What went wrong Yas Forums?

What went wrong Yas Forums?

Attached: Resident-Evil-Code-Veronica-X.jpg (1000x1377, 286.02K)

i just played the first 20 mins of this and i am just wondering one thing, are you supposed to get bit like 5 times in each zombie encounter? Every fucking time they came from all sides at once and i tried shooting em or running past but i couldn't do either without getting chewed on. Is the game supposed to be like this or am i just bad? Played Remake 1 with no problem.

And while i am asking, i put that hawk emblem thing in the 3D printer because i assumed you had to make the metal into a copy that is not metal so you can take it past the metal scanners, and it went in and got scanned but nothing happened and wherever i press on the machine it just says that it is ready or something like that. I don't fucking understand what i am supposed to do do get it to print.

Why would they remake 4 and not code: veronica?

Annoying backtracking
Wesker build up that leads to nothing
Some of the worst boss fights in the series

Decent game, never going to replay.

>muh money

At MOST you could do a thing like Gears of War Ultimate style applying new graphics over RE4

Code Veronica actually needs a remake really bad

Is it worth playing this and 0 if I’ve played all the others? I don’t hear many good things about either

The 3D printer doesn't just make a copy out of thin air

Its more like the actual sequel to RE1 than RE2 which was like a side story and RE3 which was a side story to a side story. RE really goes RE1 -> RE C:V -> RE5

Honestly they should've tied Code V and 3 together in the remake, it would've been a much better game.

I remember getting to the part around this sniper battle with some blonde dude. But what I remember most is I absolutely hated these enemies who had a long fucking arm and could hit you from a mile away.

too much claire bullying

Attached: clairexwesker_bully2.webm (636x360, 311.75K)

>lots of cool gameplay moments and ideas
>best puzzles
>more non-linear than other games, at least pre-Antarctica as Claire
>smoothest movement in classic RE
>the way hunters are implemented is cool
>Alfred is a decent villain, memorable and persistent

>new enemy types are shit
>horrible bosses, up to and including the final boss
>terrible story that permanently tainted RE
>Steve is the worst character in the entire franchise
>Antarctica is mostly boring and drab
>stretched out map design combined with macguffins on top of macguffins leads to an annoying amount of backtracking
>Claire and Chris share item boxes but there is zero indication of when you'll switch characters
>feels drawn out and poorly paced compared to previous games

That scene was silly and unnecessary.
CVX was a mistake, though vanilla CV's story is still dogshit.


Absolutely nothing

RE4 aged like milk. Totally outdated and goofy when you try playing it today. It needs to be redone

You're bad.

>Annoying backtracking to the point were it retroactively made people think all of RE games had tones of back tracking.
>Terrible item management
>Bad pacing
>Chris' sections
>Bad Boss fights

>Every fucking time they came from all sides at once
Welcome to the entire resident evil franchise

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Learn to play tank controls

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>CVX "HD" and RE Chronicles "HD" are stuck on PS3.

These are the last two missing on PC. It triggers my autism so fucking bad.

I no lifed re4 on the GC and had all the shit in mercenaries 5 starred. Went through the game at least 4 times on GC, then went on to play through once or twice on the Wii. Even had it on the 360. Tried playing recently as it was on steam sale. Absolutely atrocious

They need to rerelease 1-3, too. The shitty PC ports are a bitch to set up

explain to me how you can make it out of one of those rooms where you are completely surrounded by zombies on all sides

Unpopular opinion but I'm fine with the REmakes as replacements.

So? The originals still deserve a rerelease

Nothing unpopular about that tho

Nothing. It's better than RE3.

-Unnecessary difficult from the very start.
-Poor story and characters.
-Unnecessary backtracking.

I hope Capcom doesn't remake this garbage and if they do change it completely to make it at least good.

CV isn't that bad, it just kind of falls apart towards the end. Give it a go if you want more classic RE gameplay and are willing to settle for something not as good as 1 through 3 and REmake.
0 is honestly not worth the trouble and frankly I'd recommend skipping it, it's easily the worst mainline entry. Unless you're intent on clearing them all, anyway.

I guess I should have clarified that I want remakes/remastered if CVX/Chronicles to have all the mainline games updated. I feel you though. At least you can always emulate the originals.

On Yas Forums it feels like it.

I actually started that game today and I just couldn't play it. It's so fucking horrible, that intro movie is so incredibly cringy