The Last of Us Part II
sounds based. based twitter poster. maybe even kino
Will be a horrific flop
I haven't seen redpilled in a while so I'll say that it's redpilled too.
Wow how shocking
Trying to earn sjw points to appeal to people who will never buy the game.
Yas Forums eternally BTFO. Lmaoing at you pathetic incels seething over this
that's the plot ?
what about Joel ?
Did they found a cure for the fungus ?
Who the heck cares about soon to be mary sue romantic affairs ?
That's the thing about rumours, anyone can make them.
>this retarded shill thread will be spammed over and over again every hour until this turd releases - never to be heard of again
For what?
don't ask questions ! they are bigots therefore they deserve death regardless of what they have done or not.
would unironicaly preorder
Did one of them rape her gf?
>game about killing Yas Forums AND Yas Forums
fucking finally
Lmao you pathetic incels never fail to make me laugh with your "twitter screenshot" threads
Face it, most LGBT people will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
Most LGBT kill themselves
sounds jewish
>is rumored
aka 'I have nothing to write about so I pull shit out my ass like dragondildos'
You know this "rumor" is from a post on Yas Forums? What a reliable and unbiased source of info
The more Oscar bait the better
>End of the world
Good. Fuck Christians.
Religion should be outlawed by now. There is no God. Atheism is the answer.
Cults are a pretty standard affair as far as villains go.
probably because in the case of a true apocalypse, people will revert and all the comforts of our world would go out the window in the name of survival. and that means no fags, and women are property.
it sucks if youre a fag or a woman, or a fag woman. but its whats needed for the survival of the human race and you better bite the bullet and ride that cock if you want to live.
its also a gripe with fallout. there would legitimately not be fags or free women in a real fallout. exclusion has been a factor in survival since all of humanity. and honestly, say goodbye to friendship between races. thats gone too
>youre just a religious white racist sexist homophobe
im not religious. im not white. and my biggest porn folders are all anal sex and big unjewed cocks
>TLoU 2 rumored to be just as shit as the first
huh, who could have seen that coming?
So... where can I upvote?
>snoy exclusive
>jewish propaganda
what a shocker
Say it with me
Looks like another generic Hollywood movie with woke propaganda.
christianity is the most bullshit you'll ever come across but homosexuality is even worse. funny how naughty dog is full of kikes and fags. sony cuckolds will still defend it though. this world needs religion even if its a shitty version otherwise it would be pure anarchy and every generation would have a different take on "morality". that's why atheism is fucking bullshit too.
lol didn't people only start caring about aids when it stopped being the 'gay disease'?
joel fucking dies ofc for drama points
>falling for pasta
Do you remember when he said that Ellie should be raped?
>There is no God. Atheism is the answer.
this is why the world is getting worse and worse and zoomers are nothing more than edgy vape kids who make anyone with a Youtube account out to be a celebrity
>edgy vape kid
Gonna use that from now on.
>inb4 (more) enraged Yas Forums's pounce before engaging critical thinking
Go adopt a black baby to make yourself feel better
Still waiting for a game with the balls to criticise Islam. You know, a actual misogynistic religion written by a blodthirsty pedo written with the sensibilities of primitive pre-BC rethorics.
I have no quarrels with Christianity, you can make fun of them right in their face and they will turn their cheek, draw mohammed and your city will be subject to acts of terrorism. Absolutely vile and hate mongering religion unlike new testament.
That's bullshit but I wouldn't be surprised if they did it.
can you put "rumor" somewhere in your post next time so it gets put in my filter? you know what never mind i'm just gonna start filtering "The Last of Us" too.
>Take that gamers
leaf crossposter?