Post your 3x3, taste is irrelevant, it only matters if you enjoy it.
Post your 3x3, taste is irrelevant, it only matters if you enjoy it
>only Sonic & Knuckles by itself
This is not a matter of taste. You are factually objectively wrong because Sonic 3 & Knuckles fully eclipses it and all its content.
I would put Sonic 3 and Knuckles but by all means it’s two games not one, so if I had to pick one of them it would be Sonic and Knuckles by having
>better zones
>better music
>ability to play as fucking KNUCKLES
>better box art
- + -
+ + +
+ / +
TF2 just isn't for me; I don't understand the appeal behind Postal?
5/5 Any particular reason you chose MGS1 out of the series?
By all means it's 100% one game that was split in two in development and is half a game in its parts.
+ S&K
- TF2
not sure what jojo game that is if its HFTF also +
- TF2
im too lazy to make one myself
7/8 +TF2, DaS, S&K, MGS, GTASA, SH, Heritage.
4/4 +P4G, FFX, Kotor2, DMC5.
4/5 +Eye, K7, MGS2, HM.
6/6 +TF2, DS, KH2, MMZ, P2, FE.
Taste is relevant or you have none.
Good taste
Godly taste
Poor taste
6/6? or maybe 5/6 - I used to really love TF2 upon release and up until about 5 years ago. It honestly just grew into a cluster fuck that I can't enjoy playing anymore.
3/3 - There are things I like about FFX and Persona 4 but I also think they have writing bad enough to prevent me from playing them again anytime soon. DMCV is just good fun.
4/5 - I could never get into Eye because I'm not big brained enough. You seem to like unique-but-janky games which is a fun niche.
7/8 - only game I haven't played is Cross Code. I also think that you've managed to pick some of my least favourite entries in series I like (FE, Portal, Sly) but I don't dislike them enough to hate them. TF2 is a husk.
thinking about remaking the big chart
Old af pic
one of those games doesn't belong lol
4/5 (+DaS, S&K, MGS1, SH -TF2)
3/3 (+FF10, DMC5, P4)
I played the first one and a half or so episodes of Umineko a while back before getting sidelined by uni exams and have been meaning to motivate myself to get back into it as it was fucking fantastic.
1/1 (+MGS2)
3/4 (+KH2, Portal 2, Undertale -TF2)
1/1 (+DMC1)
1/1 (+DaS)
Really enjoyed Silent Hill 1 so I want to play through the rest very soon.
3/3 (+Ape Escape, SotC, Pikmin)
>oldfag Western strategy games & RPGs
>and also Recettear
not saying there's anything wrong with it of course, just seems funny to me
Recettear is older than 2 (arguably 3) of the games on there... But whatever I guess.
>there are people whose most favorite game of all time is a VN
>they are in this thread right now
I think Recettear is older than Shovel Knight, Touhou, Hard Reset and Magicka at least. By the by, aren't you the user who found it difficult to enjoy newer games in an earlier 3x3 thread or am I mistaking you for somenon else?
Not enough nintendo games to represent nu/v/'s taste.
>am I mistaking you for somenone else?
You are. I like lots of new games, just not the new games that Yas Forums likes, and my definition of new (within the last couple of years) differs from Yas Forums's definition of new. (whatever the fotm is)
How many games do you think are in people's top list that they've only beat a single time?
Or maybe even only replayed once or twice
>thinking about remaking the big chart
Based dedicated user.
3x3 in the middle. Ignore the rest if too many games trigger your autism.
Why Soul Sacrifice of all the MonHun-likes out there?
Not bad user but like... where's the personal touch?
>Implying the circlejerk would include Godhand of all things
what games do you like user?
It used to. Yas Forums is a very different place now. It just gets more and more casual. 5 years from now threads like these will be unironically praising phone games.
Post your 3x3.
that's some old shit man, do you play games nowadays at all?
That's not me, stop lying, user.
Well can you just post your 3x3 already then so I can get btfo'd by your supreme taste o great Yas Forums master