Garyc sketch thread

come draw with us Yas Forums

Attached: sketch(258).png (800x600, 10.83K)

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Attached: sketch(257).png (800x600, 14.56K)

hey codeanon from last night i finally got my thing to work on python

albeit it's kinda scuffed i implemented the line scanner method which makes the printing process a whole lot faster than dotmatrix.

Drawing a straight line is tough.

Attached: sketch (43).jpg (800x600, 39.84K)

i found a good .png implementation in ruby so now i can load in images pretty easily

Whoever's drawing all this coco post your info you fuck

stop waifuing the spam please no x chans or spam girls anymore please

Do the Navy Seal pasta in Comic Sans.

Neat, but how can I use that with a pure black png?


nice improvement may user.

Attached: maycrop.png (485x397, 14.17K)

The question everyone ask is
Can she swim?

Attached: getIMG.php.png762.png (800x600, 13.97K)

thanks bro
I got a little overzealous with the shading on the suit and ran out of ink for the ears, but damn was it fun

Attached: May duck.png (800x600, 9.17K)

i'm surprised he's still going, that is some dedication.

the spammer or the weirdo making waifus of what's being spammed?

the spammer lol.

Those are some thicc floaties

Attached: getIMG.php.png764.png (800x600, 11.78K)

>the weirdo making waifus of what's being spammed
That's an idea.

Attached: scribblechan.png (798x598, 121.1K)

better than the alternative

Attached: sketch(18).jpg (800x600, 71.43K)

Can I make a pure black image to spam the site better?
I mean come on, what did you expect me to do when I asked you to delve into the code? Post nice drawings of flowers?

I now remember a guy who had a fetish for girls dunking into water

GOD his wrist must be sore.
Like jesus it's been over five hours.

why bother converting a black .png into a list of horizontal lines when you can just generate the list directly, that's stupid
how would all-black images be "better" than scribbles, you still wouldn't be able to post them any faster

To annoy people? To fill their precious site with nothing buy ugly black tiles.
They deserve it, the fucking retards.

you didn't answer either question
how are pure black rectangles any worse than scribbles
you're an idiot

Attached: sketch (41).jpg (800x600, 75.87K)

People would just move to the next site. Your efforts are useless.

I don't see how this is doing anything except wasting your own time, people are still drawing like they normally would and your spam doesn't even stop people from seeing any of the pictures uploaded recently.

Attached: Gondola.png (798x598, 38.67K)

By being more eye catching, retard.
Good, fuck this site. Let them cry as they refugee their way to another place boo hoo I can't be a fucking baby on my special little site. Lemme go cry to my discord boo hoo.

The thing is, just like it happens right now, they'll just ignore the spam and keep drawing. You aren't the first one, nor the last one. You're just a sad individual.

Fuck you

i'm not the spammer dumbfuck, i'm replying to the spammer

it's just as easy to ignore black rectangles as it is to ignore scribbles
in fact it's probably easier since there's less visual information there

i replied to the wrong post, no bulli

LMAOing at your life


Attached: getIMG.php.png765.png (800x600, 13.15K)