>Resident Evil 4 REmake is in full production
>Estimated release window is 2022
>According to a report by VGC
>Development led by M-Two (new studio founded by former Platinum Games head Tatsuya Minami)
>Shinji Mikami was offered the role of project lead but declined, although he gave his "blessing" and informal advice
>Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X are likely platforms

Looks like it's finally happening. I am hyped and worried at the same time. M-two was involved with the development of REmake 3 and we all know that it turned out to be mediocre.

Only God knows why Capcom chose not to develop this title fully in-house. In any case, let's not pretend that we aren't going to buy this day one, no matter how it turns out.


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They’re going to fuck this up. Seriously, no one asked for this, everyone wanted a remake of CV or Dino Crisis.

>Development is being led by Osaka-based M-Two, the new studio founded by former PlatinumGames head Tatsuya Minami, which has been preparing for the project since 2018.

>One person with knowledge of development told VGC the remake is being directed by a newcomer to the series.


post yfw

No way they can fit the entire game in this remake.
RE2/3 remakes cut content, and those are not even as long as RE4.
Making CV a mediocre game into a great game would be better, but I suppose they looked at the sales numbers between CV and 4 and made the easy decision.

I hope they do something weird with it like making it fixed camera or first-person, but I know they won't

Literally nobody even played CV or Dino Crises. Nobody cares about that. We all wanted a REmake 4 and you know it.

>RE2/3 remakes cut content, and those are not even as long as RE4
This is what concerns me. Unless they take the remake in some drastically different directions those cuts are going to be even more damming to the remake

unless they have time ghosts come out if you take ashley up on her advances it at least can't lower the bar

Maybe not you, zoomer. You werent even born yet when those games were released.

I hope not. OTS is perfect for RE4 and the series in general.

What if they split it up into multiple parts like FFVII Remake?

>I hope they do something weird with it like making it fixed camera or first-person
This. Or use some concepts from RE3.5 draft, otherwise there is no point in this remake.

If they fuck it up the original is always there

Good, maybe we will get proper Spanish voice actors and not fucking sudacas.

>Literally nobody even played CV or Dino Crises
zoom zoom

unless I'm reading this wrong, m-Two have been preparing since 2018 for the R4make with R3make being a time to learn under the direction of Red Works, who led the development of R3make. If that's all true, then we can assume the quality of R2make was the exception as the main in house team moved from R2make to RE8

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>RE8 was a REv 3 Switch that they're trying to upgrade in a year
>RE4 remake in about 2 years
Feels like they're pushing it a bit, lads

>OTS is perfect for RE4 and the series in general
You disgust me.

>>RE8 was a REv 3 Switch that they're trying to upgrade in a year
I just read RE8 will be the sequel to RE7, same mc and 1st person included. So that can't be the case.

update the graphics and environments so they seem more gritty. and VA's need to come back or it wont be the same, including the cheesy one liners. nothing gameplay wise should change, knife was fine and weapons stay the same. Also mercenaries should be expanded upon, non of that bullshit from revelations or the 3ds spinoff.

they change anything that made it great and im not buying

Autism, the mexican voices are what made it cool.

If you believe Dusk Golem, basically there were a couple internal pitches based off of RE7, one became End of Zoe, another became RE8. It stayed as RE8 but then get relegated to Revelations 3 for Switch. Meanwhile the other RE8 by the main house ran into some issues and REv 3 got really great feedback from playtesters so it got moved back to RE8 and the cut content with Rebecca may reappear as a new REv 3 for Switch.

>bullshit from revelations
I’m down for more raid mode

They reworked the game in the last year apparently, which sounds pretty shitty imo

They could never make Yas Forums happy so don't get your hopes up.

Meant for
It's probably been moved back to RE Engine for more than a year and I'm sure it's a fine game, but it does seem like Capcom is trying to pump out a lot of RE.

>im not buying
Yes you are. Don't try to be an edgy contrarian on here. Each and every one of you whiny fuckers is going to be standing in line to get their hands on this. Same as me.

I have zero interest in RE7 styled games so my hopes rest on REv3 being good..

but nobody really gave a fuck about CV

Everyone not born after 2000 played at least Dino Crisis, user.

Not just Yas Forums. Re4 is the holy cow of the series, they can't allow themselves to have any mistakes this time

I bet the retards will remove the castle or Island or some shit

I'm only buying it if it has stuff cut from the game like the airship, or at least offers something new to the experience. RE4 is aging incredibly well and doesn't need a remake so Capcom will have to do something special to get my attention.

guess that's why they are outsourcing it. Weird decision

did an excellent job with Re2 and a good (but disappointing) job with Re3
I'm hopeful

From what Dusk Golem has suggested, I don't understand how an RE7 followed up turned RE8 would have been built on anything other than the RE Engine, which isn't Switch compatible, but he explicitly says REv 3 was a Switch game, which means the current RE8 went from RE Engine to MT Framework and back to RE Engine, which sounds really bad.

If Capcom was concerned about how weird RE8 is going to be, I can see the Rebecca stuff being reworked to be more like a traditional REv game to cover their bases. If it happens of course.

>did an excellent job with Re2 and a good (but disappointing) job with Re3
developed by two different teams afaik. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but r2make = Capcom in house, r3make = red works and m-two

>post yfw they combine CVX and RE4 into one game, with four separate campaigns, with the island in RE4 being Rockfort, and the ending has Leon/Claire/Chris/Jill against Saddler/Alexia/Ada/Wesker

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he’s probably a spaniard seething because his shitty accent isn’t in the game

Everyone wants RE4 to be remade.

that sounds terrible

Does this Dusk Golem have a track record of accurate leaks? I highly doubt Capcom will release a console exclusive when every game they release nowadays is multiplatform.

will it still be as cheesy as the original? wonder how it'll feel with today's graphics and the tone of remake 2 and 3
re4 is basically a steven seagal zombie movie

that sounds like such a clusterfuck desu, i'd rather not have this happen ever

Go back to your Fortnite, boy. This is an adult only board

i didnt buy Re3make, im only saying i wont buy if they make major changes

raid mode was fine, i meant more like the weapon level attachments and scanning

I do

No, I'm guessing they're gonna some or all of the cheesiness to make it more "realistic".

l m a o

After RE3 this is going to be a fucking disaster. You all laughed at me for being mad at RE3R being a shit rendition of my favourite classic game, can't wait for the RE4 fags to feel the same dissapointment.

>RE7 and all the other first person RE games are the worst in the franchise
Okay then, dickhead

I just want to play Hookman proto Resi4, now that would be a RE4make I could get behind