Why do people hate Demon's Souls again? I think its better than the rest of the Souls series, save for Bloodborne

Why do people hate Demon's Souls again? I think its better than the rest of the Souls series, save for Bloodborne.

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I honestly have no clue what you're talking about. The consensus has always been that Demon's Souls was even better than Dark Souls.

What? Demon's Souls had a big fanbase on Yas Forums when it was new.

What's the meme term for this sort of revisionist history shit?
OP should be killed, by the way.

I personally liked Dark Souls 3 I don't understand the hate for it. Im going to try to platinum it one day. Already platinumed BloodBorne years ago.

Demons Souls was pretty good. Dark Souls 1 and 2 I didnt enjoy very much. And Sekiro Im struggling to get thru the first level after you get your arm cut off. I just dont know what to do

But I am dead.

As are you.

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I don't think people hate it though?
It's more likely people just calling it dated and archaic in comparison to modern action RPGs.

>Why do people hate the most well received entry in the series

>*selects Well, What Is It*

it's one of the best in the series and one of the most innovative and influential games of the 21st century. tower of latria and the valley of defilement have an incredible atmosphere


DeS was my first, but Dark Souls is better and refined the series in a lot of ways. I hate to say it, but the bosses became a centerpiece of the series and DeS is pretty weak overall in that area. False King Allant is one of my favorite bossfights ever, though. Him and Orphan of Kos are my top 2 Soulsborne moments.

Huh? Who hates Demon's Souls? If anything people suck on it too much and are hipster about it.

Don't bother, platinum in DS3 takes forever to get. You need to do a ton of covenant shit and get items from NG+.

>DeS is pretty weak overall in that area

i completely disagree. yeah, gameplay-wise they are lacking and less fun compared to DS3, but as an experience i think many DeS fights are fantastic. Maiden, Fool's Idol, Old Monk, Maneater, Flamelurker, Storm King, Tower Knight, etc. are all really interesting and different experiences and are memorable in the way they work in the game.

>I hate to say it, but the bosses became a centerpiece of the series
No they aren't. The only people that think this are those that suck at the games. This is why DaS was bad.

>I hate to say it, but the bosses became a centerpiece of the series and DeS is pretty weak overall in that area

What the hell are you talking about? DeS had the best bosses by far, ones where you actually have to think and take them on in unique ways. It's the rest of the series that waters the bosses down to a formula that overly relies on memorizing patterns and pressing circle at the right time.

If you play it after playing any of the other Souls games its pretty disappointing in terms of difficulty. Its also really short when compared to most of the newer games. There are a lot of interesting bosses in CONCEPT but in practice they aren't mechanically engaging at all. Its especially bad when replaying it. Pressing R1 on Maiden Astrea is really only cool the first time. Storm King is alright but when you get over the spectacle of it its just a really tedious and boring encounter that doesn't really test your abilities. There are also a lot of bosses that have absolutely nothing going for them, like Penetrator (most disappointing bossfight of all time imo) and Leechmonger. I think DeS easily has the least replay value out of the series. I could refight the majority of bosses in Sekiro over and over again, DeS bosses are mostly one and done. Who gives a shit about using different builds when most of the bosses are just gimmicks that don't really interact with the way you build your character at all. Tower Knight and Fool's Idol are decent, but anyone who pretends these fights are spectacular are fooling themselves. They are the bare minimum from what to expect from a non-traditional combat encounter.

It's actually the best, the only fromsoft game that feel finished and polished

>I think DeS easily has the least replay value out of the series. I could refight the majority of bosses in Sekiro over and over again, DeS bosses are mostly one and done. Who gives a shit about using different builds when most of the bosses are just gimmicks that don't really interact with the way you build your character at all. Tower Knight and Fool's Idol are decent, but anyone who pretends these fights are spectacular are fooling themselves. They are the bare minimum from what to expect from a non-traditional combat encounter.

I agree it's not the most replayable but the levels are just as important as the bosses are in DeS so there is still a lot of room for roleplay expression. Especially in pure black world tendency

What would you consider to be a boss that interacts with player builds well? I can't think of any in the entire series desu.

I can assure you I don't suck at the games. I'm not great, but I beat all the hardest content without too much difficulty and I do alright against invaders despite usually playing with goofball builds. Again, not saying I'm good just that I don't suck.

For repeat plays, the other games hold up better. In DeS a lot of the bosses are based on a gimmick, once you figure it out it's easy to win. But if I had to fight Ludwig right now, not having played in years, it would be exhilarating and challenging.

I respect your opinion and do agree some of them are very memorable. It's hard not to be impressed by the Tower Knight when you first encounter him. Even Phalanx is memorable. I think a lot of it is an extension of the incredible art-direction.

The only people who hate Demon Souls are Bloodbornefags.

If you enjoy proper Souls-kino for creativity, exploration, lore, unique worlds and art style, you will love Demon's Souls and what it brings to the table.

If you want mash attack and dodge bing bing wahoo trash like Dark Souls 3, you won't like it.

The people who hate Demon's are people who only play these games for "le ebig hardcore gamurr cred"
They don't like Demon's because it's not as ""hard"" as the later games

Most of them that aren't gimmick focused. Just an example off the top of my head but the crystal sage boss from DaS3 is a completely different experience when fighting her with magic as opposed to fighting her with melee. Shes piss easy with melee but one of the harder bosses using pure magic. I really don't give a fuck about "builds" in Souls games. The RPG mechanics are barebones. All I want are reasons to do the same boss over again. No matter what build I choose, no matter if I'm playing the game with fucking donkey kong bongo controllers, Maiden Astrea will always play out the same way.

when you compare irithyll dungeon to tower of latria it's not even a contest. irithyll dungeon throws an annoying enemy at you and a bunch of ambushes, you find the way out and you are done. tower of latria makes you explore every corner, has the fantastic royal mistress and her singing making an eery and memorable experience with interesting dialogue, the mage enemies are challenging and straight up kill you in one or two hits if you are not careful keeping you on your toes all the time, they telegraph their presence with bells, making you know they are there and creating tension. the prisoners run around and worship you obliviously and can block you from reaching the caster enemies or they can block attacks unintentionally, making you think about your environments and that you have to clear certain prisoners first. you have to keep track of unique environmental cues to know where you are or where to go and truly get to know the place in order to master where to go. the crossbow statue shooting at you is scary as fuck and an interesting and unique challenge in the game. fool's idol fits in seamlessly within the lore of the area, interacts greatly with the prisoners you've been seeing all game and looks cool. it's overall an amazing an intricate level that really challenges you, while the DS3 equivalent is utterly forgettable.

yeah, thematically is superior in every level. OP is a shitter.

They don't?
Are you guys retarded?

I think you're just being a contrarian because it's on PS3.

I want to personally thank this Demonschad for not using the term "Soulsborne"

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Demon's Souls is great but the tendency system is fucking stupid and encourages you to consult a walkthrough more than any other convoluted From sidequests.

Opinion disregarded

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>Why do people hate Demon's Souls again?
Jealous PCJews
Only 0.0001% of PCKikes have a rig good enough to emulate it