Wait a minute, why is his daughter white?

Attached: Barret.jpg (1125x633, 109.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


She's adopted.

Next thread.

If she's adopted, is Barret infertile?

split timelines

she's covered in barret's cum

No, but his wife was killed before they could have kids and he adopted the daughter of his best friend, who was killed along with Marlene's mother.

Attached: MEmu 2020-04-07 03-47-38-13.jpg (564x1008, 43.92K)

>never played the original
google "ff7 dyne" newfriend. remake is shit but this has nothing to do with the reasons why.

counter question: why does barrett sound like RDJ in tropic thunder and why isn't anybody meme'ing this when it's so easy?

Attached: barrett.jpg (1245x650, 353.44K)

Honestly, he just sounds like someone doing an awkward Mr T impression. So same difference, I suppose.

He looks white now. What the fuck happened? Why isn't he a giga nigga?

does anyone know if you can save equipment sets or materia sets

He does not look white wtf

he impregnated WHITE girl

really smells like newfag in here
why don't you crawl back to the shithole you crawled out from

Look at the nose, lips and shape of the face, he doesn't look black. He doesn't have a characteristic black nose, or big swollen lips, and that face shape is super common in white men.

I am also kinda bothered that he doesn't look white, but that is because he's mixed race or something. That nose is not black, not even in your dreams.

He used to look super black before, now he's a quadroon.

Attached: 360844.jpg (225x350, 24.74K)

>assume Barrett is voiced by a white man trying to do a black man's voice
>look up voice actor
>it's actually a black guy

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t. American mutt

> I... i trashed the newbie, am i one of you guys?? do you respect me now?

Kys, we all were newfags once and this is a gaming board, he could have just googled it but maybe he didn't want big spoilers.

Oh so you are a racist because he doesnt fit your racist stereotype of porch monkey gobblin a wadamelon.

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>another conversation about race


He looks like the germany one in black face.

Barret? More like Barrel haha

is it really?? wow he's gotta be a total oreo then, because it literally sounds like a fake accent.

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He stole his best friend Dyne's daughter and let him fall to his death by letting go.

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Why is she adopted?

>spoilers for a 23 year old game
>still going to ask Yas Forums about it where people openly talk about the original game's plot in these threads
Poor user though, he wouldn't have gotten his answer if he didn't ask for 2-4 years.

>>assume Barrett is voiced by a white man trying to do a black man's voice

You would see the combined mushroom cloud from Twitter, Resetera and the gaming press already if this were the case

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man this is neat, why don't more games do shit like this

its the lighting on the render he looks better in game

He looks like the African American one.
Not every member of every race looks like most extreme example of that race, and him having genes from other places isn't even out of the question or anything considering given the area is ethnically diverse.

Also, how broad/ how full do you think black people's noses and lips are exactly? The only reason he looks smoothed over is because realistic characters in Japanese games tend to be slightly anime-fied.

I'll fucking stab your fucking eyes you dumb piece of shit

You serious? He looks like fucking Tim Duncan right there. You saying all black people have to look exactly the same or like a slavery poster to pass in your eyes? Fucking idiot.

If only this "remake" told the full story so zoomers would stop asking stupid questions

>is Barret infertile
Somewhat. He can't fist two women simultaneously.

>Not every member of every race looks like most extreme example

This. A Swede is allowed to look different from a Med, but god forbid a black person doesn't look like something from a jim crow era cartoon

Save your petty 12 year old "public school taught me tha racism is bad!", a black girl won't come out of the computer to have sex with you for no hating niggers, and even then, doesn't matter how much you cry, he doesn't look black, he has a white facial structure and dark skin, that's it, that's not how being black works, he's not an african american (he's not even american you retards), he's, at best, a quadroon, or a white man very very tanned.

Attached: he ain't black.jpg (1086x1304, 307.72K)

Only games where the devs care enough about the world, lore, and characters (i.e. games with soul) do.

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It honestly sounds like he couldn't decide between doing a Mr. T impression or a black Southern baptist preacher impression, so he just mashed the two together.

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>he has a white facial structure
Are we talking actual white or what Americans consider "white"?

>he has a white facial structure and dark skin, that's it, that's not how being black works

You do know the black population outside of africa has a lot of white blood, right? It can work EXACTLY like that

He's trying to "sound like" Barret rather than just giving him an appropriate voice. Barrett was also only ever a Mr.T ripoff with a gun for an arm.
I think he's joking.

Try it faggot.

Attached: MEmu 2020-04-07 04-33-52-23.jpg (564x1008, 26.6K)

Wait, MIT is canon in MegaMan lore?

That actually blows my mind.

>I think he's joking.
Honestly, I cant even tell anymore

Mega Man canonically lives in Colorado, user.

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Because white women desire BBC.

Not little pussy ass white boys.

The entire dub sounds like generic decent budget anime. Not bad but still just average

>I think he's joking
No, you misunderstand
People unironically make posts like that on this board

First off, I am a black user you moron and I don’t look like Barret or that mspaint shit. Second, show me a white person that looks EXACTLY like that Barret. It’s literally a black man designed by an Asian with some stylistic flair. I never said he isn’t African American because he’s a fictional fucking character but he’s definitely black and there’s no question about it. You talk about this facial structure, yet I bet you look like a fat downie that doesn’t represent your entire race well either.

haha now that you mention it, he really was budget mr. T. it just didn't come across as ridiculous in written form as it does with VA.

I...I think I need to sit down.

So what're they gonna do with Dyne?

can you retards at least watch a plot recap before shit posting
it is only 40 minutes

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>people responsing to obvious bait

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My sibling's side of the family, all the men look like this. Cajun Grandma, Creole Grandpa, all the kids are an odd looking mix with all their girlfriends either being white or black. The grandchildren and great grandchildren all have asian-y eyes though so they look good


>Devoted to
>Treats poorly

Why splitting white and african american?

like USA colorado or "capcom's colodardo?

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