FF7 has been dethroned

>FF7 has been dethroned
>Kojima exposed as a hack
>Miyazaki exposed as a hack
>Bethesda is dead
>Sony is dead
>Nintendo is dead

Can we FINALLY agree that gaming is dead? It doesn't matter if you like Western games or Jap games, they're all pretty much dead.

Clown World really took a toll on the entertainment industry, eh?

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So why dont you keave this board and never return

Your life will only get worse so hang yourself

Because I want to find other people that empathize with this situation?

Let me return the question to you. Why are you here if you're totally indifferent to the state of this industry?

MGS4 was trash.
Death Stranding was his redemption.

>FF7 has been dethroned
by what? if you think a non-remake dethrones it, you're legit retarded/shitposting

Death Stranding is unironically what convinced me video games will never go anywhere meaningful. They're a vacuous time waster with nothing of value to say.
Take the SE dick out of your mouth.

yeah but half-life came back in VR form

And its story was a joke.


He's fucking in.

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The reason why gaming is dead is because society is dead. We can't make fantastical games about complex relationships and great adventures because modern society lacks these experiences to base a story on. There's no more soul in anything because collectively the soul of the world died when technology took over and people stopped going out and being human beings.

To be fair, everything else is dead or dying as well.
>literature has been a joke for decades
>film is pozzed as fuck
>science documentaries have blatant political biases
So yeah, go for sports!

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You forgot that Blizzard is dead.

>The world started collapsing HYPER-COINCIDENTALLY when we were born

Daily reminder that the only way out is suicide

No more sports this season

>>The world started collapsing HYPER-COINCIDENTALLY when we were born
No, everything was pretty good then after a few years it started collapsing. Get the script right.

Look, just go for sports.

Don't forget that Bungie and Halo is dead

man, I really need a corona-chan folder

Do something that your home can handle, then.

Sports is fucking boring.

So science isn't even to be trusted anymore?

This, but without irony

Nope. These are the same scientists trying to tell you that trans people are a thing. The fucking WHO is going to let potentially millions of people die because they're in the pockets of China.

Nothing is to be trusted anymore.

Not with Corona chan

If you don't like the new shit then play some good not so old shit that still plays to this day. I don't agree with you man, even with the shitload of remakes we are seeing this year the new games are pretty good and the industry has taken too many backlashes to just give up to cancer. Just look:
>Doom Awesome
>Animal Crossing New Memes
>Remakes 4K Edition
>CoD Free Royale
>M&B II : 10years we've waited for it
I'm still playing a game that came out in 2012 online with 4000 other players or loading ROMs of whatever.

The fact that you're angry at op means hes right.

Like voring ramen surprise and drawing hahasaurus eating people and pooping them out haha haha haha BLAPPPPP

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Not with a fake virus?

No one gives a single fuck about remakes they always suck anyways


You are such an utter mindless consumer it's insane.

Not to mention that the internet is dead. It's no longer a platform for endless creativity, just a platform for endless bitching and to make easy money.

They cannbanned all the sports didenst deieedeeddeded they until chan goes can

>fake virus

>These are the same scientists trying to tell you that trans people are a thing.
those are spokesmen not scientists buddy

based schizo
take your meds


Coincidentally this place is part to blame for that. Yas Forums and Yas Forums especially popularized ironic humor and casual mean-spiritedness. 15 years ago people were much more genuine and friendly on the net, and willing to form tight-knit communities that dedicated themselves to something they loved. This place, and social media platforms, are a mishmash of disjointed, fleeting "social" experiences that often lack any fluidity or permanence. People lash out for attention and gain it by any means possible, but it's all just shallow. Look at the amount of negativity this site alone generates - loving something genuinely brings down a trove of people who are desperate to convince you that it's impossible to be happy with anything. This attitude has bled into real life. It's trendy to be an aloof asshole.

I just wanted an excuse to post this petite slut.

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Well, for the fuckasses who are into sports, games are fake and gay.

At least photography isn't that dead.

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Death Stranding suck but at least shows he could probably do well on Ubisoft open world games, world looks nice.

I think Yas Forums is more of a catalyst rather than something directly responsible. I really do think something in the water or in our food is making us aggressive.

(((They're))) plotting something.

I accept your defeat.

>Kojima exposed as a hack
Death Stranding is this gen's greatest pleb filter.

ok schizo

Remember that the schizo line first came from a Richard Spencer owned forum.

If you unironically think that things are perfectly normal and that there isn't a massive conspiracy to bring the Western world to its knees through civil unrest and preying on mental illness then you're either lying to yourself or you're part of the problem.

>>Kojima exposed as a hack
Death Stranding is his first good game
>>Miyazaki exposed as a hack
Sekiro was his best game
>>Sony is dead
>>Nintendo is dead
Their two most recent consoles are hugely successful