Attached: baron of hell.gif (200x200, 24.62K)

and icarus alien vanguard

What are some essential Doom WADs?

I already am, OP. I just finish 1, 2, and the master levels. Currently halfway through TNT


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doom 64 is better

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everyday thanks to zandorum online.


>this is the way we wash the car, wash the car, wash the car

now that the dust has settled, what the fuck was sandy's problem?


Attached: HaoaH.gif (600x609, 1.08M)

Already did except for TNT

I'm not a zoomer, I've already played enough of it to not get anything more out of it.

Why do Hell barons wear chinos?

I already do. One of the few games that still puts me in a trance.

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Villains are always fashionable

Mock 2

Time to bully some imps.

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>going straight for pigsy's ass
oh no

Is this a chaingunner meme?

I'm glad Doom 64 is getting the praise it deserves now.

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A man of taste and culture I see

Played Doom 1 for the first time, beat Episode 3 last night. Gonna play Doom 2 next, not sure what after. I wanted to play the games so I could try the modern ones but I do want to try more wads because I like how moving and shooting feels.

Any recommendations for what to play after Doom 2 if I prefer the movement/gunplay more than searching around for keys?

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No, I've always found classic doom boring as fuck. Quake is good though.

How could I achieve body like that?

Do the difficulty levels change enemy spawns? I watched a level walkthrough and the guy had a Baron spawn where I got some pinkies.
I'm playing on hurt me plenty because I'm new to fps on PC

Attached: doomguy.jpg (480x480, 42.52K)


and if you're feeling really brave and (love AESTHETICS):
Ancient Aliens

That's just my opinion though, I think /vr/ has a infographic on how to doom efficiently.

Attached: AAY.png (640x480, 18.16K)


Attached: d64rev.jpg (236x284, 6.16K)


Mod: Aeons of Death (4.2.1 is the most balanced version),

Levels: Armadosia, Hellfire, Scythe, theskymaybe

Fun shit: goats (all of them)

I actually am at this moment.

Which Quake we talking?

Yes. You should restart and pick ultra violence even if you're new to FPSs on PC.


Your favorite one.

I fell for the rerelease meme
>Launche the game
>Fucking 5 or 6 unskippable screens just to get to the main menu
>Bethesda club online bullshit

It's a fucking old ass doom game, why the fuck can't I launch it on the go ? I litterally bought it on the switch to play fucking doom when im chilling in my bed.
Fuck I should have emulated it, im so fucking stupid. Yes im mad.

Consider the first Quake and its expansions is the only good game in the series, then sure.

I just got done with the last chapter now I'm moving on to Doom 2!