>Has a larger collection than me
Has a larger collection than me
Other urls found in this thread:
AND it has bigger dick than OP
how does that feel
that's barely a collection
That’s pretty sad I see hardly any games there
Probably played about 2 to completion and just watched her brothers play games when she was young and now uses games to get beta bux
>Has a larger fuck than me
i want to feel it in my mouth, then anus
There aren't that many games in that photo at all.
All faggotry aside, though, that room looks pretty comfy.
What a fucking pretending normalfag, Jesus H. Christ
>western Super Famicom games
>no boxes for the games
>shitty CRT
>ugly tattoos
>Star Wars
>ugly hair colour
>white wench
>ugly socks
xbf's game collection though
I bet all that belongs to her dad
>unboxed shite
I at least hope you've got boxes, OP.
How many black dicks did she suck to get that much stuff I wonder?
>hurr durr i want to bait people into calling collections gay for (you)'s
And I hope they aren’t censored western shit
right? xD ;P
I bet she'll have sex with you now
i..i hope so too~ :DDD
>mismatched socks
>two gamecubes
for what purpose
For the Patreon of course
A literal consoomer
that room genuinely looks comfy. maybe i should start physically collecting things
Don't, she's a literal kid.
One belonged to her brother. They were spoiled siblings so they had one for each of them. But then her brother got a life.
That's a man, baby.
>Has infinite funds thanks to simps
Color me surprised
Seething self hating Amerimutt millennial.
Ironically she looked cuter as a normie blonde before she went all "retro pickle I'm a gamer geek!"
Maybe buy some nice furniture and decent light fixtures instead of suffocating your house with plastic crap.
>funko pops
Post pics.
this is the reddit spin on this image.
You have to go back.
there's no way she buys that shit herself. why do all these kinda girls look exactly the same.
Trying to find foot pics, this is the closest i've seen.
>those tattoos
ewwwwww I think im gona be sick
my house isnt suffocating with plastic crap, its just barren.
It makes for a colorful bedroom, but large physical collections just makes mental clutter. I sold my collection and went all digital.
She lives with her parents, they buy all her stuff.
Her tattoos are all christmas and birthday gifts.
Earthbound copies, let alone boxed copies are an instant sign of a poser.
yeah i stopped physically collecting when i built my first gaming pc about 5 years ago. i cant deny it looks comfy but thinking about it i doubt its really worth it
Imagine collecting Berserk past volume 12/15 give it or take it.
It goes from a very positive score into negatives after that, it's worse than Naruto.
Better consume more product, goy
They are the new emos.
In fact, they are just emos but focused on vidya and anime instead of boybands.
>gages and tatooed to shit
>BUT also vidya
what's the aesthetic she's going for here
this one at least makes sense because hot girls tend to like movies and watching films isn't a shut-in activity that would be out of character for a hot girl
She looks like an interesting girl.
He's not defending her, he's insulting you. They're not mutually inclusive.
I want to suck her cock
If you want to decorate your room then frame some posters of movies that everyone circlejerks.
Looks nice, looks adult and makes everyone who sees them think you have taste.
>what's the aesthetic she's going for here
Combination of emo and art hoe.
I’ve never even met an American before
If it is properly furnished it won't be barren. And you know, there are things other than cheap consumer garbage that can go on shelves...
She lives with her parents and probably has beta orbiters, of course she doesn't
>not just emulating
I never saved any because this was years ago and back then I didn't know she'd evolve into an Instagram attention whore.
I'm sorry my dude.
probably her sugar daddy's collection
>defending a beta faggot that defends thots online
I'm sure he'll have sex with you now
Then expand it through jihad.
>surface level shonen shit
she loves the attention she gets from thirsty nerds
I wish i was this young when vidya was this cool
>being an emunigger
plot twist: she doesn't own a VCR
Yes he will.
Simps are made for my dick.
>what's the aesthetic she's going for here
east coast trailer trash/flea market-core
She's 30.
This is why I took the 2D-pill. Real women are fucking disgusting
i mean everyone in this thread would have a bigger collection if thirsty betas sent them hundreds of bucks on the regular
>its okay when a guy does it
>hoarding anything
All of that shit is hell to clean up. Once these kids start cleaning their own rooms they'll get rid of it all promptly and gladly. like I did
oh fucking guaranteed
>looks adult
maybe for the legal definition of adult, but once you're out of college it has the same energy as a wall of vidya
90% she's never watched those. It's like cosplaying thots, it's all just props
but her foot is already perfect in that picture
>he doesn't pump them
They are way too easy to not put them to good use.
You are missing out.
>person enjoys life
Never change Yas Forums, never change
probably getting fucked by diffirent chad every week while prentending shes single so simps donate to her patreon
These types of girls rarely shower and stink.
>touching a walking specimen of chlamydia
No thanks senpai
it's okay when a guy does it, humiliates himself for it, and is also simultaneously doing a job involving said medium and also has a steady career outside of video games as a comedian, yes
>is a woman
okay so nigger? atleast i'm not inferior and easily rapeable
i'd ridicule a guy for having surface level shonen taste too
some narutard faggot for sure
>figures bring me no joy past the first few days
>continue to buy more anyway
How can it be perfect when she’s not Japanese?
She's posted a couple of pics of her bf in IG.
That's hot but the tattoos are disgusting, they need more meat on their bones too.
She's enjoying having life behind her while she stares into an image of a mirror on a phone screen, user.
She literally 3 steps removed from "enjoying life."