How do we modernize Mega Man and bring him into future?

How do we modernize Mega Man and bring him into future?

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Didn't 11 do that? Adding "slow time" powers that level the playing field for people who suck, plus adding easy mode?

-3rd or 1st person perspective.
-He has a son now and must face the burden of responsibility that being a father involves.
-Significantly reduced gameplay in favour of cut scenes and narrative.
-Depserate, ham fisted writing, trying desperately to be noticed by other industries like TV/Film because the writers are completely insecure.

They should also make Mega Man become Dr. Wily at the end of the game.

11 did that.
>2.5D that maintained the look of older sprite-based games while incorporating slightly redone designs
>Fantastic QoL such as dedicated Rush buttons, right stick weapon selection on top of the MM10 shoulder button cycling, R3 to return to Buster, etc.
>Robot Master fights each have 2 or 3 distinct phases rather than simple patterns the entire fight like every game except 8
>Level design goes for longer pacing to allow for greater gimmick introduction and use as well as iterative midboss encounters
>Double Gear system adds a fun but optional way to play the game; Power Gear is fun to play with to destroy rooms or delete bosses with good timing while Time Gear allows weaker players to deal with trickier platforming without handing it to them
>Tons of post-game side content like speed runs, challenge rooms, and the balloon mode, which were actually fleshed out versions of bonus features on the Legacy Collections
All it needed was a better soundfont and more than two proper Wily stages and it would've been the best game in the series. As it stands it's about on par with 4 & 10 in my book, but if a hypothetical 12 builds on 11 it'll be unstoppable.

>What is Megaman X4 or Mega Man Zero
Just add "easy medium hard and autistic" for difficulties and you're good.

No gimmicks. Hated the gear system. After slogging through block mans level and a couple attempts at acid man I gave up. Damn shame as I love megaman but the gear shit ruined it.

Just make 16 Robot Masters instead of 8.

- Make it metroidvania. But not "normal levels with hub world" like Zero 1, ZX and ZXA. True metroidvania where exploration matters.
- Make it 3D. It could take inspiration from DMC (maybe DmC could work a little better, it had weaknesses and more platforming) to use that 3D in ways that will benefit the game.

In short: ZX3 and Legends 3.

Just keep the titles budget and acknowledge you’re there for a quick little 2D platformer. 3D would ruin a game like Mega Man.

And make it a rougelike, too. That's hot with the kids.

Keep the budget down and force the director into a tight videogame experience instead of giving him enough money to fuck it up. Oh an get someone talented to write the music, MM 11 was a good game but the music was ass and forgettable, which is unforgivable for a MM game.

Make a game that's longer than three hours.

The compositions in 11 are good, the in game arrangements are bad. Listen to the piano versions and the AST.

There's literally nothing wrong with a 3 hour game if it's good, has good replay value, and costs

Please no. If I wanted to play something random, I'd play Mega Maker.

Capcom buys Mega Maker and adds MM7 and MM11 styles to it and sells it on Switch. Boom, big bucks.

Copy everything that MM 1-10 did right, don't do anything that 11 did because it was fucking trash.

>what is the Legends, BN and SF series

That'd be really fucking cool, actually. Maybe bosses could have a couple weaknesses to make it easier to find one (for people not consulting guides like a fuccboi)

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>BN and SF
>Mega Man
Pick one

10 felt like a romhack and 9 was wayyyy too hard

Go back to /vr/ faggot.

As someone who started with the NES games, give them a chance. They're pretty good.

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i've posted this enough times that people tell me it's a pasta, but here is the dream Mega Man game I have in the back of my head

>a Soft Reboot/Remix of the story and gameplay formulas designed to put the best elements of each series in one game
>Dr. Light's Lab is located in a small town: the lab and town are a hub area that is explored in 3D 3rd person gameplay
>The Lab and town are meant to replicate the best elements of MML1's central town: namely the cute cast of townsfolk with quests to complete, like the woman who needs red lipstick to complete her painting, the girl in the hospital who needs funds for a treatment for her legs, and so forth
>From the central hub, 8 levels are accessible, and they play exactly like classic Mega Man. The overall structure of the game is exactly like Classic
>In the town there is a Battle Network Net Battler tournament to participate in, with the exact gameplay from the Battle Network series. Net battling is popular in the town and you can battle NPC's. You can also net-battle certain enemies within the 8 levels, and jack in to terminals, doors, etc. in the town and in the 8 levels to unlock secrets.
>Secret paths connect the 8 levels, so that the game can be played like a metroidvania in the late game.

I have some more ideas but I have to post now because the thread is on pg 10

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Don't? Megaman is tried and true, don't fix what isn't broken.

I don't want to meddle with gif related.

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Your loss. The gridfighting is fun.

first of all you need to kill yourself

It's not broken but most do consider it outdated.

You dont. This isnt fucking Sonic, the series is already great, a game like 11 just needed more content is all.

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To each their fucking own, then.

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