Can we have a thread about this genre, Yas Forums? I've played a few entry level Castlevania games already and looking at the wider genre as a whole. Also have never actually played a Metroid game so will probably get onto playing Super Metroid or something.
What other metroidvanias should I look to play?
Other urls found in this thread:
Hollow Knight is the pinnacle of the genre. Play it now.
from what I've played, Metroid Fusion & Zero Mission and Hollow Knight are all great, with HK being the best easily; there's also Guacamelee but it doesn't go crazy with being a metroidvania
wasn't keen on Super Metroid or SotN but you might like them
play super, fusion, zero mission, and am2r. in that order.
am2r v1.5.0 came out recently btw
you shouldn't play any of them, they're all tedious false sense of discoveries.
>see thing I can't do
>get thing and go back through areas to do thing I can do now
>muh discovery
What does the update change? Is it worth another playthrough?
I would personally hold off until v1.6.0 which will have the new art assets.
They're called IGAvanias you cunt
that's only how the shit metroidlikes play though
>you shouldn't play any of them
As stated I've played some already and enjoyed them, but thanks for the concern anyway fag.
But isn't Zero Mission a remake of the first Metroid? Why would I not want to play that first.
Shouldn't it be Super->Zero Mission->AM2R->Fusion? Super should be played first because of how different the movement is but after that why not go in chronological order?
some are more inspired by castlevania and some are more inspired by metroid
it depends on what you like about them though. they can be very different in what they strive for and some of the shittier ones are extremely generic. Chasm is probably the most mediocre, generic metroidvania I've played
yo has anyone played MARROW???
Shut the frick up, Metroid's story is paper thin. Literally just "Samus has gotta shoot stuff and collect powerups!! Whoa!!" Play in release order else the QoL changes will hurt your brain. Plus the optional puzzles get progressively harder in the newer ones.
These fags are gonna just recommend stuff from the past five years cause they have no memory or ability for discovery. Go play Lyle From Cube Sector. After that you could fuck up some Iji even though it isn't technically a metroidvania. Then maybe some Aquaria. Shadow Complex was also p lit. I actually struggle to remember the myriad plethora of really good metroidvanias from the 2000s.
Most metroidvanias are just castlevanias to the point where I dont even get why the genre has metroid in the name. And the few metroid inspired ones are never good just like how overrated metroid is.
This is why I personally use the term vanialikes
ZM, Fusion, and AM2R are all pretty much mechanically identical. Also fuck off I liked the story.
La-Mulana is by far the best and most unique metroidvania. Every other one just plays, from an exploratory standpoint, exactly like the last with only sparing deviation in the combat and art style. If you've played hollow knight, you'll get the same overall experience from guacamelee, super metroid, axiom verge, etc. Sure, the combat is vastly different, but the satisfaction that comes from exploring is largely the same. The only game that offers a genuinely different approach to the exploration is La-Mulana. Environmental station alpha also approaches this feeling, but only in its postgame. I've never had a dopamine rush quite like when I overcome a challenge in La-Mulana. Also don't use a guide.
ZM and Fusion are so close it doesnt really matter but AM2R has tons of little touches that make it so smooth
rain world
I will not let go of this autism
This meme needs to stop. HK is literally just a shitter SotN.
I have not played it yet because I have so much stuff on the backlog. I'll definitely check it out after I finish The Legend of Dragoon user.
HK is very different from SotN
True, SotN is a good game.
Harmony of dissonance is garbage.
The arranged version is a mess made by someone that just found out how to add reverb.
aria is the best igavania
super metroid is the best metroid
indie metroidvania's can kiss my ass
CV IV, original & bloodlines
Isn't AM2R a straight-up ROM hack of ZM?
We doing unofficial remixes too?
not at all, and if it were it'd be a very impressive one. just fucking play it yourself, stop listening to what people on Yas Forums say because they're all retarded.
The cheesy buttrock version is pretty good
AM2R was fully made in game maker
also he have a love hard on for spikes and is one of the level designers in ORI2 now
Haven't played it but player character's design bugs me for some reason