Where can i find a girl like aerith in the west

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Become mormon.


you can find prostitutes anywhere

Are you a 1st class Chad?

You say that but every time I ask for someone to tell me where, they always give me some meme answer. I got money but I'm ugly. Where is this sex for money I was promised?

Its obnoxious living in a country where I can't just grab a girl off a website or have some brothel I can go to.

A mental institution.

Do you really live in a place where it's hard to find a prostitute. I live in Germany and I just looked up the nearest brothel on the internet. Then I made an appointment by phone and that was that.

I live in a very christian part of the US. I'm sure there are prostitutes but I'll be damned if I know where to find them.

interested in amps (asian massage parlours)?

Unironically this

Any larger cities nearby?

>girl like aerith

I'm interested in anything where a reasonably attractive woman is doing nice things to my dick.

Salt Lake, but that place is a hell hole.

Is Aerith a stacy, cause most mormon girls are?

In a graveyard.

>"has money"
>can't afford to travel farther than his home town

look into amps it's pretty simple and easy

only downside is its mostly just handjobs, seldom blowjobs, rarely full sex (penetration)

i think the best non-darkweb resource for them is rubmaps? there might be another

I don't really want to fly out to Europe or some part of Asia just to do sex tourism. I could. And at this rate I probably will. But I would prefer something within an hour drive.

What's a heathen like you doing living in mormon country? Get out.

In porn.


Is there even a girl that even remotely looks close to Aerith?

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There are plenty of sites, just do 5 minutes of research. tryst is one for example


>500 bucks an hour for a girl that looks like she was run over by a truck 30 years ago when she was in her 30s
Fuck that I'm flying to thailand.

Just move to california, sodomite.

You can't

I don't know California would be much better.


This is probably your best bet, OP.

Thailand is certainly cheaper, but you're deluding yourself if you think the quality is much better. I'm not in the US but you just have to look around. Many are ugly as fuck and can still charge well because people will pay them, but you can get good looking ones for cheap(er).

Real girls smell

Their vaginas bleed too

I lived with my girlfriend for three years and holy fuck it was a mistake

I mean, looking around is the whole idea. But for that you need selection and selection is where I'm having issues. And honestly I would feel a lot better fucking a slag if she didn't cost me 500 bucks an hour. I could fuck a slag for 50 bucks an hour.

No. Because she looks like an anime alien. You don't wan't to see anything like that irl.

For you it would be

Yeah but they are usually pretty good at sucking dick which is a nice plus.

They're the roasties you bitch about every day and choose to jerk off to Asians or black tomboys instead.

That's crackwhore off the street price. You just don't understand the reality of pricing. Why would these girls charge 50 bucks when people will pay more? For someone who 'has money' and just wants to fuck someone, you are bungling over really not that much money. (well i think $500 bucks is pricey, but then i live in a country where prostitution isn't illegal, so it's easier and generally cheaper). Plus i looked on the girls in salt lake on that site and there is many charging way under $500 who don't look that bad. If you want a 10/10 you're going to be looking at a high price because they can charge that shit.

This. Kazakhstan is the home of IRL anime girls.
Though the remake does ascend from anime aesthetics.

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Its value. 500 bucks is expensive, like you said. Why would you pay that for an house with a 6/10 at best? I would pay 500 bucks an hour if I thought I got value, but think about it. If I can fly out to another country and spend under a grand after several days with the locals, why spend that much in the span of a couple hours where I live? The value just aint there. For, lets say, 10 hours with one of these girls, I could fly my ass out to any number of other countries and literally do whatever I want for days on end.

Just come spend a weekend in Montreal Canada once the virus is gone. Just google "escort agency". Prostitution here is illegal, but only child prostitution or street prostitution is enforced by the law

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Thats the current thought. Though I'm mostly eager right now because trying to find dates and shit is fucking impossible with the covid shit going on. Dunno how much I'll be interested once "normal" is back. Guess its a good excuse to travel, which I usually don't have.

This. What incels don't realize is that women are traditional if you are a Chad. They only act nasty to ugly men.

>thinking about traveling internationally during a pandemic to fuck a whore
Absolutely based

Arieth is a whore, sure some mormon girls are like that. Not all though
T. Mormon who is marrying a wholesome virgin qt

only someone who isn't a chad would believe this


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I used to know this super nice mormon girl back in school. Really sweet, good person.

She became a stripper right out of high school. Made me wish I was the kind of guy that would go to a strip club.

In the WEST? Ahaha. Ahahahaha. Pre-2010 you could. Maybe a small town.