Want to play Nintendo titles

>want to play Nintendo titles
>can’t bring myself to buy a switch because of the basedboy meme
What should I do?

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Doesn't matter, they're sold out everywhere anyway.

Well you don't need to worry about that now because they're all sold out for the foreseeable future

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not want to play nintendo titles, since you're not a faggot, right?

Imagine being such a cuck that you let memes influence your behavior

You should log off the internet If it affects you that much son.

Get a brain because you’re retarded for letting memes influence you

It's not just a meme.
>Fact: Grown men who buy a switch are testosterone deficient.
Stereotypes are born from reality

this, you're a faggot op

Are there any exclusives on this thing made for a mature audience? i.e., something kino?

Shave your beard and learn to smile with your mouth closed

>source: my ass
>implying it's not like this for gamers world wide ignoring platform

>needing MatureTM GaymesTM For MatureTM GaymersTM
Fag. But bayo1+2, Astral Chain, Daemon x Machina is on pc now but still a great game. Probably another 2-3 I can't think of atm.

I bought it cause I wanted to play Bayonetta 2 and thought Bayonetta 3 was coming but now i just use it for indies. Eh it'll do

Kill yourself because you let shitty internet memes control your decisions

But I do have all my hair and without tranny pills

>implying all gamers are grown men
The switch is all fucking cartoons

Image being such a cuck you own a child's tablet

If you don't want to be a basedboy, just avoid the typical games that they play. Conveniently they only play artsy cinematic movies and casual games, so you won't be missing anything. For example, as a Switch owner I dislike the following games:

>Smash bros
>animal Crossing
>Fire Emblem

And etc. Basically, if there's any waifu pandering or heavy story of any kind, it gets thrown in the trash. I want gameplay only in my games, and nothing else is allowed to exist alongside it. Have some standards.

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>buy a switch
>don't play any of the good games on switch
so it's basically a trash version of an ipad or a phone with a controller grip?

If you're letting the morons on the board make decisions for you then that's a pretty big issue larger than worrying about owning a switch or not

Download some emulators and play older Nintendo games. It's not like they've changed or improved at all.

I play all of the good games on the Switch. It just so happens that they're multiplats and indies.

>wants gameplay
>dislikes Bayonetta

>voice acting everywhere
>quick time events
Yeah, I like gameplay. None of this shit looks like gameplay, though.

what are some good games to pick up that aren't the standard mario/zelda shit everyone always says to get?
i've been thinking of picking up some new games for the quarantine but every time i look for recommendations i just see the same shit

So why get one?

it is a meme. there are plenty of chads with switches.

The portability aspect sounded nice, until my joycons started drifting.

if this is your attitude youre already a basedboy

That's how i feel. My brother has a switch. I could play anytime i want to, but the games look like Pixar movies. I would only try out Botw and smash, but even then, it's just all bug eyed bobbleheads
Also my brother is a virgin with no communication skills. go figure

>caring that autistic perma-virgin losers who'll never see a live cunt hair unless they find it in someone's used panties think you might be a beta male
There's something seriously fucked with you kids today, and I think it's largely got to do with the fact that none of you came up when everyone understood that the people around here aren't worth taking seriously.

Yeah but why buy it when all the game are for kids?

You fail to mention why it's worth purchasing

Not a single switch defender in this thread has been able to give a single reason to buy a swtich.
>You let a meme dictate your buying decision faggot
yeah fine, why buy it?