Alright Yas Forums

Alright Yas Forums
>favorite pokemon
>thoughts on the current gen
>what you think Game Freak should do to improve next gen

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I dont play pokemon
They won't

>I dont play pokemon
Wow, shocker

That’s kind of sad

thanks for explaining the joke

Dunno, I quit after Diamond
Develop Pokemon Snap 2 for VR

>>favorite pokemon
Golisopod, Scizor and Mimikyu
>>thoughts on the current gen
It's alright
>>what you think Game Freak should do to improve next gen
Whole game should be like the wild area

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>It’s alright
Explain your reasoning. Right out of the gate a chunk of pokemon were just deleted.

>favorite pokemon
Gardevoir. Specifically my own that has been with me since the release of Emerald. He is a dear friend.

>thoughts on the current gen
Makes some improvements in presentation and quality of life, but suffers from the same issue most new gen, new console Pokemon games do in that there is a noticable lack of content compared to the rereleases/games based on the same assets that come later in a gen. DLC somewhat remedies this, price notwithstanding.

>what you think Game Freak should do to improve next gen
Longer development cycles. Hopefully DLC format allows for this.

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>DLC ever being justifiable

Yeah, and I'm not happy about that, but raids are a good addition (although they need to have more ones like Mewtwo more often), and the wild area is good, but knowing game freak they might remove raids next game like they did to PSS to "give flavor to the region" or whatever

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Expansion DLC packs have always been a positive thing so long as they are reasonably priced for the amount of content provided. How true that is of the Sword/Shield expansions is yet to be seen.

The wilds area is seriously shit user. It’s a good idea but GF implemented it in a very half baked shitty way.

Its fine
The whole game should be the wild area

user that is some basic bitch taste

>favorite pokemon
pic related along with Makuhita and Meloetta
>thoughts on the current gen
It has some good QoL improvements but everything else looks incredibly halfassed. Cutting the dex was also a dick move and speaks volumes about GF's laziness that then cant be asked to include all the pokemon and moves anymore.
>what you think Game Freak should do to improve next gen
I don't expect them to do anything except shit out another unfinished game with even less effort while the masses eat it up and thank them.

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Gardevoir is my wife
The current gen is a massive disappointment, the series as a whole has been going downhill ever since they moved to 3D
It's still a playable pokemon game for a mindless "comfy" adventure, and for some people that's all they want, but the series could and should be so much better by now.
I'd need to write an essay on what GF should do to make a better game, but all they really should need to do is leverage the fact that Pokemon is the single highest grossing media franchise in the world, hire some more talent and drop the fucking yearly release schedule.

Gardevoirfags are mentally ill

>drop the fucking yearly release schedule.
Or hire third party devs to make games for that gen while they work on the next game. I think we would all love another Coliseum/XD style game as they were both a fun spinoff and a nice change of pace with doubles being the battle format.

>favorite pokemon
>thoughts on the current gen
Barebones, simple, same old enjoyable shit
>what you think Game Freak should do to improve next gen
A ton of stuff they'll never do. It tickles my collectors autism so I'm a slave.

>the series as a whole has been going downhill ever since they moved to 3D
This right here. Agreed 110%. It might be coincidental but it’s true.

Gardevoirfags are fine, the ones that like the furshit poke on are weird. Lucariofags, blazikenfags, they freak me out.

I agree. Eeveefags and Eeveelutionfags are fucking evil.

Anyone that wants to fuck a Pokemon should freak you out.

They're wild animals.

i haven't played since oras, mystery dungeon remake interests me. the monsters themselves were the reason i played the main games, but i only like a handful from SwSh and only love dracovish
i don't care what they do with mainline. just give me a new mystery dungeon

It hurts to live the pokemon

>Pokémon Developed by EA
>They should put Anthrax in Ishihara’s coffee so future games don’t end up the way Sword and Shield did: a 3 year development span per generation yielding a shitty mobile game quality title (that is $60) with microtransactions included as well that are also required to experience a full game.

I will never play Sword & Shield
Add in all Pocket Monsters

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SwSh were more fun to play through than Sun and Moon, but the dexcut is fucking inexcusable, especially since the game itself costs $90 in its full form.

The development cycle should be longer, but for fucks sake, Pokemon is the highest grossing franchise in the WORLD, they can hire some more people on to make sure at BARE MINIMUM all the pokemon get into the next game.

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Not that guy, but Dracovish is surprisingly lively and cute in motion despite his hellish origins.

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It’s also a goddamn serial killer. Fucker chunks outs even 4x nve matchups.