Star Fox thread

Star Fox thread

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Krystal thread?
Krystal thread.

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>deleting Krystal

And nothing of value is lost.

Reminder that a fox in space ep 2 is never ever.

That’s a good thing

I unironically want StarFox Adventures 2

There should never be any more Starfox games. Star Fox 64 perfected the formula. The Star Fox variety of shoot-em-ups is such a narrow genre that it took only one game to exhaust the possibilities, which is why every subsequent game has been some form of terrible with a bunch of extraneous features no one asked for.

Nintendo should just re-release Starfox 64 3D for Switch with improved textures, and maybe, MAYBE some new missions built in the old engine in the classic style, and that's it. We need Star Fox sequels like I need a carpenter's staple in my dick.

A game like Star Fox Zero can work, but they somehow made every single form of control terrible/inferior to the original. It doesn't help that it's just another retelling of 64 so it was quickly swept under the rug by the fanbase just for that.

one of the dumbest fucking characters incited one of the worst events in video gaming history

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>this slant eyed mother fucker killed starfox with gimmicks and basically youre fucking stupid for blaming a repurposed character from a totally different game

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>bluethebone is a woman
well you learn something new every day

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I ain't blaming her for killing the franchise. I am blaming Krystal for being so shitty some bitch had something to complain about and turn it against the industry.

This is not a thread for actual starfox fans. This is a thread where gay furries come to fight.

Ratchet >>>>>>>> Star Fox

Eternal reminder that Star Fox hasn't been successful in over 20 years.

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You got filtered by level 2.

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Why so?

>doesn't automatically assume every self proclaimed "female" on the internet is a fat ugly dude
hello, facebook tourist.

>Take Star Fox 64
>add in a shit load of planets that are accessed via different systems that you travel to
>support it long term with DLC for more stages and cosmetics I guess for people who want that
>Boom a Star Fox that will make infinite bank
You're welcome Nintendo.

>add the so called Blue Marine missions that were missing
>don't add them to Star Fox 0

what in the goddamned fuck

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>starfox 0 but shittier
yeah just don't let miyamoto touch this and we will be fine. Starfox 2 was fucking god tier.

Fuck this, just let ubisoft make a starlink pack with more mission variety.
The moon update was truly a huge gift.

>Damn, if only I had a camera

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What would Krystal's loincloth smell like?

Panther semen.

Well foxes don't sweat so just imagine what a canine would smell like if it wore clothes. Not very pleasant.

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Red raspberries and sweat

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