Why yes, I do only play with rocket launchers, sprint and energy swords...

>why yes, I do only play with rocket launchers, sprint and energy swords, and always have them 5 seconds into the game every time; how could you tell?

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>Why yes, Powerhouse is my favourite map, and Mark V is my favourite helmet. How could you tell?

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For me it's GUNGNIR with a black visor specifically.

R8 Spartan

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>tfw security with gold visor

>marine shoulders

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>why yes, I will betray you if you take my sniper rifle; how could you tell?

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Goddamn the engine they used to render the Reach armor in the MCC menu is so fucking sexy.

>Why yes, I do exclusively play Grifball, how could you tell?

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I'm waiting till I am gud enough so I can afford the Mark V shoulders.

Why the fuck they are literally one of the last unlocks, to the point you literally get the flaming head before it, is anyone's guess.

I was wondering the same shit about security, fuck 343

>why yes, I did get my Haunted from playing griffball, are you mad?

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That version of Security + grey/blue colors is the canon Noble Six to me IMO.

I always felt like the last Halo game protagonist had to be an armor special to Bungie, and Recon was already taken by Veronica in ODST. A call back to the Security Officer of Marathon seems fitting, tbqh. It's a shame there's no similar helmet in Destiny.

>jacked ODST
I like, I like

I like how simple that is. Proves that you don't need all those extra attachments to look cool in Reach.

Canon Noble Six is probably the Pilot Helmet since Thom, the previous Six is the one who wears Mark V [B], Six was a SABRE Pilot and the speshul Haunted Helmet is that one.

Security Helmet looks retarded in Reach

t.Security was my favourite in 3

Does teh MCC on PC has somekind of server browser?

god i want a server browser so bad, reach customs are kino

in my dreams

I'm just waiting on forge for mcc so I can make my super speed sworammer mode

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They sabotaged MCC by doing this chronological release shit.

By the time Halo 3 releases, the game will be entirely dead.

They should have started with 2 or 3.

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I wish I could get rid of the knife

they sabotaged it by it not launching with a server browser, no forge, forced DMR/TU on every game mode and a broken match making system. What game they started with doesn't matter, it would still be a broken piece of shit, least maybe they'll get it right by Halo 3.

God fucking damn am I glad they finally fucking gave us the AR starts option HOLY shit.


>an /hg/ thread
Go back to your shithole.

>why yes im the worst game in the series how could you tell


why are sniperfags always the most annoying people in halo?