Zoomers eternally BTFO'd

Zoomers eternally BTFO'd

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-12 v - Legend of Zelda LOZ - Video Games - 4chan.png (1833x535, 306.37K)

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But what rule did he break?

Wrong opinions are not allowed here

Trolling outside of Yas Forums.

Someone also got banned once for criticizing Final Fantasy VI.

Then why aren't 95% of Yas Forums posters banned?

He's right, he only got banned because some DO IT FOR FREE wanted to have le epic screenshot taken.

The nail that sticks out gets hammered. You increase your chance of getting reprimanded if you start new threads.

as long as mods ban someone and it isn't a shadowban, sheep here pretend it's le based xD and mods = gods

Sonyfags are still assmad that nobody will ever share their worthless opinions

you literally can't criticize nintendo on Yas Forums

> 99% of the threads are Sonyfags spamming Goldface wojaks, console war threads & Tranny twitter screencap threads
> Waaah bbbbbut Nintendo bias
Every fucking time

reminder to paint the boards red whenever good guy nintendo hints at an advertisement

Attached: Slash nin.png (1888x983, 721.48K)

>it's another "mod wants attention" episode

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Inciting a flamewar

Might as well delete more than half the threads on Yas Forums at any time then

This. Do not dare criticise shit nintendo games apparently. He would never in a million years been banned for talking about a ps1 classic like FF7.

Being a zoomer is never okay.

Trolling/instigating a flame war or something. So, most threads that pop up should be getting hammered, really.

Someone was literally banned for shittalking Final Fantasy VI though you fucking retard. Sony games are complete garbage & Sonyfags constantly start desperate console war threads that always are allowed to hit bump limit

Show me one (1) thread up right now that's shitting on Nintendo

I'll wait

>Sony games are complete garbage
So are Nintendo ones. The only good video game ever created was Halo 2.

But he's right. Keep seething boomers.

He posted video games on Yas Forums
He was banned for being off-topic.


being underage

This is literally a pic of one of the mods

Attached: 5c3250b.jpg (2208x2944, 627.62K)

>fake ban
Nice fake OP.

"This post is extremely low quality."

its literally obvious baiting and surface level trolling outside of Yas Forums with the intent to start a console war or similar.

bans over this stuff do happen but its almost never public.

>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nintendo!

I'm 19 and Links Awakening. I played when I was little on my SP

Attached: 4444.jpg (800x800, 202.01K)

The unwritten rule of no criticizing nintendoids or their idol games

Yas Forums is basically a nintendo hugbox safe space

>rewarding low effort bait with a public ban
Might as well give public bans to wojakposters so the entire catalogue is wojak at all times

I never played a Zelda game. Am I missing out on anything?

I'd expect nothing less

we have shills come and advertise on Yas Forums that is an undisputed fact

> The seething for sonyfags will never end

Wojak posting is based you disgusting redditor

>all these sonygroids seething ITT

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it's probably some mod's favorite game

fucking elves cant take a joke

Attached: shinobu.jpg (296x293, 11.33K)

No one wastes time shilling on poorfag and pirate central

Look at this cope

>dumb elf stuff
>elf's are stupid and boring
if it isn't any more clear he is joking around then I dunno user you may be retarded

Because MODS = GODS newfaggot.
They could ban me for this post right now even though it doesn't violate a rule.

Report mod abise


report this dick

not your personal army, faggot