Platinum BTFO

Platinum BTFO.

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>legendary director
how so
he was the director for like one good game and spent the entire rest of his career trying to make 'totally not devil may cry' games which are always vaslty inferior because PRESS X TO WIN qte spam

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Holy shit they are openly mocking Kellam at this point.

He directed Resident Evil 2, so that's two games.

>resident evil
Wasn't good until 5


Kamiya seems like an immense faggot.
Either he's a pussy that blocks everyone because he's genuinely upset, or keeps using the same joke that stopped being funny the third time.

aaaand just like that you lost all your credibility, you can exit the thread now.

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he does it as a joke and it clearly filtered you

Why was kellam hired in the first place? All he does is smack talk platinum after he left

>Viewtiful Joe
He has more great games to his name than the entirety of Naughty Dog

Doesn't he have a game to develop? Maybe he should get on Bayo3 so it gets out of devhell.


Series was shit until 3
too long
Actually good
wannabe dmc

Kamiya himself ordered the unpaid intern managing that Twitter account to call him that. He's a hack and a pathetic, sore loser.

Fuck off with your awful taste, nigger.

*gets fired*

He is a pussy because he does not want to put up with cunts like yourself that takes petty shit such as blocking on social media too seriously? You have differing and lamer priorities.

how is it a joke if he actually blocks these people?

Sorry you can't block people on Yas Forums, eggiya

Literally the best game ever made, you cannot debate this
>Viewtiful Joe
OK at best

How do boomers just fall asleep at random places?
How the fuck does that work?

When will W101 be shipped?

You will know after you reach the age of 40.

How many cute tranny babes has he fucked?

Should get it in May is what the survey said

oh, you're retarded. It all makes sense now


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I fell asleep during one of my animation classes in college after work while I practicing drawing nude women before class started. Woke up in the middle of a lesson with the dude next to me pretending not to notice.


Always funny how the best Clover/Platinum game, God Hand, he had nothing to do with.