
Why are we excited for this, again?

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Doing the same shit I did for the last 16 years like a braindead. Then going back to my Walmart job.

I'm not. Fuck current WoW. Give me TBC.

I have to admit, the environments look amazing as usual, and the new sets look good too. But unpruning all these old bloat dogshit spells....

We're not

>why are we excited for a popular MMO from a popular normie brand
Wrong website you mongoloid

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yas queen! fuck the old Metzen patriarchal Lore!

before shadowlands patch notes:
after shadowlands patch notes:

Well they fucked over all of the Alliance High Elf fan base who have been clamoring for the race since 2004 by giving blue eyes to the Blood Elves and confirming they'll never be playable so as far as I'm concerned Blizzard can shove it up their ass, I'm done with the game.

And before anyone says anything this was just the straw that long overdue broke the camels back. Shadowlands is going to be a flop no matter what. Blizzard has lost all of its talent and creativity.

don't worry, WoW is currently tested on consoles with controller, it's just a matter of time for a real 3 spells gameplay

Gasps Onii-chaaaaan jump onto and hugs O(≧∇≦)O I missed you sniffs () fuah I love your boy smell Onii-chan (w) , Huh? Don't sniff you? Don't be silly Onii-chan I love you why can't I show my affection? (──) Hahaha your face is red. Woah Onii-chan why are you pushing me on to the bed? ヽ(°〇°)ノ Kyaaaaa don't tickle me Onii-chan haha counter ataaaaack pushes you down ヽ(>∀

>raise pet then sacrifice for a heal
>AMZ for all

Wow, it's fucking nothing. By the time you get to the sacrifice of your pet you're already dead or healed, there's no in between. That's why they got rid of stupid bullshit like that.

Oh lichborne? Wow I'm immune to stuns and fears and saps, such a compelling skill. I pop it and hope something happens to me in pvp! Fucking useless.

I can't even remember all the other classes retarded shit that's coming back, I couldn't even dedicate more than the neurons needed to remember the shitty DK ones.

I can't wait for brown belf porn.

Attached: Black Belves.jpg (2418x2050, 600.78K)

Why was anyone excited for any wow expansion after BC? Game is a cesspool and its community more so.

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those aren't white Orcs you absolute retard they're just pale/ashy green.

Imagine enjoying BC, the expansion pack that introduced shitty grind even worse than the vanilla one.

>being this insecure about your shitty asian mmo

>That Denzel post
>All the butthurt after
Love the comments section of the site. Also, there's no white orc. What are you smoking? I just see varying levels of hydration in grapes.

>pointing out blizzards creative bankruptcy

Maybe you need to stop being so insecure and get out of your tribal mindset x3

casual faggot please fuck off and go back to casual console games

The unpruning is the only good thing about the expansion so far.

>reddit spacing
Of fucking course. Your opinion is now canceled.

I like how this always get posted but is literally just a couple cherry picked images that look kinda similar. The only real possible rip off is whatever WoW's deep dungeon is going to be. Shadowlands and Shadowbringers are nothing alike thematically.

Yes, "hardcore" faggot, you are so super skilled having to press more useless skills. If you posted your character and I posted mine, I guarantee you I'd be more "accomplished" by whatever you measure your skill at.

>things in FF are originals and never seen before in video games
Sure, keep going, it's always enjoyable to watch ff trannies going mad over WoW

>naming someone casual faggot
>while playing WoW

>the environments look amazing as usual
Environments haven't looked good since WotLK.

>That perfect brown hair style/color for ugly ass orcs

Fuuuuuuuck. I mean its good on Maghar at least, but Maghar wont get extra customization.

You're right. Even simply pushing one button on GCD is just as skilled as maintaining 200 APM in SC2.

Maghar dont get it either retard

>Being a battered housewife WoWcuck in 2020

Fucking how/why? at this point i'll accept even a paid shill explaining it to me

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The maw zone is literally the source of Icecrown, what other zone in WotLK do you feel isn't as good as the shadowlands previews?

nobody cares about SC2 aside from soulless insects, what does that have to do with WoW

I know, thats the problem. For some stupid reason Maghar cant have the normal Orc hair styles and colors. Why the fuck not?

>doesn't even understand analogies
to think I post on the same board as (you)

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I'm not

Betrayed by spacing. Go back to your cuckolding porn.

Shut the fuck up tranny.

>plays FF
>calls other tranny
You are a living joke.

High end raiding is incredibly enjoyable and no other game offers an even remotely similar experience.

The weakest part of the game for the past few years (That I care about, lore was raped in TBC and killed for me in WOTLK) has been class design, which this expansion is at least paying lip service to fixing with un-pruning, which while I'm sure they'll manage to fuck it up, is at least an improvement in intent if not execution.

>Plays WoW
>calls other people cuckolds
Don't forget to buy the shadow-infused pig, faggot

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Can you name one thing unpruned on your class in Shadowlands and tell us how you feel it enhance high end raiding?

>add race recolors
>readd abilities removed 2 expansions ago
>call it new content

Blizzard shit-eating fanboys will eat this shit up by the shovel.

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because i like the gameplay of WoW but hate the reward structure of BFA

Literally no one is excited for that.

ok schizoid
dont turn around, the final fantasy boogeyman is behind you

>being this mad about people playing a different video game
>a hobby made for kids
Holy fucking shit, that's pathetic.

but Shadowlands has the same reward structure as BFA...


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>being this obsessed with FFXIV because your shit mmo is dying and being surpassed

Rent free!

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can you give us a MMO where xpack add (true) content?

We're waiting, how hard could this question possibly be for you? It's a minute worth of thought at most

>mmo is dying
By what?

Yes you certainly are a tribal lunatic, take my pity and my (You)