf.

imagine owning a $599.99 console to play god of war and uncharted

are these all PS2 collection?

PS4 hacking scene isn't worth it yet. The only PS4 game I had was GoW4 and I deleted it after finishing it.

Just NTSC.

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making fun of the xbox for having no games is like making fun of a fat chick for being fat
everyone can see and knows so its not funny its more sad because it's true

all xbox has is rare replay and forza motorsport 5

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Cool sign OP

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do you ever find yourself crippled by choice?
I do when I have access to everything like that

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This, I have so many PS3 games, when I start one and play for 1 hours I get bored thinking there are more games I could be playing. I think having less games makes you enjoy the games you have more. Thats why I can't wait for PS5 so I buy GT7 and nothing else for months after

Oh, absolutely. I have hundreds of PC games and literally thousands of console games at my disposal, I even went through the autism to set up Launchbox and emulators, download all the boxart and everything, etc. etc. etc. But, very rarely do I ever find myself actually sitting down and booting something up. Something needs to spur me rather than me just perusing my massive library.

I mostly hoard so that, in the event that I do want to play something, it's not a hassle to get a hold of. Any games I genuinely enjoy I end up buying physical anyway.

i'm just going to post it all at this point.

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They really fucked up not making PS5 support every system. Fuck them. I would 100% have bought it. Im getting Xbox instead now.

the og xbox collection i've been building up in preparation for SEX. thoughts? anything any collectorfags recommend?

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last one that's sony related

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I feel like when you buy a game, even if it's for cheap used, it gives you an incentive to play/finish it so that it doesnt feel like a complete loss
I only emulate games if they are too expensive, and too expensive is relative

how many PS1 games do you have? I only have one, MGS

My all PS3 games I got cheap, like 3-5$ each, and because of that I have so many for so cheap I don't really value them. I started playing Midnight Club Los Angels today. Played for 2 hours and got bored then started playing Kane and Lunch for another hours and got bored. I remember when I bough games full price I would always complete the game, now its harder when I know I only paid pennies for this game.

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Got an Xbone X for $200 last week as a 4k blu-ray player but ordered Quantum Break and Sunset Overdrive for $ 5 a pop and calling it a day.

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