Boss casts time stop and kills the entire party

>boss casts time stop and kills the entire party
What the fuck? I never even got a fucking turn

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kys, gachanigger

Gacha is shit and I hate it
I just used the image because that's how Homura fights

Magireco is the only good gacha

>I want to lick her young pussy
What the fuck?


I wish we could get some non-gacha Madoka games. I feel like the universe would be a good fit for a roguelite or something.

There is a dungeon crawler Madoka game but it seems to be only partially fan translated

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I want a character action game

git gud

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I want a legit roguelike. Madoka DCSS or something.

check out GRIEF SYNDROME if you haven't already, fun little side scroller game.

Magireco is garbage
t. playing since day one of EN

The anime is okay though

>everyone forgets about pic related

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you DID get the holy quintet, right?

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PS... Vita? Whats that?

Mami honestly deserves to die. She's a huge fucking asshole.

>Watch gameplay trailer
>Shit's running at like 15 FPS

The Vita is 2011 smartphone tier, user

Each dropped frame represents another year of Homura crying, failing, and masturbating to her only friend.

Started off decent, went straight to the dumpster by the end.
>Hey instead of having you experience the tragic backstory of this main character, let's sit all the characters down and literally show them a slideshow of stuff you, the audience, already know. Let's then have them magically enter the memories of this person and repeat exactly everything you just re-learned 5 seconds ago. What's that? You wanted to learn new things? Uh, here's loli hitler I guess.
The fact people went around proclaiming it was better than Rebellion got my bloodpressure going

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Did nothing wrong.

They have to write it as if you haven't seen the original so that more people can spend money on the gacha you see

Rebellion is the one of the biggest pleb filter in anime movie history.

It's not even any different from any other gacha. The moment I downloaded and saw the auto-battle I immediately uninstalled

Why do people even dislike Rebellion? I jumped on the Madoka train pretty late and I liked it.

iirc one of the artists for record hadn't seen the original and put the soulgem on a fighter's fist lol

"Forced" shipping, too meta, not an ending they wanted. I've never actually seen any real criticism mostly because everyone got hung up on the ending.

I didn't like Rebellion because of what happened to the QBs


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