Devs need to stop making doggo enemies. Who's with me?

Devs need to stop making doggo enemies. Who's with me?

Attached: 9b320ab.jpg (1242x994, 81.74K)

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OP needs to shop making shitty threads. Who's with me?

>lmao just get rid of Yas Forums entirely
You know it'd probably be good for me.

Dog enemies are fucking garbage in every game
Look at this shit (18:20)

I think I'm the opposite. When the enemy has a dog companion, i go for the dog first.

Fuck dogs and everyone who thinks they are more than dumb animals.

Same, they usually do the most damage anyway.

Hello... Based department? We got a based chad over here

Attached: 1586139267840.png (475x433, 342.24K)

Attached: dog btfo rdr2.webm (1280x720, 1.95M)

I always shoot the dogs in multiplayer games with my group of friends cause one of my friends gets so upset when I do that.

We both have dogs too. He has almost no control over his dog, meanwhile my dog is extremely obedient and listens to nearly every order. If I tell it to stop barking, it immediately stops. I have never hit it too.

>playing Modern Warfare 2 remastered
>human and doggo enemies
>prioritize the humans since they have guns, duh
>doggos run up and one shot me

Fucking bullshit

Are you some kind of faggot? Dogs are just a animals as well as humans so if one is trying to kill you killing them first is always justified.

>OwO poor doggo, awooo they cute
If you are so fucked up in the head that you cant discern real dogs from game ones, you are a weak idiot, and I hope devs wont take you seriously

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Canine domestication and it's consequences have been a disaster for humanity. Our ancestors should have focused on felines instead



Oh hey, I saw this on 9gag 3 times today, guess its only natural people would post the same thing here

why is reddit like this

I don't get where this fucking meme came from all of a sudden
do reddit normalfags really only care about emotional stake if there's a damn dog involved?
>hurr durr who cares about humans dying

noooo not the hecking dogerino!

>Cat faggot
Useless fucking furbags.

This but unironically

Where's the wojak?

not risking a fucking image-posting IP range ban over this again. I'm so happy its gone now.

> dev tries to make it a robo or alien dog so you wouldn’t mind killing it
> you do
Stop dogo abuse

>dogfag normies

did you post cunny

What? Are wojakshitters getting rangebanned now?

>cares about dog ENEMIES in vidya
ok ribbit

No more dog killing

Good, I'm happy you get to kill dogs. They are fucking mentally stunted parasites not your "buddies".

it was months ago. I assume it was over söyjack posting because I literally did nothing else that would warrant a ban like that, did not even post cunny

no more dead cops

dogs are shit
fuck you faggot