What do you want to see in a TWEWY sequel?

What do you want to see in a TWEWY sequel?

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Nothing. I dont trust Square

New original gameplay that uses the features of the console it comes out in effectively.

It is not permitted. The trash of Squeenix will not be allowed to make one and ruin it with their Kingdon Haerts nonsense. Nomura has been warned and chastised.

He's gonna ruin FF7 too

Sacrifices had to be made.


This is the the fifth TWEWY thread I’ve seen just today. Does OP have autism?

t. mageknight14

This, but if I had to choose I would at least want it to take place in a different city with new characters and rules to the Reapers game. The ending of A New Day basically confirms any sequel will involve Neku and the original crew though so again:

What if we play as Hype-chan and a new partner and we just run into Neku and Sho during cutscenes or maybe fight them?

Don’t know or care for who that guy is but thanks for answering my question, OP.

>it's been 8 years since that teaser countdown site just to be disappointed

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Don't worry user, you will see them again in the next Kingdom Hearts :^)

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Whatever you say mageknight14

Who the fuck is mageknight14 and why do you keep bringing him up? If this guy your personal Barry or some shit? And on top of that, why do you keep spamming these threads? Just ruins the flow of them.

is the switch version dogshit? never played the game but i read some posts saying its unplayable there

Play undocked

Just go for the DS. It’s the way better version and the original to boot.

Ignore this guy, get it on Switch.

>recommending the worse version
Are you that same faggot that wouldn’t stop going on and on about how the Switch version has updated visuals, music, and new content in order to shill the port?

The switch version does have updated visuals, music and new content.

And that new visuals clash horribly, especially when you look at the NPCs compared to the main cast. And the new content fucking sucks ass and ends the game on a cliffhanger.

Every game doesn't need a happy ending, stop being such a pussy.

Except TWEWY’s ending was not just happy but satisfying. And the new content doesn’t even throw in new endings compared to, say, the Devil Survivor ports. Just an unsatisfying cliffhanger to an already completed story. And that’s not even getting into the worse visual and gameplay aspects.

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Switch version looks far better than the DS version

With those NPCs? Yeah, no. Sure, the backgrounds and HD filters look nice but the overall aesthetics look and feel amateurish compared to the original. And again, that’s not even getting into the gameplay.

The gameplay is better than the DS version


Explain how. Not only can your partner not take damage, thus downplaying the themes of trust and teamwork in the original, but you also can’t even customize them to play out however you want. You can’t customize their combo maps and panels due to how they now have none and in the co-op version, all you have is three pre-set pins that don’t even significantly change up aside from Joshua. Bosses and enemies are also more nerfed and annoying as well, with the bat boss on Week 1 Day 2 and Konishi being huge offenders, and the overall difficulty feels like a complete joke.

To never exist. Most people understand that the original DS ver had a good solid definitive end. Every port with new sequel bait can continue to troll those still in denial.

It's like people are desperate to see this become the next kingdom hearts clusterfuck

Considering Kingdom Hearts is better than TWEWY in every way, why would that be a bad thing?

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>IP count didn’t even bump up
Oh, so you’re just doing this for shits and giggles. Should’ve thought as much.