What's the biggest in game world in a game? Procedural generated doesn't count

What's the biggest in game world in a game? Procedural generated doesn't count.

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WTF is up with restaurants and barely serving any fucking fries?

Final Fantasy XI

By what unit of measurement?

either daggerfall or fuel

maybe elite dangerous? i don't know systems never visited are procedural or not

What the fuck is that shit?

I'd eat as many of those as I can

>he wants even more fried food after eating a fucking kilogram of fried pork
Americans really are something else

Wasn't Daggerfall's map not made by hand?

you could probably google that
only a couple years ago, every ""game reviewer"" was obsessed with world and map size because of open world shit


Pretty sure it's Daggerfall


The outer boundaries and important dungeons in Daggerfall are done by hand, but the rest is filled in by procedural generation. Not sure if it counts.

Damn right I am

It’s a pork tenderloin.



>mutt culture is being proud of weighing more than a washing machine

Attached: gl4yDfV.jpg (622x621, 61.28K)

why the fuck is there a burger bun on it?

>he doesn't indulge in gluttony with his precious time on earth
For shame

>pork tenderloin

What? Tenderloin is tubular. That's a flattened out piece of meat. Looks like it could be steak, chicken, or pork. You wouldn't waste a tenderloin by flattening it then covering it in breading.

Is that a motherfucking milanesa?

gotta have a serving of veg

you're tubular

Yes, user. It’s been flattened out and covered in breading.

Potatoes can get pretty expensive per kilogram I guess. You can only get so much from a spud.

Arcanum if you don't use world map probably

I mean is travel time a factor and are we excluding space games?
EVE is a collection of "rooms" that vary in size, you can physically traverse them manually.
However you don't normally do that *except* to create custom alignment points or warp to spots (to flee to), so most of the space is wasted and while PvE stuff appears in random locations within the "room" it still functionally ends up being like an instance (but technically isn't, and anyone can scan it down and enter it)

Anyway if you want to physically traverse a room manually it takes a long time, and people have done it to try and find hidden shit in some of the weirder locations (like the huge pvp nexus jspace thing whose name I forget)

EverQuest sure took a long ass time to traverse, that's got to be up there, especially if you include all the expansions, but then again a lot of those locations aren't contiguous

>covered in breading.
Yeah, that's the worriesome part. Pretty sure there's more fucking breading than pork there. Not to mention the hamburger bun on top of it.

not counting Daggerfall because it's procedurally generated.... Eve Online most likely.
Took someone 13 years to visit every single one of the 8500 something star systems.

I guess I would judge it by a world with the most stuff to do. Witcher 3 is pretty huge by that standard.

>Procedural generated doesn't count.

ah, i didn't knew daggerfall was procedural

>Take a juicy piece of meat known for its tenderness
>Flatten out and fry it so it's dry
I don't believe you.

No doubt. It’s a very bread-heavy “sandwich.” I usually don’t bother eating much of the bun when I have one, and split it with a family member.

I don’t know what to tell you, user. That’s what they’re called. I am from Indiana where they are popular.

Learn how to reverse image search you fuckin retard, it's some place in the midwest

welcome to anglo culture

why are they eating them plain?

holy fucking shit, this is borderline racist
do americans REALLY put buns on top of a SCHNITZEL?