I have been lied all my life

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American isn't an ethnicity

Attached: 1528928441_20f947c0a41e6ed495867441e9d2c16c.png (600x600, 212.08K)

dude looks half Korean half Swedish

100% gay twink shit

Attached: tumblr_mu547sETRH1s7vc8lo1_1280.jpg (654x759, 140.06K)

This app uses your current location.

so Finnish?

now he's 100% american

Attached: 1586727838834.jpg (750x453, 86.11K)

So Cloud is indeed a tranny

Non Americans aren’t people.

>Gender: Female
Of course

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He comes from a town called Nibelheim, what did you fuckin' expect?

>native Americans don't real
pure retardation

So Cloud is like the people who say ''actually i'm 2% Cherokee'' to get free shits?

Native Americans are relatives of Eurasian migrants. This program would be better if it measured by haplotype instead.

>Native American
>Represented with a United States flag
kinda based ngl

If this Cloud was American he'd never shut up about being Irish.

French has multiple native ethnicities
Breizhiz, Provençal, Euskaldunak, Catalan, Flemish, Corsican, Gemran etc within its borders

he looks like a swedish hapa to me.

all final fantasy character look 1/4-1/2 asian

Well they don't. This algorithm has been trained to quantify and qualify objective facial markers.
Your opinion is not worth shit compared to that of the algorithm.

you are taking a joke to seriously retard

Claude spelling absolutely CONFIRMÉ!

Very accurate machine.

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>the one asian is considered russian

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asian masculinity