Only 43% of Yas Forums likes Persona 5

> Only 43% of Yas Forums likes Persona 5
Jesus christ, is Persona 5 THAT bad?

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From a design & writing standpoint why is it so flawed?

Persona 5 is weird.
Its one of those games that when you think about it, it doesnt make sense.
It has a stupid story. Restrictive gameplay. No sense of innovation. So, its like all JRPGs
But when you are actually playing it...
Oh boy. The art, the music, it draws you in.
You have fun.
And this place hates having fun. It prefers to endlessly shit on things especially things that the most people have fun with.

The story certainly was, but the rest of it wasn't. I think a lot of people just played the game without knowing it was 50% dialog considering all the threads I saw around its english release.

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Yas Forums is literally always wrong because this place is so contrarian that it invents alternate realities just so it can be a special snowflake with unique opinions, and then claim everyone else is lying/a shill/reddit/jews/whatever to "prove" that they're secretly right. If you think the endless Wojak shitposting here is in any way representative of the real world, you're fucking delusional.

It was a huge commercial flop


>3.2 million
Your average Atlus game sells < 1m and most JRPGs not by Squeenix would kill for those numbers.

> Literally nothing but buzzwords
> Every website does nothing but hivemind think
> Every popular meme in internet history originated from Yas Forums
> Undertale & MineCraft were made by Yas Forums
> 99% of the internet is completely censored
> Yas Forums is the only place where you can freely speak your mind
> Is surprised when most popular games that journos & trannies circlejerk aren't actually popular when people don't have to worry about hivemind think censoring any opinion that doesn't follow the majority

The dialog, the story and the writing were fucking garbage.
The gameplay, the music, the artstyle were good.

Solid 6/10

>Highest selling Atlus game
What did he mean by this

> SEGA in the report said sales of three of their new releases were flops. This includes Persona 5 Royal, Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 and New Sakura Wars.

>Yas Forums is the only place where you can freely speak your mind

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Having to resort to a reddit meme proves him right, you are so assmad that your echochamber logic doesn't apply here that you can't even argue opposing points, just spam tranny buzzwords & wojaks as your equivelent to the upvote & downvote buttom

Like everyone else said the writing was laughably bad.

Who knew segmenting 90% of your character development into bubbles that affect absolutely nothing outside of some buffs would make a game seem disjointed.

Sega expecting Royal to outsell the base game doesn't change the fact that it's a huge success for Atlus. Best selling Atlus game, best selling Persona rerelease. Cope.

Yeah probably, who the fuck rereleases a game on the same console for $60 + another $60 worth of new DLC?

Nobody freely speaks their minds here. This isnt some gathering of high-minded intellectuals who discuss video games in depth and without restriction.
Everybody just spams stale memes like wojak and makes cheap bait for (you)s and to create rage.


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Because it's a garbage game, the fact that drones can only recite "Well sales = Quality" non-argument proves it

Yas Forums loves Persona 5 but pretends to hate it because it has mainstream popularity. Fans of other JRPGs in particular resent it for being more popular then their favourite weeb game.

Ah yes i too remember niche games like Ocarina of Time, Shadow of the Colossus, Nier Automata, Super Mario 64 & Resident Evil 4 that Yas Forums also likes

>aren't actually popular
To a small subset of people. Popularity isn't all or nothing, it's determined by a majority.

For the most part. The English dub is pretty shit, and the Dubtitles don't help. I'd lean on the OK side for content and gameplay alone if Royal didn't come out as a separate release 3 years after it came out, at 60$.
I might have bought in for DLC of the whole thing I could install, but fuck I'm not buying the whole game I've experienced most of again.
You can fuck off for that Kike shit Sega

>Every popular meme in internet history originated from Yas Forums
Maybe that was once true.
Not anymore.

The flashiness of the hame kinda draws you in but then as you continue to play it, it gets more and more monotonous and the story gets worse and all that eye candy kinda wears off since you've seen the menu a million times already. It keeps you interested for like 5 minutes and you gradually stop caring. Works wonders for the current demographic and their miniscule attention spans

the hate mostly co mes from nincels, pcfa*s, poorfags and retards who bought the game in 2017 when they already knew this was going to happen

Just finished royal. I was enjoying myself until I got to the extra 'semester'.

Its 21 days, not even a month let alone the semster they were advertising it as having.

It's a mix of nintendo fans seething an never getting the game, other smt fans seething at the game for drawing ironic weebs in and autistic jrpgfags mad at its success

The formula felt stale after playing effectively the same game twice already.
Each game the stakes have been lower and lower to the point where the main characters literally had to seek out the plot for anything to happen after the first tutorial dungeon.
It really is a lot like Pokemon, where the concept of personas are very interesting and alien, but the games basically stay the same across iterations.

I wish they had a more compelling story besides "kidz rule fuck adults" yet again.
It kind of infects the characters too sadly, so even though I like the designs, I had trouble getting invested in any of them.


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>he doesn't buff increasing his hit/accuracy

Don't forget it's playstation exclusive

poorfag detected

Kek, like Sonyfags have any games worth playing. Nobody plays Sony exclusives

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Persona 5 makes everyone seethe because it’s the best
P5 is hated so much because it simultaneosly attracts 8 different brands of mental retardation:
- Personafaggotry (Persona has always been a mediocre series, which means that any persona fan inherently has shit taste, therefore it goes without saying that they would hate the only good game in the series)
- Nostalfaggotry (aka: "it's new therefore it's bad regardless of its objective quality")
- Contrarianism (aka: "it's popular therefore it's bad regardless of its objective quality")
- Console warriors of the Nintendo faction (aka: "it's a PS exclusive therefore it's bad regardless of its objective quality")
- Yas Forums-tards (aka: "it has clearly left-leaning themes, therefore it's SJW-pandering, therefore it's bad regardless of its objective quality")
- SJWs (aka: "it has sexy characters therefore it's sexist (though I'll call it "coomercore" instead, otherwise people at Yas Forums will recognize me), therefore it's bad regardless of its objective quality")
- Nu-animefags (aka: "at some point something happens, therefore it has """bad writing"""(TM), therefore it's bad precisely because it has some objective quality")
- FFXV-kun (aka: "it's a non-FFXV rpg, therefore it's bad regardless of its objective quality")

That hate Persona 5 gets is proof of it's superiority. I remember in the heyday of RPG's you could have a group of friends over and all play a single game, turn on the SNES and you guys would yell and pass the controller and get mad at who was playing and talk about if you'd rather fuck Marle or Ayla or Chie or Yukiko. Now every experience is required to be some retarded thing where if you aren't mashing buttons every 1/4 of a second then is it really even a game!?!?! Fuck this, I'm happy Atlus is still making these kinds of RPG's, now go play The Witcher or Dark Souls or Valarant or whatever meme game of the week is out. I'll keep playing JRPGs with "Waifus" and a little soul.

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>b-but sony
like clockwork


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What would you consider good taste?

just Yas ForumsNintendoGAF being contrarian as always

I thought the story and the characters were pretty boring. Probably the worst in the Persona series by far. The general style, art and music are all pretty good.

The Last of us.

Cool, I'll check it out.

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Maybe I'm old, but these groups constant screeching is just annoying and even if the games flawed the seething isn't amusing and just seems pathetic. I don't know, maybe I should give up going on Yas Forums.