GTA IV is better than GTA V

GTA IV is better than GTA V

Attached: GTA IV vs V Cops.webm (994x560, 2.85M)

We know.

Any GTA after San Andreas is awful

lets not forget gta v cops rubberband up to you and INSTANTLY cause your wheels to turn, regardless of how fast youre going or how hard they ram you. fuck rockstar for making the game as ANTIFUN as humanly possible.

This, and GTA San Andreas and older aren't exactly great.

its really cool to signal to everyone how much you hate everything, its really impressive and shows how smart you actually are

This is true. It's honestly astonishing how bad the ai is compared to even the 3d era games.

Attached: GTA V instant wheel turn.webm (640x360, 1.26M)

I don't hate the older GTA games, I don't even think about the newer ones. Lets not pretend they are beloved for their game play, writing or mission design. They're fun fuck around sandboxes and nothing else zoomer.

Only until GTA VI comes out, then GTA V will be the best one ever

you know thats your opinion yet you spout it as if its fact.

nigger wannabe simulator was also shit

Everything had to be built from the ground up to accommodate Rockstar's shitty online plans. Why waste all that time programming decent physics when they'll never work in a million years in a 20 player lobby

>cops actively ramming into pedestrians and civilian vehicles just to get you to stop

Your webm makes the cops in GTA 5 look reasonable.

This is correct. GTA is that game you fuck around with cheats on while your friend watches you drive hookers into the ocean.

youre a retard who doesnt actually play these games, just shitposts about them.

How many times are you gonna make this thread?

Nope, V will always be shit

elevendy seven

2 more times

You're an autistic dipshit retard who emotionally over-reacts to completely unbiased posts on an image forum.

Also, I played GTA 4 on release. Cope more zoomer.

thrice and a half

they both suck

GTA IV has alot of cool tech that looks nice in videos but the game is an unfun slog that borders on movie game

sounds like youre the autist using knee jerk emotional reactions, lmfao

GTA V is kind of soulless to me, but gta IV isn't very fun to play

>borders on movie game
How is IV even close to being a movie game? Especially in the context of IV vs V, V is a waaay worse offender when it comes to being a "movie game", half the missions are scripted cinematic bullshit where you have minimal control. IV has none of that.
So stop talking out of your fat ass

Sing the praises of GTAs gameplay for any of the games so I can laugh at you.

you can suck my balls and continue bumping a thread until we get some good discussion

gta 4 was boring, grey, subhuman slav filled, soap car handling garbage.


I stopped playing when i noticed cars at intersections turn into your path on purpose at the last second, literally the only fun i was having was driving around the map and they gimped it in a patch, after so many bullets from the infinite helicopters the gastank would leak and the car would stop, even fully armorerd cars.

It really pissed me off when they removed trevors invincibility ability while falling, its like they actually didn’t want you to be able to get any of the army jets or tanks. So much of that game is made unfun and i think they gimped free roam to make multiplayer more appealing, so many updates they forced me to download and they stopped adding cars and planes to the single player. Such fucking cunts

Hope everyone at rockstar games get fucking shot up in a mass shooting, sjw greedy scum, rdr2 was a faggot piece of shit and i never got out of the tutorial

and gta 5 was shallow, boring, and nothing more than cashgrab for online. so gta 4 wins

>piss wins over shit

yeah, were having a discussion about the flaws of gta 5 when compared to previous games that obviously had more effort put into them. christ you people are so fucking stupid LOL

Gunfights and car crashes were fun as fuck in gta 4, the driving was satisfying too, it you knew how to drive

yeah same. singleplayer feels really boring compared to multiplayer. You get infinite money in SP, but cant do anything fun with it. All the fun stuff is in multiplayer but you gotta grind or buy (((shard cards)))

More effort?

More bullshit setpeices and a campaign that lasted way too long,
The open world in V is worthless
The multiplayer is roblox


Not him but he said the previous games had more effort put into them, not V.
We all agree that V sucks donkey dick

IV would be great if every car didn't handle like a boat sitting on top of a shopping cart.

>Lets not pretend they are beloved for their game play
>They're fun fuck around sandboxes and nothing else zoomer
That's gameplay you fucking moron