Is final Fantasy XIV in the worst state it's ever been in right now...

Is final Fantasy XIV in the worst state it's ever been in right now? Wow Shadowlands is right around the corner and offers so much more than this game. 5.25 was a disaster.

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It's not worse than 1.0 but it's probably going to be worse than the 3.1 shitshow due to the 5.3 delay.
The only long lasting piece of content in 5.x is the Restoration and that shit is mostly dead in a bunch of servers already.

WoW is shit and will keep being shit.

>mfw all the shills keep telling people the story is the best it's ever been
>they said the same thing with Heavensward and Stormblood

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>best it's ever been
Not a single fucking person has ever said this.

Shadowlands final release date is delayed until Blizzard says when. Patch 5.3 is in July

Yes they did. Shortly after it came out. Which is how you know they're shills.

FFXIV peaked in Ishgard

>Just doing the quests will reward you with 1 free relic

This is a good direction. Easy relics steps, but if you want a new 1 the you'll have to grind for it.

I only remember ff XI being a mmo, is XIV set in the same universe?

>People saying Stormblood was better than Heavensward

If you're going to bait, at least be honest. Music was better maybe, but Yoshi took all the themes and ideas Stormblood was supposed to have and threw it in a fucking dumpster.

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Who's defending SB, only thing I liked were some of the characters and the Tsuyu arc

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XI's world is one of the shards in XIV. Also, the mordian gaols are connected

1.0 was intended to be a sequel of 11, but the new producer scrapped it

>made it to mirror mirror 4
Maybe I can sneak in one of those icelit dragonsong parties, it's not like I have to do much besides run to a tank

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At least it's not FF7R.

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Nice stealth general, you wouldn’t use a pic of the two lamest characters in the game otherwise.

SB has a higher score than HW

>Shadowlands is right around the corner and offers so much more than this game

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who was in the wrong here?

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People suck Emet-Selch off nonstop in these threads because it’s the only game with a semblance of a plot these mmotards have ever enjoyed.


you know, it's dumb but im STILL fucking mad that they built a beautiful city in kugane, then put ALL of the relevant endgame shit in Rhalgars reach - an ugly fucking sand circle with an arch and some tents

what the FUCK were they thinking?

Name 5 games with better plot we can shit on.

you can idle on your mount in rhalgrs


>SB is Stormblood not Shadowbringers, my WoW friend.

The bard.

>People saying Stormblood was better than Heavensward
I didn't say that. I said right after each expansion came out, people claimed the story was the best up to that point. Either because they were hyped to be playing a new expansion, tricked by the marketing or are shills. But it did happen. And they're doing it for this latest expansion as well. Once the next expansion comes out, you'll see FFXIV threads hyping that, no matter the content.

ff7remake is great you piece of shit

>1000 poetics
the second step is going to be worse than the anima jump, I can feel it in my bones

>I like to not have to play the game to get my rewards.
Ask me how I know you AFK in Limsa.

no one was saying that about Stormblood

>At least it's not FF7R.

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Tell me dear ranged dps players, when roulette takes you into a leveling dungeon, do you actually bother to check the gear of tank and healer or do you just pull fucking everything on principle?

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>got all my crafters/gatherers to 80 and autistically penta melded them
>have a house, and fully decorated it
>done all the beast tribes to cap, done a bunch of maps, done the Hildebrand quests, done all the EX Primals
>FC is too casual to commit to doing Eden savage and PFing it is fucking torture (seen Ramuh enrage

imagine choosing the cold, stale "world" of FFXIV over this

5.25 is just filler grind content for nolifers while they try to figure out how to avoid the virus and still work

I used to be a fag like you

Can't wait to buy that dance for 21 dollaridoos from mogstation.

Yes, they were. They were drowned out. But in the first couple weeks it came out, people were acting like it was the best thing ever. As shills tend to do.

So this is where funding has been going to

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Grind what? People are mad because there is actually nothing to grind.

is ff14 a good game for finding an internet girlfriend or should i stick to LoL

all those fatter cats, like tears in rain


When do I get this sink for my apartment?

ffxiv is total shit but retail WoW is even worse shit.
i'm waiting for BC servers.

Just read up on the rest of the fight and join an enrage group, that's what everyone else does anyway

>There are people who actually spend $200 to get a e8s clear
holy shit how do I find a group to do this with? this is easy fucking money goddamn