uh oh! video games? on MY Yas Forums? the sky is falling!!!!!
how to play:
>go to jackbox.tv
>enter the cool gamer room code from the stream of whoever is currently hosting
>you did it! You Are Number One!
read the thread or ask to find out who is currently hosting!
Cool Jackbox Party Pack™ thread
Other urls found in this thread:
jannies don't hurt me i just want to play video games
starting off with TKO! please come join this is all i have
shrimpplatter's channel on mixer
Oh good I was fucking around with OBS today, but I only have drawful 2 and I never streamed before so I didn't want to make a thread with possible technical problems and no other games
faggots banned me just for streaming jackbox there with my Yas Forumsros. I've rarely bothered streaming since and shit got so desperate that I had to resort to that furry-infested site to continue the stream instead
great! hopefully you can host soon. if you have any questions about OBS i don't mind answering them. i don't know anything super advanced though, just enough to get it working.
i'm sorry to hear that. i hope you'll still join to play with us though.
was it a perma? can you get around it at all?
>was it a perma?
yes, however
>can you get around it at all?
easy to bypass by making new accounts/emails. They don't bother blocking IP or anything. I eventually gave up, though which is a shame as mixer's low latency mode worked better than other stream sites I tested. I was using throwaway accounts the entire time anyway
>questions about OBS
Do I need to have audio in sources or having game in there is enough?
Since that ren joker isn't here, this might actually be fun.
>click the tick
>gets stuck loading and doesn't submit drawing
what the fuck
oh, that still stinks though. i hope you try hosting again soon. the more hosts the better!
you need an audio output capture to detect game sound. just set it to default and it'll be fine
yeah that's happened to me before. sasuga jackbox
heh, I can already tell I'm not the only one that drew something AC related
>think huh i wanna start a jackbox thread
>one just started
alright, lads. Let's game.
I'm disappointed by the lack of easter-themed shit so far
i'm gonna draw z*pper t. bunny next round just for you
I already drew one, but I guess nobody used it this round
Does drawing just not get submitted if you run out of time?
I don't get the one on the right, I know it's FD but why that slogan?
have you played before? you get to select from a list of slogans made by other players, you don't get many options
I'm aware, but surely there was a better slogan and/or image to pick than that?
Who keeps drawing the yellow bunny over and over again?
that was the first one I drew I swear
during the first round, you just complete whatever you didn't finish the next time you get a chance to draw
during the second chapter if you don't finish whatever you were drawing just gets tossed. unfinished drawings don't get put in the pool, you have to click submit first
you only get four slogans and three drawings
you gotta make do
it's multiple people, and i only drew one
i know i'm one of them
garfield eggsellent shirt cracks me up, I don't even know why it's so funny
TKO again
Anything but the gay rapping one.
Survive the Internet or Civic Doodle
split the room
split the room
civic doodle or drawful
Yas Forums is terrible at mad verse. Anything but that
Split the room
>civic doodle
worst game among them i've ever played
split the room also bump
TKO is a better Drawful though tbqh, Civic Doodle is just boring.
split the room
You don't know jack
i dunno, i like doodle. the final "everyone draws" round sucks because nobody listens or reads, but other than that it's very fun just adding more and more shit onto a canvas
either way it's better than Patently stupid
>stream skips right as code was revealed
>danicng gifs
will do
gib room code
let's do this
fuck, forgot pic