Arms fighter announced for Smash

>Arms fighter announced for Smash
Every single reaction video
>UM, I didn't like Arms therefore this is a bad pick
>Arms FLOPPED and had no legs XD
>WTF? Why isn't this character hype like Byleth?!
Why does this B list video game produce so much salt?

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>WTF? Why isn't this character hype like Byleth?!

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See Alpharad for more details

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ARMS didn't even flop to be clear. The numbers it shifted were fine, it just didn't catch on like Splatoon did. But that's like Nickelodeon expecting every new show to be their next Spongebob and being shocked when it isn't.

>Some online nobody represents the masses

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Its funny how Byleth was such a let down that a game nobody gives a fuck about like Springman is less hated

This is a dumb post. Arms didn't flop and 90% of those who hate it are bad the game. The other 10% are casuals who just wanted a longer singleplayer mode because again they suck at multiplayer

>WTF? Why isn't this character hype like Byleth?!
Said no one ever

This. I fucking hate this narrative that Arms flopped, it sold 2 million copies and still has an active player base. That's hugely successful for a new IP and a fighting game.

>WTF? Why isn't this character hype like Byleth?!
How do I know you're a Fire Emblem fan?

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>Every single reaction video

Did you ESLs even read what I posted or did you only skim through the greentext?

Because an infux of Non-Nintendo fans for started gravitating towards Smash Bros, because Smash Bros is basically an "awards show" for them. They see it as that if their character is in Smash, then they "made it."
So seeing a Nintendo character get chosen for a Nintendo crossover game over their super taticool third party choice fills them with rage and anger because it means their choice is "not important" but what is important
is what they're going to do.

YouTubers aren't people stop treating them like they are

i want raiden to be in

So basically third party picks ruined smash.

good one.


Yep. Konami fucked up Smash Bros before they went to go fuck themselves up.
Thanks Konami.

Noone really cares taht much, FEfags just pretend people do to deflect hatred from their own shitty character.

Spot on.

Because like yourself, smash fags are all autists who seem to care more about what character is in the game than the game itself. Regardless of how unique and enjoyable a character can be to play if people don't like them they'll shit and piss all over the internet for weeks until the next cycle of "next direct when" begins.

Fuck you, I love Arms
It has great characters, great music, great gameplay
I'm sorry you got filtered by a fucking party game, user

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Even if Snake didn't get in, Sonic would've done it.

Finally. You guys are speaking my language. Frankly I've been saying we need less Cloud and more Geno forever

>Scapegoating third parties
Everyone would've been far more excited for Rex or another Kirby rep than some lame looking Punch Out knock off.

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Not him but arms and punch out play nothing alike. Like seriously they're about as different as you can get. Only thing they have in common is that theyre both "boxing" themed and they both have over the shoulder cameras

>BTFO FEggots
>BTFO Genoids
>BTFO Master Queef kids
>BTFO le rip and tear Doomboomers
>BTFO Crash furries
>BTFO Octoniggers
>Outsold Bloodborne
>Killed Pokken
>BTFO stupid rosterfag rules
>BTFO twintrannies and minminlets
>face of the franchise with his own Evil Ryu type echo
>based toothpaste pompadour with pearly whites
>absolute chad only rivaled by Max Brass

Remind me, why is Springman a bad pick again?

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Geno is third party.

He's an assist trophy and won't be picked on that basis alone. Unless pass 2 IS the fucking 'upgrade AT's to playables' pack, in which case fuck yeah son

Not a scapegoat because I speak with a lot of people about roster choices and a good chuck of them don't even have Nintendo characters in their selection (regarding the estimates for the Character Passes), and when I ask them why, a good amount of them say "well there are enough Nintendo characters already" and similar phrases. They even say "well who else would they add?" and according to the eventual ARMS rep, they can add anyone because even being represented via spirits/assist trophy doesn't rule you out.

I like arms too my dude, I'm just stating facts about the broad smash fanbase and their behavior on the internet.

>People who hate Arms don't even know how the game is played and are rosterfags
We already knew this but thanks for confirming with your post

Pretty much, yeah.

even fire emblem fans fucking hated byleth getting in over an actual lord.

There are no rules user. Sakurai and the smash team can do whatever they want, to still think that such and such can't get in for X reason is silly because you have no basis or experience on the smash development team to make such assertions.

Sonic was a literal last minute edition, and a contributing factor as to why Brawl got delayed in the first place. Sonic wouldn't have gotten in (at least in Brawl) if it wasn't for Snake. Snake (and Konami by extension) opened the floodgates.

Because I don't play smash or arms and don't want him in. Simple as that

Guess everyone who quickly dropped the game for Splatoon are "rosterfags" then.

Yas Forums is just salty people grasping at relevance

Why do people want this piece of shit again?

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Geno is honorary first party.

Cause Mario, Luigi, and Wario are already in the game.

>have to go through Square just to use him for any reason

third party

His design is cool and his potential movelist can be a mishmash of all the party/sports/kart racer games.

>There are no rules user
Until proven otherwise, the AT rule remains.