Bored yet?

bored yet?

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It's worse than New Leaf in every way


Yes then I wake up and play for another hour

Nope. I log in everyday and get a good 2/3 hours out of it then turn it off. Exactly as the game is meant to be played. I've already got this months fish/bugs. When next month rolls around I'll have to play a lot more to catch up on the new stuff.

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no, i still have shitloads of stuff to do
the only possible way you couldn't is if you're one of those autistic completionist tards that needs to do everything within the first week

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i'm not a very creative person i guess so i'm not getting extremely autistic about customizing my own house and all that. my switch is banned too so i can't use custom designs. guess i'm just glad i didn't pay for it because as they always say

if you've played one, you've played them all

105 hours in and not even close to done. About 80% done with my pathing, have at least 1 and a half more loans to pay off, and once pathing is done I have a TON of fleshing out to do with suitable furniture.

And I haven't even started putting work into interior decoration.

Dropped the 2nd day, the durability system pissed me off, especially for an Animal Crossing game

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yeah a bit, after I unlocked terraforming I realized I don't have a single creative bone in my body and subsequently started losing interest in the game.

No because I didn't bum rush into it playing 10 hours a day.

yeah, coupled with the batchless crafting, and forcing you to craft the lesser item before crafting the better item. also
>golden tools have durability

How do I survive Redd's limit break?

Nope, and there's another content update coming within a week or so.

Kek not at all. Best 60 dollars I've spent on a game in over a decade

I was already bored the day after I bought it

also low turnip prices would be nice
post dodo codes

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no. I actually play more and more each day

Nope not at all. Game started slow as fuck but I’m getting way more into it and enjoying it more

this the only people who are bored are time traveling retards that have basically completed the game


It's so full of annoying bullshit I refuse to believe anyone at Nintendo actually played it before release.

So what's the deal with those tool variants I've seen in videos of the upgraded Nook shop?

I got overwhelmed by terraforming and now my Island is a half finished mess

I'm getting terraforming tomorrow, so now I can start finally fixing everything up how I want to. Now if only I could get the villagers I actually want without amiibo shit.

this but no i'm not bored with it yet

Villager dialogue is repetitive and boring
durability has erased almost all of my desire to fish or hunt bugs
terraforming is cumbersome and not worth the trouble unless you have every single detail planned out to the pixel
Online is fun but you can hardly do anything besides emotions or buy/sell turnips. And thats not even mentioning WUH OH and IT LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE'S ON THEIR WAY

No actually. It’s my first AC game and I actually love the idea of only having an hour or so worth of stuff to actually do in a single day

Kinda it made me go back to Luigis Mansion 3 and actually finish the story mode lol. Then today I played some Borderlands 3. I missed Easter today aswell I think whatever Hopper gives you.

This series has figuratively done nothing but decline.

yeah, they held back too much content. I miss being able to just go and do what I wanted and interact with things as they became interesting to me rather than them being set up like events where everyone now goes and does something that just released. it makes it uncomfy.

i already have 2 normal villagers should i take a third? im not really loving them either

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strangely, no

this game has the worst fucking villager dialogue yet
i didnt think they could make it any worse but they really outdid themselves this time

>Tools have durability
>In fucking Animal Crossing
>Highest tier of tools still breaks
Whoever decided this need to be laid off.

any anons have extra Earth Eggs or Sky Eggs willing to drop me some?

but WW improved on everything in PG

I hate the fact they half-turned it into a mobile game, but I'd lie if I say I'm not hooked.

>golden tools have durability
This is the worst part for me
I was fishing and stuff thinking the golden tools would be unbreakable as an endgame reward and finally being at peace, but no, you have to use golden nuggets (which are fucking rares) for a tool that takes only 2-3 times longer to break than iron tools. I don't even know what the fuck the devs were thinking.

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any chance they'll ever patch the retarded durability thing

at least for golden tools requiem

just trade with zipper

Except for village size and camera perspective.