Hi, now that several months has passed? Have your opinions on pokemon SH and SW changed? Did you feel better about it?
Hi, now that several months has passed? Have your opinions on pokemon SH and SW changed? Did you feel better about it?
Nah, still think it's shit. If anything th DLC made me think less of it. After all GameFreak used the excuses of wanting to balance the game and that the roster was too big to justify the Dex cut and then they turn around and reintroduce most of the legendaries, new ones, and 200 extra Pokemon? You can hardly say it was a response to the complaints either, they clearly planned this.
That, and while having two base versions and then a third/second set of games was obviously Jewish, this set up with the $30 dlc is actually worse because to screws over the people who would have only bought the enhanced versions and the base Sword and Shield won't get the quality of life improvements and new content spread out during the main game like was standard before. So before you could either wait and pay $40 to play the best version of the game or buy the first and play though it and the second a year and half later for another full and somewhat fresh play through, effectively doubling your time for a total of $80. Now you have to pay $90 for the lack luster and flawed base game and and maybe a dozen hours of post game content.
In the past when I've decided not to buy a pokemon release, it gets harder not to over time Andi usually cave. This time however I still have 0% desire to play this dogshit. Imagine a series moving to console and it barely even gets upgraded. Fuck jewfreak.
It hasn't.
0 replayability, no post game, only 2 legendaries per game. It's an objective opinion that it's the worst game in the series.
Yeah my feelings on it changed a little, because I feel like that image of the man who thought he'd lost all hope loses additional bit of hope he didn't know he had. At some point I truly gave up and accepted that nothing made by Gamefreak's hands is created for me and I will never, ever get anything even close to any of the Pokemon games I've ever dreamed of.
I don't care about Pokemon nearly as much anymore. I'll continue looking forward to the non-mobile spinoffs but considering how few of those there have been these past few years I don't think there will be much there for me either.
I was pissed off during the pre-release because of how shitty it looked and the lies.
After putting 220+ hours into it I can just say that it's a Pokémon game like any other (easy/comfy difficulty, boring plot, great soundtrack, top-tier waifus, etc.) except that at least in the past they had an excuse to look so piss ugly.
Now that they revealed that the Dexit thing wasn't incompetence but greed makes me only angry about the graphical part.
The DLC better be worth it, although the new map seems to be even smaller than the Wild Area so I'm not setting my hopes up.
I spoke a guy with a faggot ass taste in video games who bought it despite the outrage and even he thought it was surprisingly bad.
Pokemon is my favorite franchise of all time and it saddens me to see the franchise in this state. Pokemon Sword is the first Pokemon game I bought and didn't even finish, I don't think I'll buy the DLC either. I don't even mind the bad graphics and dexcut, but the game is just lacking content hard. 2 legendaries, the towns are pretty much empty and most of them get completely pointless after you do the gym, wild area is terrible and empty, no caves/dungeons to explore, shitty OST, it just feels fucking soulless. What the fuck, all I want is the quality Gen 1-5 had. How the fuck did it go from amazing in Gen 5 to shit in Gen 6? It hurts so much to see a franchise I love so much becoming so bad.
I still haven't played it and never will, so no, nothing has changed.
its shown me that you can have successful franchise while never innovating or pushing the bar in any way shape or form
Like imagine base Diamond or Pearl except GF released a $20 DLC that added the Distortion World, the Looker side quest, and the Battle Frontier. All of those things are cool, but if they were trapped in Diamond and Pearl with it's shit national dex, slow surfing, ugly towns, etc. It wouldn't be nearly as good as Platinum.
I haven't bought it yet. I really want to inside Melony.
I'm just so numb to Pokemon at this point. I can't be bothered to care anymore.
regardless how you feel about the game cutting off features like the National Dex and turning them into a paid subscription is shitty enough not to buy the games anymore
Pokémon sun and moon killed my hopes.
Sword and shield made me realise that I should move on.
My feelings on Pokemon haven't changed for nearly 20 years, dude, just like the games.
I'm seeing surprisingly little defense of home charging $16 a year for its half cloud saves instead of being rolled into NSO but I know millions are buying into it.
I complained about that on /vp/ around the time it came out and said it should've been included with NSO, basically every reply I got was
>wow it's almost like Home is a different service from NSO!! Hurrr!!!
All the dogfuckers on that board sure love to eat shit
It's a massive guilty pleasure. It's not a terrible game, but the lost potential can be seen from pretty much anywhere in the game, with quality varying all over the fucking place.
Why the entire game couldn't have the same level of detail and polish as the coal mine and the fairy village is beyond me.
>Why the entire game couldn't have the same level of detail and polish as the coal mine and the fairy village is beyond me.
16 million copies at $60 with features locked behind an extra $36 a year and $30 DLC is why.
I wanna see you do better sweetie
Then why not just make the whole thing mediocre? Those weren't even big moments in the game, yet GF put loads of resources into those areas. I don't think what Gamefreak did was intentional to make more money, they're just crazy incompetent.
>buying it for coomer reasons
people like you honestly deserve to hang
huh what you mean
this, said I wouldn't buy SW/SH, still haven't, pokemon's just a shit series now.
Just enough for marketing to show off and pretend the whole game looks like them.
Did you read what I wrote Jimmy? I haven't bought it. What do you want me to talk about, gameplay I haven't played?
So from what I've heard over the past few months it basically boils down to
>game freak wastes all development time on wilderness zone that still turns out to be absolute crap then tacks on the story and linear routes at the end
Is that right?
No it's more
>Fanbase has had increasing issues with GF's shit since XY
>Masuda says they cripplied the last selling point the series had to make the game a full fledged console experience
>Just a upscaled 3DS game while getting increasingly jewish.
What's so different between the towns in D/P and Pt?
But as I said, those weren't big areas in the game. The mine must have had a second or two of advertising, and fairy town wasn't shown at all. Instead they had loads of focus on the wild area, a low detail environment with the worst possible weather conditions and the mmo functionality disabled and not mentioned whatsoever.
That's not trying to fool anyone.That's pure incompetence. GF marketed this game in the worst light possible.
Art and map tweaks, the flower town looks much better in Platinum IIRC.
>Have your opinions on pokemon SH and SW changed?
They're still missing hundreds of Pokemon and over 100 moves, so no, and my opinion won't change until all the Pokemon are in the game.
>When the game first came out
I hate this game because half the Pokemon are cut, all of my favourites are cut except for Gengar, megas are gone, lmao Dynamax, the entire game is just me following around a character in a straight line that I hate the most out of everybody in this game and he won't shut up and reuses animations from the character I hated the most in Moon, I hate hearing about how Leon's Charizard is the coolest Pokemon ever, I'm sick of constantly having my hand held, the only fun I'm having is dressing up my trainer, when does the game star- oh it's over. Oh there's fucking nothing to do besides battle online with a roster smaller than Sun & Moon's with no mega evolutions or Z-Moves.
>After seeing the trailer for the update that adds in some more Pokemon but not all of them and content that should have been in the base game being part of a season pass
lmao no thanks, that actually soured me even more towards the game.
It's not the worst pokemon game ever like manbabies online are saying. It's objectively better than the past few pokemon games. For pokemon standards, it is a good pokemon game.
The issue is that pokemon standards are low standards and when compared to a real series then you see how half-assed the game is. But that doesn't make poketards on Yas Forums right about anything. Poketards on Yas Forums will unironically praise games like Platinum or Emerald which are laughable copy-and-paste effortless re-releases that would be panned across the board if it were released as new entries into a real game series.