Lets all laugh at RE4 zoomers

You laughed when they butchered classic survival horrors (RE2,3). Now it’s our turn to laugh at you... Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!

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>he buys crapcom games

Fuck no

i doubt there were many 5 year olds playing re4 when it released you moron. how old are you?

Shut up bitch, the remake is coming and there’s nothing you can do about it!

re4 remake will save gaming again.
re3 was a shit from it foundation the remake could only follow

ok. you do that while i continue to laugh at your remakes boomer

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I thought the classic fans were embracing the remakes as a return to roots survival horror, do you RE4 haters just adopt whatever opinion the situation calls for to shit on RE4?

Justice has finally come, anons

The "classic" resident evil games are only playable from one angle because they're characters standing in front of images.
There's literally no reason to remake a modern game with high poly 3D assets and HD textures.
Just change the controls if you want to get rid of tank controls.

REmake is perfect, REmake 2 is meh and reeks of soi. Fuck REmake 3, even the original has been trash.

>i thought classic fans were
Like who? consumer fags are not classic.

I don't even know what a zoomer is anymore. Feels like a buzzword.

There is literally not a single bad RE game. 6 is the best TPS to date.

Cringe. Also they won't even dare fucking up the RE4 remake, considering it's the third best selling Capcom game of all time.

They asked Shinji Mikami to direct it and he said "fuck that shit".
Now they're getting the intern/xerox boy to direct it.
Never change, capcom.

Is it? I thought it was place 5 or 6.
MHW, RE5 and RE6 have more sales I think.

>it's the third best selling Capcom game of all time.
RE4 has never sold more than 2.3 million copies per release, the fuck you talking about? Their 3rd best selling title is RE6

>I thought it was place 5 or 6.
The best selling version or RE4 is the PS2 version and it sits at 33 in the total list of best selling games.

capcom.co.jp/ir/english/finance/million.html (Updated Dec 31st, 2019)
Since they count each release as a different entry on here, I'll save you all the trouble of doing the math.
>Resident Evil 4 (GCN): 1.6 Million Units
>Resident Evil 4 (PS2): 2.3 Million Units
>Resident Evil 4 (Wii): 2 Million Units
>Resident Evil 4 (PS4/XB1): 1.6 Million Units
If you use your brain and add all of those together, thats 7.5 Million Units total. Making it fit snug inbetween RE5 and RE6.

you retards buy anything crapcum shits at you
>they wont fuck up
good joke crapcum can't even not fuck up dmc anymore

>crapcum can't even not fuck up dmc anymore
>Even though DMC5 is the highest rated + best selling game in the franchise

What is the point of remaking 4? It holds up graphically and gameplaywise the game aged well.

Maybe someone wants to remake it as a Resident Evil game and take out the bing bing wahoo?

Maybe on GC. The ports are based on the PS2 version and have worse textures lighting and audio.

>when it released

True, but RE4 has been the most re-released game of the entire franchise, officially supported up to modern generation consoles even and being louded titles for the Wii and Wii-U. It's essentially the Skyrim of Japan.

>use your brain
>posts list where CAPCOM literally DON'T stack the games
You don't take the sales of a port in 2017 and pretend it reflects on how the game sold at launch in 2005 retard, that's why capcom set out the list the way they do. Context and times matter. No single copy of RE4 has ever exceeded 2.3 million copies which is underwhelming by RE standards that came before it.

>nips pandering to the west also caused mental retardation by allowing the west to enter their mind

That's simply not true for the PS4, Xbone and PC HD versions. In fact, arguably the only version of that build you don't want to buy is the switch version.

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>which is underwhelming by RE standards that came before it.
But that isn't what we're talking about. We're talking about total sales. The game being ported to a different platform and selling more copies is still part of the total units sold.

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>True, but RE4 has been the most re-released game of the entire franchise

Not really to be honest, RE0 for example has one less port than RE4 does



Comparing models does nothing for textures, lighting and audio. The GC version has better audio than subsequent ports, the glow and flames are not as flat and the textures in the HD ports are filtered with a painterly brush effect.

>We're talking about total sales
Not how that works. Which is why Capcom literally present the facts as such. You don't stack ports. You posted the link yourself.


God, she's such goblina despite having nice tits

RE4 has aged worse than its predecessors.

You can forgive those Dumbo ears because of her tits.

I genuinely do not want them to touch ashley because she is not allowed to exist in 2022 and that fucking irks me.

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RE4 is my favourite game ever. If the remake manages to set itself apart from the original while also being good I'll be happy. If it's a mediocre rehash then I'll just replay the original again like I have been doing for the past decade

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You forgot